
New rules to fight terrorism from Comrade Janet

Starting June 2011, every U.S. citizen must wear glorious Kevlar outerwear when in public. Kevlar subsidies will be provided for low income residents and immigrants. Proof of income, residency not required!

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Wearing this... Kevlar™ will adversely affect the Enhanced Pat Downs™.

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None to worry comrades! Those good sheeple citizens among us don't require said pat-downs... generally those are reserved for those reich-wing nutjobs obsessed with that 4th Amendment silliness. The DHS Technology Directorate has calculated it will only require a minor 73-fold increase to the power output of the porno-scanners advanced imaging technology machines to offset the additional layers of clothing.

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A point of order! Her first name is correctly spelled Janut. That is a fit descriptor.

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I don't know about this Kevlar business. If Allah had wanted Infidels to have protection he would have provided it.

At least Janut's border fence is working:

‎Do not mute your state owned television!

"Attention please, this is Comrade Obama. All workers of the world are to immediately grab a shovel, and stand by for further instructions. That is all."

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