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As loyal lapdogdog of The Revolution™ I have no idea where my true loyalties LIE anymore.
I hear my master's and mistress's voice everywhere.




And now this:

Where's a poor Hero Dog of the Revolution to turn?

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Comrade...wake me when McCain's speech is over.

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Comrade...wake me when McCain's speech is over.
No, Save your strength. McCain does not have the mark of the beast.
RINO maybe..but not the beast.
We'll need you for the upcoming battle.
Get some ZZZZZZ....

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CHANGE is what you use to buy high-grade HOPE to snort. All Obama fans seem to be HOPE-snorters, and so they desperately need CHANGE to get some. In other words, because they are addicted to HOPE, they follow those who promise them CHANGE.

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If Barack Hussein Obama is elected, will the women in his inaugural ball wear burqas? Will the men all have to have beards? Will Rahm Emmanuel have a wall fall on him?

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I may need help with directions here...


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"I have change in my pocket--three inches from my prick!"

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It's good the way it is. Funny as hell... I mean... um... global warming!

User avatar's what you do with Red doper diaper babies that are full of shit.

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The new Obama slogan:

I hope you can spare some change, mister!

<img width="540" src=" ... opesr5.jpg">

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I hope we have some change left after the changes Obama hopes to make are made.

At the homeless peoples convention

Panhandlers discuss techniques

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:As loyal lapdogdog of The Revolution™ I have no idea where my true loyalties LIE anymore.

Where's a poor Hero Dog of the Revolution to turn?

We will remain strong in the hope of the unfettered generosity of the human/canine/appliance spirit that has been loosed on this great nation, where a dog of even the most base origin can rise above the petty differences of the many, to bring those that have been given much into a spirit of commonality with those who have little. On this, I know we can all agree, and will go together like a rising tide that changes with the new day, into a future bright with hope, undarkened by fear, awakened to a clarion voice of truth and the pride of American spirit.

Does that answer your question Laika?

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I'm looking forward to change.
The chance to bag a terrorist in my backyard is rather appealing.

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Try moving to Dearbornistan here in the Socialist Utopia of Michigan. We have plenty of them here already. Many are glorious medical students at Wayne State University.

////Char Off////

One of these morons was "hunting kuffer" with an AK in a local park. He was a 3rd year med student. We are seeing more and more of these Muslims with educations becoming islamofascist thugs yet the talking heads keep spouting "lack of education and opportunity is the cause of terrorism". These same fools are overjoyed at silencing Christians and Jews while having taxpayers pay for Islamic footbaths, special "Muslim only" accommodations, and forcing Islam onto schools in the form of "multiculturalism where students pray, but in Arabic and use Islamic prayers, in schools.

Yet defend yourself against these murderous barbarians and you are labeled all sorts of things.

///Char on///

Sorry, where was I? Oh, yes, the Glorious Socialist State of Michigan where we are single handedly taxing/redistributing/regulating/bankrupting the US Auto Industry, and any other industry in Michigan. out of existence.

However, if we keep losing capitalists and other dissenters at the rate we are, we will have to build a new Iron Curtain to ensure these evil doers do not go out and pollute the world (which also might save the dead housing market here).

Comrade TankoGrad wrote:
Try moving to Dearbornistan here in the Socialist Utopia of Michigan. We have plenty of them here already.

Comrade TankoGrad, as your neighbor (a resident of the Socialist State of Ohio), I have heard of the glorious progress made by Comrade Granholm, especially her ability to get re-elected by blaming MI's economic problems on the Bush regime. Her examples are influencing things here, although we have only been a People's State for a year. But already, our new Secretary of State is condemning GOP election stealing and pushing for "cleaner elections," PeoplesSpeak for increasing the neoproxy voter turnout and ensuring RethugliKKKans never win another election. That is true Change (trademark).

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I like change... I especially like throwing change at the homeless who frequently gather around my limo looking for work. Yes, nothing brings a smile to my face than seeing handfuls of quarters, nickles and pennies smack the needy faces of the downtrodden and oppressed. One time - and I'm so ashamed for doing this - I threw a whole roll of dimes off an overpass just so I could watch all the homeless people rush onto the busy interstate to retrieve the change. Ahh yes, so many gave their lives for change. If memory serves me, I do recall at least 50 homeless persons being squashed by 18-wheelers that day - oh, not counting all the motorists that also perished that day.

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Well, I went to visit GOMS to see if he had any spare change for change, but he didn't. He did have some extra leftover Christmas propaganda from Al Jazerra though.

Life is hard when you're a breeding crackhead and your own mom wants nothing to do with you. Gawddamn Bush!

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General Secretary wrote:Image
These people really look like they need some hope & change. I wonder if this was a group visit from a local home for the mentally impared. That kind of people are easy to indoctrinate and should therefore be a priority target for the Obama campaign.

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Comrade Alva wrote:perhaps there is something we can do collectively to help him. Hell, maybe we can even save his life.

That's right. We are expected to understand and act on a strong sense of responsibility toward the group. Self-worth and esteem is derived from that which benefits the collective.

Left to itself the working class would inevitably adopt bourgeois ideology, so we must enact the change necessary to bring about a communalist utopia by hoping for a strong leader and demanding more change.

Hope. Change. Social Programs.

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Comrades! A most excellent progressive socialist has been found that no one but this Commissar seems to have discovered! This is a progressive that I dare say even the Chairman could love.

"Jacob Zuma's election to the presidency of the African National Congress (ANC) has been too celebratory of his win, with some commentators going as far as displaying a misguided form of Mbeki-bashing."

"And how can you not love him for this? In fact, the most likely scenario is that Mbeki's alleged centralisation of power, high-browism and intellectualism (as if this is a bad thing) are going to be replaced by a new form of authoritarianism, patronage and sycophancy."

<br>"He also explained that he had no choice but to have unprotected sex, because in Zulu culture, he said, leaving a woman sexually aroused could be equated to rape itself/URL]. He knew she wanted sex, he said, because she came to his house wearing a skirt, and then said good night wearing nothing but a kanga - a traditional, full-length wrap."

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Ah yes, Ohio, my 2nd home (my mother and many of our friends are glorious members of the new People's State)! The land of WKRP and the real Comrade... Kucinnich.

If all cities could be under his rule (while the MTE of course, rules the universe) then all urban dwellers would face the true "equality" (of misery and poverty in a socialist police state)....

What... Sorry, miserable hacker attempt. I meant to say the true "equality" of a socialist utopia!!

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Comrades! Now comrade non-person has declared support for He Who Must Not Be Named! Victory is within reach! This calls for an early morning vodka shot!

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Comrades! Now comrade non-person has declared support for He Who Must Not Be Named! Victory is within reach! This calls for an early morning vodka shot!
Just a note about Party Funds. This is going to set The Party™ back three Hsu Bundles for the Hillary approved application of the non-person K's Kiss of Death.
We're working very hard to get Jimmy Carter to roll over and endorse BHO and that should seal it, but he's holding out for Kucinich Kash and a ride in Denny's UFO. Are there any other endorsements we should be seeking for our MTE?

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Comrade TankoGrad wrote:Branish,

Ah yes, Ohio, my 2nd home (my mother and many of our friends are glorious members of the new People's State)! The land of WKRP and the real Comrade... Kucinnich.

My sympathies comrade for what my Imperialist Tigers did to the Other State University Monday. But they are animals, can not be held to blame after all,

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But they are animals, can can not be held to blame after all

Doesn't Louisiana qualify as a third-world nation? That gives the Imperialist Tigers carte blanche to destroy whoever they desire as a natural cultural expression of traditional values.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
Doesn't Louisiana qualify as a third-world nation? That gives the Imperialist Tigers carte blanche to destroy whoever they desire as a natural cultural expression of traditional values.

Eggsactly! I just hope we have not damaged Tankograd's delicate sensibilities too badly. But after all, the Other State University is a part of a cartel that has the nerve to call themselves the "Big 10," no different than "Big Oil" or "Big Business." So they benefit from a bit of socialist brotherly tough love, even though the fact they are 0-9 against the Socialist Equality Conference (SEC) in bowl games should have been enough already.

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Laika the Space Dog wrote: We're working very hard to get Jimmy Carter to roll over and endorse BHO and that should seal it, but he's holding out for Kucinich Kash and a ride in Denny's UFO. Are there any other endorsements we should be seeking for our MTE?

Jimmy Carter is a good one, Laika. Hard to beat that for "sealing it." Any other endorsements?... Hmmm... Didn't John Kerry get endorsed by Fidel Castro? or was it Kim Jong il? Anyway, B.O. could use an endorsement from leaders of foreign countries. Gives him the appearance of being competent in foreign affairs. Hugo Chavez would make for a good endorsement. Hugo might help by saying that the HOPE and CHANGE that B.O. would bring about is the same kind of HOPE and CHANGE taking place in Venezuela. Endorsements like that ought to sew things up.

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Why not get Shirley McLain to channel Stalin and Mao? That would be just too cool. Think of the street cred.

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Otis...Just B.O.?

I thought BHO would give us HBO?

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Great News!

I just got David Bowie to endorse my campaign and sing in Denver!

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I didn't know Ann Coulter could play the guitar. Was she doing one of those Paul Shanklin's parodies for the Rush Limbaugh show?

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What is this??? Everyone ganging up on one of the Commissar's favorite singer and Lenin forbid, his favorite hot babe? Have you forgotten that is was Major Tom we sent up to replenish Laika's milk bones and take him for a space walk? Or that is was Bowie who discovered there was was Life on Mars?

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I thought that, as a Dog-American, you would be mostly focused on the visual pheromones emitted by the two female man-dogs in the background who look like MTE and Maureen Dowd during an HBO-Hildo session. Just look at the mellow expression in their eyes! Just look at them!

It appears that the Bowie/Coulter dog-person is discussing the explosive footage on Fox News.

Speaking of which, as Commissar in Charge of the Party Pleasure Palace, you should probably be neutered for the lack of work discipline and the apparent presence of a hidden camera besides the ones that provide live feed to the MTE's headquarters.

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:I thought BHO would give us HBO?

HBO? But I already have HBO. Why doesn't Barack Obama make up his mind? I'm not voting for someone just because he'll give me HBO. What a cheapskate. What about the other channels? Will he give us the other channels too? There's like, hundreds.

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I guess we should give a definition of HBO in the People's Glossary and supply it with testimonials from satisfied customers.

So that there would be no confusing it with the other HBO, I suggest we start calling it -

People's HBO: Hate Bush Orgasm

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Holy Mackeral!

Not only will BHO give HOPE, but lots of FREE HBO AND OPM.

I'll even toss in some CSN to go with The HBO and OPM.

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Red Square wrote:Speaking of which, as Commissar in Charge of the Party Pleasure Palace, you should probably be neutered for the lack of work discipline and the apparent presence of a hidden camera besides the ones that provide live feed to the MTE's headquarters.

What sort of Commissar would I be if I did not have hidden camera's? What if the MTE's feed was to fail? Where would the back up be? There are still wreckers to be routed out and identified! Have you any idea how many I have caught with my cameras? No, I did not think so. However, the feed you see there has nothing to do with my hidden cameras. After all, many of my customers like to have their own record of their fun, which can be had for a fee, and all profits from that go to MTE. You don't suggest that I cut back contributions to the MTE do you?

BTW. speaking of HBO, do not forget BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome.

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What is all this CSN stuff Oh Name Who Cannot be Spoke? Have you forgotten the true enemy?

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Commissar Pupovich wrote: BTW. speaking of HBO, do not forget BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Commissar Pupovich: Please come out from under that rock with your paws up!

BDS is how the reichwing neocons disparagingly refer to the Peoples' most Progressive state of HBO.

THEY think of it as some sort of mental illness. WE think of it as an erotic mechanism for channeling our hatred of that evil, horrible man who lies and murders and slaughters and is otherwise, in general, destroying all of civilization as we know it--or at least as we believe it ought to be.

THEY, capitalist scum that they are, think HBO is a premium commodity one should pay for, and if one can't afford it, TS. WE think HBO should be available for free to all the People, For the Greater Good.

Indeed, ask any of THEM, and THEY will even admit that the only time HBO is really any good and worth indulging in at all, is on those occasional weekends when it's offered for free to everyone.

Comrade Red Square: You spoke of neutering Pupovich. Please allow me to fetch the knife. Or would you like to borrow my extra sharp shovel? One good whack, followed by one good shriek, and . . . that reminds me, I wonder if The Sopranos are on tonight?

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:...destroying all of civilization as we know it--or at least as we believe it ought to be.

Commissarka, I take my hat off to your encapsulation of all that we stand for. Never let reality interfere with your wishes.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:BDS is how the reichwing neocons disparagingly refer to the Peoples' most Progressive state of HBO.

And you would surrender language to them Commissarrka? BDS is the term scientists use to describe the illness of those neo cons. They are the ones deranged.

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By definition anyone who disagrees with me is deranged.

Watch it, folks.

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Yes, Pupovich, but neocons believe so-called BDS is what we Progressives have--what we call HBO!

If there is indeed such a thing as Bush Derangement Syndrome, then it could only apply to those so-called "30 percenters" who still slavishly swallow every lie that spews from that man's mouth--i.e., everything he says.

Now, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a very nice girl with HBO:
Scroll down to Comment #3. Beware of the link to Ladyoak's blog; it is not user friendly. I went there and it had an audio which (a) sounded as if I was getting in on the middle of someone's conversation, and (b) I could not find a way to turn off.

I tried twice to get into her blog. The first time I shot back out immediately because of the audio (a pet peeve of Pinkie's, even though I'm at home). Second time I grit my teeth and put up with the audio, but had trouble scrolling and clicking on her so-called impeachment kit. Then everything locked up, and what followed with me and my laptop and this woman's site was like the last 20 minutes of the movie Alien.

The things I do for The Party!

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Commissarka, I love the treasure-trove that you found. In particular the man who wants Kuchinich 08! Now there's a man after my own heart, when my head is not right. After all, don't Space Alien-Americans deserve representation too?

But all we have to do is wait until the national nightmare of Busharama is over, and my head will not longer feel like it has to explode. After all, the evil rays that emanate from the White House under the Bushitler. I know that they soured the milk in my fridge, and I don't care if the sell-by date was 2003. Bushitler was president in 2003 and so he is responsible for the sour milk in my fridge.

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This Dense-As-An-Oak Broad forgets that in her blog she specified her location as Canada. But she posts in the PeachLand site as if she is a US citizen. What is she doing trying to overthrow another country's president?

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Red, you forget that it is all for World Peace and what we do is important to the world and we set an example to the world yada yada yada

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Red Square wrote:This Dense-As-An-Oak Broad forgets that in her blog she specified her location as Canada. But she posts in the PeachLand site as if she is a US citizen. What is she doing trying to overthrow another country's president?

Funny, I didn't get the impression she was posting as a U.S. citizen, but rather as a citizen of "the planet." Though I also noted she didn't specify which planet.

But not only that:

Europeans Should Be Allowed to Vote in US Elections

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Those of Mexican descent are allowed to vote in Mexican elections. So that's fair too. After all, what's mine is mine and what's theirs is theirs and so why shouldn't they get what they want?

De Standaard wrote:Americans should not be allowed to lock their doors, defend their property or frown at burglars, thieves, or say boo to murderers.

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I posted there but I don't know how much longer I can uphold the battle there. I have not been feeling well lately, and useful idiots they may be, they are perhaps more idiot than useful if you know what I mean?

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Red Square wrote:
People's HBO: Hate Bush Orgasm


Well, you know what BHO should do then? As part of his campaign? Have a big HBO day! You remember the Orgasm For World Peace day. Obama should have a big Hate Bush Orgasm for Hope and Change day. I don't know what day would be a good day for it but on that very special day when the celestial spheres are all properly in line everyone in the world would focus all their hate at Bush. Well, actually, they already do that. Hmmm... Oh! On that special day everyone in the world would have an orgasm at the same time in order to show Bush how much they hate him! All that mystical psychic energy will hit Bush like a billion slaps in the face. Give real meaning to your HBO. Even if it didn't work it'd give Obama the nutroots vote for all time.

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Once again, Life imitates the Cube

From the Wexler (doesn't that sound like a Batman villan?) thread that Pinkie linked:

Im sorry, but playing stupid doesnt cut it with me
what laws or safeguards could they possibly pass that Bush hasnt already gleefully broken while they look the other way?
Who are they kidding? The Democrats are no longer on our side, save the few with some guts
A Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich ticket would be thrilling, but I suspect higher ups in the Democratic and Republican parties would MAKE CERTAIN that would not be allowed to come to pass.
I was a solid Democrat. After witnessing their spinelessness in Congress-no more am I.

Comment by Mark — January 13, 2008 @ 4:04 am

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Laika, think that these people are unsettled because <i>Hillary and Obamarama aren't red enough!</i>

Really. Get out the barbed wire.

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I once read somewhere that in 18th century England, the aristocrats would go to Bedlam Hospital on Sundays to view the "inmates" purely for idle amusement.

Somehow, reading the comment threads at places like that impeachment site remind me of that.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Somehow, reading the comment threads at places like that impeachment site remind me of that.

I couldn't agree more. Spent a couple of hours yesterday morning reading one of the long threads, the one with the article about Vermont and the picture of the guy in the red beany. What a waste of time.

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Commissarka, I quite agree. After all, if you can't have a belly laugh at the expense of a moonbat, then life just isn't good. I know it's mean to laugh at people who are so angry but so what? I in fact like to taunt them to increase their anger, and the result is

1. They are even more outrageous (My head is about to explode from Busharama--the gold standard of moonhowling)

2. They have a stroke.

And so what's the downside?

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Commissarka, I quite agree.
After all, if you can't have a belly laugh at the expense of a moonbat, then life just isn't good. ....

And so what's the downside?

B = Belly
L = Laugh
A = @
M = Moonbats

A target rich enviorn!
Roy Lichtenstein made headway in this regard:
Consider: The Peoples™ BLAM?

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:I once read somewhere that in 18th century England, the aristocrats would go to Bedlam Hospital on Sundays to view the "inmates" purely for idle amusement.
<br>A reverse side of that would be the Democrat leaders commiserating with the downtrodden. As expressed by George Soros in the PeopleSpeak article:<br><br><img src="/images/Soros_100.gif" hspace="10" align="left"> <b>George Soros</b>:With my billions of dollars I don't even have to use PeopleSpeak™, but I tried it just for kicks - and now I'm addicted. It makes me commiserate with the downtrodden! To sit on a golden toilet and commiserate with the downtrodden is a thrill you've got to experience for yourself in order to understand it.

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George Soros wrote:I just love to commiserate with the downtrodden with my billions that I made driving the pound down until the Bank of England could no longer support it and they had to drop out of the ERM--and look at all that lovely money I got. And so what about the Brits? Hey! It's not like they were important or anything. I mean, a whole nation against me? It is to laugh.

This is really kewl! Golden toilets,, and I can even put up Michael Moore for more than one night!

Commiseration rocks!

User avatar
What a waste of time

Otis! I politely disagree!
It is our moral duty!
Break the mime, save a stitch in time. is sport.

I know Pinkie...Bedlam...Bellevue....circa 18th Century England....etc....
But it is not "pure" amusement.

It is also duty.

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Commissar Pupovich

My mother was indoctrinated at OSU, my father was indoctrinated at Michigan State University. Football was always a tense season in my home......

Me, I went to glorious MAC State School (Western Michigan) and have no loyaties to oppressive Big 10 capitalist school teams.

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I went to Rice and don't know what football is.

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Comrades, it's a small world. Kommissar Vodkov went to Rice himself and his Ex to Western M!

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Kommissar Vodkov, I entered the Rice Young People's Army in 1973 and was breveted out in 1978. When did the Kommissar attend?

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My indoctrination took place in a most glorious graduate program 1994-1996!

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Lenin love us, I'm currently spending time with a graduate of that other university in Alabama. I don't see much hope for a long term relationship though...mixed marriages are always difficult.

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By any chance, Vodkov, did you know Ken Kennedy? While in Houston over New Year's I heard that Ken had died. And must have been young, about 62. Which looks young indeed to me.

Now me, I don't intend to die. I intend to be piped just like Lenin. Right next to Our Many Titted Empress, who will, after she assumes room temperature, be embalmed upright like the statue of Jupiter, and things that people drop will orbit her ass.

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It is a small world. I was indoctrinated from 1992-1996 in glorious WMU (which had the school colors of poop and pee: Brown and Yellow in case one is bowel challenged). I have many ex-girlfriend's from WMU, though married one successfully in 2001 and for some reason, she still puts up with me!!!

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I was manacled, so to speak, to another Rice grad from 1979 to 1984 who is now a big-dog economist for the state in the People's Republic of Austin. Whom I haven't seen in 22 years, and I'm counting as though they were pounds lost.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:By any chance, Vodkov, did you know Ken Kennedy? While in Houston over New Year's I heard that Ken had died. And must have been young, about 62. Which looks young indeed to me.

No I don't think I ever met him. I was in a different program, residing in Sewage Hall.

User avatar
Ah, where the ground floor is the third floor. What a monument to the People's Rationality, where up is down and down it up and one is three. Sewell? Fine Arts? I spent my time at Herman Brown and Abercrombie--math (science) as there was no computer science degree, and dabbling in EE for fun.

And I drove onto the campus a few weeks ago and wondered WTF--twice the size of before.

And it brought back memories. I was assigned to the People's Collektive of Hanszen College, which took the paltry sum of $90 a year to furnish free washing machines--which, being free, were never free or working, for Weiss et al used them. And they offered People's Courses of education, which no one except they wanted. They also sponsored the Beer Bike race, that paradigm of the People's Sport.

<off>I well recall once attending a cabinet meeting in the evening and inquiring why they took the $90.

"Because we offer this...and this..and this..."

"I can get better that works for less choosing what I want."

"But you can't..."

And there followed 45 minutes of the most delicious wrangling, all brought on by little old me. I, at the age of 19, managed to get those politos, most of them Young Democrats, red-faced and spluttering, insisting that I could do better for myself. I got nothing of course but they knew they'd been in a fight.

Every time there was an election the Young Democrats would get together and after much deliberation offer up guidance on how we ought to vote. Of course I voted exactly opposite. These were the sort of people who were guilt-edged fools--100% wrong, all the time. If they told me the sun was shining at noon, I'd walk outside and check.

Once a bill of 19 amendments to the Constitution was offered and they said vote yes to all but no to, say, no. 10 because it would make amending the constitution harder.

Do you hear that? Government by the seat of your pants. People as pets. Even at 19 I knew them for what they were.

Precious fools.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Ah, where the ground floor is the third floor. What a monument to the People's Rationality, where up is down and down it up and one is three.

Precisely comrade. Socialists like us, who are forced to live in a KKKapitalist society, abhor tall buindings. Tall buildings symbolize money and are therefore bad. Houses should be small, equally small! From what I heard our dear comrades at Rice had some kind of a rule regarding how high buildings on campus could be. Sewage Hall was accidentally designed too tall (the architechts have been purged) and therefore had to be pushed into the ground, creating the Rice People's Nuclear Bunker.

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Yes, Comrade; it was decided that although Lovett Hall and Fondren Hall (for those of you who did not go to this branch of the Comsomol are the administration building and the library, of bowdlerized books) could be more than three stories, the other four buildings flanking the main quad could be only three stories. So the cost of Sewage Hall was doubled, and its basement hosts sump pumps taking out the water of William Rice Marsh University 24/7.

When I was there, it wasn't too political, and I slapped the shit out of the politicos at every opportunity, having lots of fun even then. I was an SE, and we had no use for them, thinking them quite beneath the salt, only gabbling and preening and posturing although those weren't the words we used; our vocabularies of disparagement were not sufficiently refined. I have had, after all, 30 years in which to sharpen my darts. And I have used them.

But is there any organization on earth more absurd than a college cabinet? WTF does a student know about running things? Students are "a sorry lot," as Buckley said and he's right. Just out from the control of their parents, flush with the fun of drinking (the drinking age became 18 in August of 1973--I came of age not on my birthday but four months after by fiat), and all of the sudden in control of their lives.

In about 2003 I was in Salt Lake and watched on the PBS station the matriculation of the students at BYU. They were addressed by a man who looked like James Carville, without the sleaze. He had been a justice on the Utah Supreme Court but had resigned at the request of the president of the Corporation to be on the Council of Twelve, evidently the cardinals of the Mormon church.

I liked him a lot. He said, "Welcome to BYU. To you who are not LDS, welcome to BYU. We hope that you take advantage of the opportunities here to learn, and remember the sacrifices the LDS churches and your families made." And his gaze sharpened, along with his voice, and he said, very nicely and in other words, "Don't fuck around."

What a change from Norman Hackerman, who ought to have known better, saying to me in 1973 that we "were the light of the world" yada yada yada which even at 18 I knew was a load of cobblers.

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Although he's much more likable than Our Empress, he's more of a lightweight too--he's gotten by because no one dares attack him. His opinions are juvenile by far and large and the big cruel world needs a real SOB to deal with the bastards and our Empress is mean enough to do it. Remember JFK's reaction to Kruschev? Our Empress could, I think, be mean enough to handle that. BHO? Because he's never been challenged--attractive, an accredited victim--does he have ability to stand up to that?