
Mother Jones Compares TED Talks to N. Korean Slogans

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Dear Comrades,

American Media Collective #417, also known as ‘Mother Jones,' has released a helpful information bulletin to educate the Proletariat on the Solidarity of our Socialist Democratic Party with the workers and peasants of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, under the glorious leadership of Comrade Chairman Kim Jong Un.

Quiz: North Korean Slogan or TED Talk Sound Bite?

The bulletin contains quotes from Technology-Education-Design (TED) talks, in which Party concepts are discussed in an educational style designed to entertain and inform those seeking Political Correctness.

Loyal Citizens of the USSA are advised to routinely participate in educational opportunities of Mother Jones, but the Party now asks citizens to volunteer for this compulsory training program. As we all know, thought conformity is an important part of proper political formation, and so exercises like those developed by Mother Jones are essential in ensuring that American citizens are completely interchangeable and compatible with their fellow Proletarians in (North) Korea.

Although the Capitalists and other reactionaries seek to divide the Masses through the confusion of opinions and so-called ‘independent thought, the American Media Collective through its various organs, such as the TED talks, seek to help citizens find the one truth of authentic Socialism. By achieving thought uniformity, we can achieve lasting peace and social justice that will bring about the suffering caused by Class Warfare and conflicting opinions.

The Party also thanks the speakers of TED for their cutting edge and revolutionary presentations that keep our citizens within the boundaries of thought set by the Party. Their Progressive efforts to reinvent the communication of the Party's long-held ideals in seemingly new ways are critical in attaining social harmony and voluntary compliance with Party dictates.

TED and Mother Jones help us maintain solidarity of thought with North Korea! Citizens, preserve social uniformity through political conformity!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Comrade, we always work for the world of Next Tuesday.

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I could have sworn that I heard it mentioned behind Tractor Barn No. 3 that Mother Jones was the Agitprop Media Collective #420, not the American Media Collective #417.

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"Capitalism, at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy!"

I salute this great insight by citizen Jon Ronson, expert on psychopaths. I also say we should keep a close eye on him, if you know what I mean.

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I DENOUNCE Mother Jones for treating the great slogans of Dear Reader as an entertaining diversion.

"Let this socialist country resound with Song of Big Fish Haul and be permeated with the fragrant smell of fish and other seafoods!

"Let us turn ours into a country of mushrooms by making mushroom cultivation scientific, intensive and industrialised!"

Indeed, Comrades, shouldn't these be the slogans for us all?

(p.s. I'm wearing Big Fish Haul Perfume right now.)

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Let all march forth to collect dung for the soup of our children!

Capitalist stooges tremble at the smell of the masses in righteous ferment!

Grow carp in your bathtub to make Dear Leader smile in solidarity with your neighbors!

Clutch your dong in solidarity with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam!

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Andrey Vyshinsky wrote:I could have sworn that I heard it mentioned behind Tractor Barn No. 3 that Mother Jones was the Agitprop Media Collective #420, not the American Media Collective #417.
It depends on which passport or voter ID is being used on a given day.