
More 'Suggestions' From Neo-Nazi Michelle O

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Comrades, compadres and compatriots,

Our dearest of dear almost leader, Moochelle O, has submitted another demand. . . request, that food makers and entertainment companies spend less time and monies advertizing their nasty sugary, salty foods. "NO MORE SALTY AND SWEET SNACKS FOR THE CHILDRENS!" (bumper sticker to be available in the People's Donut and Pretzel Shoppe a week from next Tuesday)

Using one of her Official Unofficial Degrees in Sugar and Saltiness Abuse, she has demanded . . . asked that these evil, capitalist to gather at her White House so she can educate and inform these greedy capitals about what is best for the masses - and it ain't no sugar and salt!

I do not know what parental unites would do, if it were not for the Mrs. dear leader requiring... informing us... them of what is good to be doing?! She is our Parental in Chief making decisions we other peoples are too stupid to be making.

She is our beloved busybody correcting our busy bodies into doing what she has deemed correct!
(... now put down your Snickers bar and go back to work!!)


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GOOD WORK COMRADE, CHE! It is a good thing the People's Cube army has it's supply of illegal guns, supplied by dear leader, is it not?

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Agree wholeheartedly Comradess Frau! The latest AR-15 Shotguns have made it soo easy to subdue the fascist fast fooders! Che' Ramie does not need the bourgeois photoshop! I have mastered the Marxist-Soft Paint applicator which as all good Party Members know, comes installed already on our State issued computing equipment, to create AgitProp for the Glory of Great Leader!

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Che' Ramie wrote:Agree wholeheartedly Comradess Frau! The latest AR-15 Shotguns have made it soo easy to subdue the fascist fast fooders! Che' Ramie does not need the bourgeois photoshop! I have mastered the Marxist-Soft Paint applicator which as all good Party Members know, comes installed already on our State issued computing equipment, to create AgitProp for the Glory of Great Leader!

Comrade Homing pigeon Che',

I object! Why does your State issued computing equipment (SICE) have volume control!!!!? I thought Comrade Dear Leader controlled the horizontal, the vertical, and the volume!

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I concur, Capt'n Craptek.Here's a picture of the new and improved State Media Viewing Device... recently modified according executive order # 902101234567 - 8910


As you can see, the volume control has been eliminated and pre-set at max. output for the convenience of our dear comrades listening in. Also, the decorative chrome strip and manufacturers logo have been removed so as not to make the device appear bourgeois

Oh yes ... the latest, glorious improvement. The channel selector knob has been rendered non - functional. Only the People's channel is broadcast ... 24 / 7.

( The knob was retained so as to give the appearance that they actually have a choice. )

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TWO CHANNELS! Talk about bourgeois! Oh, wait. They're both the same! Is OK.

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And Dear Fraulein , I see that you still look as lovely as the day I first met you ............

Hunched over out in the beet field .... your hands full of freshly picked weeds. I heard that Che Gourmet used them as the main ingredient for his delightful " Organic Souprise " !

Get it ? Soup...rise ? ............ Never mind.

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These are wonderful improvements Comrades! My SMVD is of an older model, I am on the List for Waiting for an improved issue. I was informed it will be ready for pick-up in 2019

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Comrade Krasnodar, you know how we love the newest and most updated devices, supplies by dear leader . . . I am looking forward to receiving such a modern watching device in my personal abode.

"souprise" ... I am laughing, I think, .... um, yes, that was a giggle (what a crackpot!!)

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Wow. Have any of you checked out the LIV channel yet?

smash capitalism.gif