
More Horrifying Tea Party Violence!!

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Comrades! It just sickens me to report that our fearless leader Obama was blatantly attacked by the Tea Party[ (who else would dare?) during a Democrat campaign rally in Philadelphia today!! Just look at the shocking photographic and video evidence.

Comrades a closer inspection of the photo shows the book cover and reveals that Tea Party reactionaries are clearly responsible for this attack even though there was no grassy knoll for them to hide on nearby!!

obama shake.jpg
Here is the video link. The vile and cowardly attack occurs around 4:38 minutes into his robust and uplifting speech.

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Which useful idiot Hero of the State made such a noble sacrifice as to prop themself up as a Tea-bagger so as to draw the ire of the sheep voting public? Most DEVIOUS! All Hail the God-State!

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Proletarian Robot,

All I saw around the 4:38 mark was Dear Leader giving people the Heil Hitler Obama hand thrusts into the air. But, this is good, too.

A little later, I saw a fister attempting to get Dear Leader's attention as well.

Is it my machine? It could be my machine.

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Dear Leader is smiling,

He knows if he is struck by this projectile he will not be injured. He is trying out the new Boron Carbide Ceramic version of head protection.

Should be available to everyone in 40 years or so.

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Leninka wrote:Proletarian Robot,

All I saw around the 4:38 mark was Dear Leader giving people the Heil Hitler Obama hand thrusts into the air. But, this is good, too.

A little later, I saw a fister attempting to get Dear Leader's attention as well.

Is it my machine? It could be my machine.

Comrade, here is that KKonservative fister showing off his tea bags ...


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This small but violent reactionary movement needs to be brutally put down, least they disrupt the Social Peace & Harmony ™ that Dear Leader has spread throughout the land and indeed the world.



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ah ha! I had no doubt it was a loyal Cubist! I can imagine the throwee was merely wanting an Obama signature and a simple return by the post authorities, for display in his library. (he was most lucky he didn't hit dearest fearless in his glorious head which would have demanded his immediate shootage by FBI firing squadron)

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Such disrespect would never have been tolerated by the Supreme Soviet. The Procurator General would have dealt with this state criminal swiftly.

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What if was Karl Marx's book? Why didn't he dive to stop it from hitting the ground just incase it was?

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That's attempted murder! I've seen that book and let me tell you, it has some mighty sharp corners. I think the TSA should ban it from carry-on luggage.

(Come to think of it, they should put the author on the Terror Watch List too)

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WE ARE OUTRAGED BY THIS UNPROVOKED ATTAKK AND ASSAULT ON OUR GLORIOUS, VALIANT LEADER!!! We kannot express our anger, shokk, rage, and blatant smear of an attakk against The ONE, Our Korageous and Valiant Komrade-in-Chief, the Great Supreme Obama! WE [highlight=#ff0000]WILL NOT [/highlight]STAND IDLY BY AND ALLOW OUR LEADER TO BE ASSAULTED IN SUCH A GROSS AND UNPROVOKED WAY!!! WE WILL STRIKE BAKK!!!!!! WE WILL BURN ALL KONSERVATIVE BOOKS STARTING WITH THE WEAPON THROWN AT OUR VALIANT LEADER (may he destroy all opposition)!!!! This is nothing more than NAKED AGGRESSION against a MAN of PEACE!!!! And speaking of Naked: This Naked Man - obviously and underpaid shill for the Right and for those who would dare oppose our Glorious Leader - should be sent to the Gulags, where he will better appreciate klothing! LET HIM STAND NAKED OPPOSING AN AK-47! NO OPPOSITION TO OUR WONDROUS AND EXCELLENT LEADER!!!! This deranged book thrower is obviously in great need of redukation at one of our esteemed gulags, as well! ALL HAIL WONDROUS OBAMA!!! HE WILL LEAD US TO PEACE AND VIKTORY!!!!!!
Hmmmm....when they were throwing shoes at President Bush, it received os much playtime on the air, you'd think the shoe was a bomb! But this? This is actually the SECOND story I've seen about this ***AHEM*** "assault". Too bad it didn't hit him: In Samwise Gamgee's words, "Waste of a good book!"

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More evidence of racisim and violence from the tea bags. I expect to collect $100,000.00 from kapitalist lapdog Andrew Brietbart and live lavishly and irresponsiblypromptly burn it! Image

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Sadly, I'm afraid the day is coming when Dear Leader, like the Pope, will have to ride around in some kind of Obamobile with plexi-glass protection. Books won't be the only things they will throw at him. There will be eggs, and both fresh and rotten tomatoes.

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Leninka wrote:Sadly, I'm afraid the day is coming when Dear Leader, like the Pope, will have to ride around in some kind of Obamobile with plexi-glass protection. Books won't be the only things they will throw at him. There will be eggs, and both fresh and rotten tomatoes.

Despicable cretins!



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HopeMobile1? What a clever name for Dear Leader's Campaign Vehicle. I'm impressed.
Those Tea Baggers won't be able to get to him, now.