
Name The Che Monster!

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Comrades, my Che monster needs a name. It is the perfect evil progressive pet. It kills Trotsky and Kulak monsters, liquidates Enemies of The State(TM), and makes t-shirts with progressive slogans. Plus it's soft and furry, and makes happy noises when you scratch it's ears. What more can you demand from a pet? It's better than a dog, and equal to a cat, but cheaper to feed. (Yes, yes, yes Pupovich, I know you denounce me for that)

Right now I call in Comandante and shorten it to "commie".

Why don't you call your new pet, Fidel-E-Bear?

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His face is a little on the canine side. And, also, he looks as if he is about to make an arrest. How about Marshall-Che-Povich.

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I'm still not sure what to name it, but I was taking a walk this evening and my Che monster was sitting on my shoulder describing revolutionary glories, when I flushed a Nano Jimmy Carter Rabbit. The Che Monster jumped down, and proceeded to tear the Nano Jimmy Carer Rabbit to shreds. And then eat it. The pesky critter made me serve it beans and rice before it would eat the rabbit though. Oh well. At least we know they eat Nano Jimmy Carter Rabbits.

Comrade Theocritus, I'll try to find you a Che Monster to deal with your infestation.

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Why not call it Rosie?
Image You haven't shown us a picture of Cheito with its mouth open.

And thank you, thank you for the offer of the Che monster for the Rancho. You don't know what it's like to have an infestation of Nano Jimmy Carter rabbits. Bruno screamed, "Theocritus! Look at that! Get the RID!"

"Bruno, don't be silly. Look at the teeth. They're Nano Jimmy Carter rabbits. They only attack if you seem helpless. Now <i>man up</i>!"

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Even my little Che Monster has ran screaming into a corner. It is sitting there whimpering. Nothing I can do will induce it to come out.

Also I found a strange clutch of eggs this morning. I think some sort of monster laid them, but I do not know if they are Kulak Monster eggs, or Che Monster Eggs. I don't think they are Trotsky Monster eggs. No cookie crumbs in the nest. If they hatch into Che Monsters, I will send them to you post haste Comrade Commissar. Or would you like the eggs unhatched for scientific study? It may be that even a Kulak Monster will eat a Nano Jimmy Carter Rabbit.

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I think I will name it Bubba. The name came to me in a most progressive fashion. (I was drinking)

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By all means hatch the eggs. If they are Che Monster eggs, all the better. If they are Peloski eggs, they will be needed as Madame Speakerette twists on the petard of her own lies, so badly that even the MSM has decided to throw her under the bus to tell the knuckle-dragging Rethuglicans that they are unbiased. And I <i>so</i> believe them.

But do not ever feed them past midnight.

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Peloski eggs? Ohh do not even suggest such a thing please Comrade Commissar. I keep my place clean enough where I shouldn't have to worry about Pelosi eggs.