
Obama Czar promotes "Complete Circles of Life" program

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

It is indeed a wonderful day for the Party!

Obama's Chief Regulatory Czar Cass Sustein is apparently in favor of the “Complete Circles of LifeTM” System as envisioned by yours truly!

(See article)

According to the report:

“In his 2008 book, "Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness," Sunstein and co-author Richard Thaler discussed multiple legal scenarios regarding organ donation. One possibility presented in the book, termed by Sunstein as "routine removal," posits that "the state owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone's permission."

"Though it may sound grotesque, routine removal is not impossible to defend," wrote Sunstein. "In theory, it would save lives, and it would do so without intruding on anyone who has any prospect for life."

Sunstein continued: "Although this approach is not used comprehensively by any state, many states do use the rule for corneas (which can be transplanted to give some blind patients sight). In some states, medical examiners performing autopsies are permitted to remove corneas without asking anyone's permission."

Sunstein's example of medical examiners removing corneas, however, applies only to patients who are already declared deceased.”

Now the emphasized parts are critical... (Especially that last bit). It may put the troubled hearts of Proles at rest, but to you and I, that phrase warms the cockles of our Party-issued Hearts (small though they are). For we know that words are basically meaningless for all intents and purposes. As you will no doubt recall how Dear Leader (apuH) adroitly changed the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of a “Tax” while castigating that snotty-nosed sellout Stephanopoulos who dared wield such a heavy book at the Great One (apuH). When the PARTY is in control, the precise definitions of words are the prerogative of the state. Or as the Wise Latina Justice-bringer Sotomayor put it…That's what he said, but that not literally what he meant.

Allow me to elaborate…a little “inside baseball” (if you'll please pardon the vernacular colloquialism) for those of you new to the party. No doubt some of you older hands will also marvel at the masterful presentation by an Inner Party Czar such as Sustein

1) "the state owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone's permission."

As you well know, to people like you, me and Sustein (and of course You Know WhO) the State owns the rights to everyone, cradle to grave! We just haven't yet managed to convince enough of those Bitter Clingers…yet. So, Com. Sustein put it in code you and I could clearly understand (with the wink, nod and knowing grin):

[Decoded]: The state owns the rights to people and their body parts…because even if they are NOT dead yet, we can put them in such a “Hopeless ConditionTM” though the manipulation of currencies, tax code, fascist directives, and….OF COURSE Com. Dr. Ezekiel's interpretation of Healthcare Resource Allocation.

Image ... 98676.html

Rather look at it more "creatively" the way Com. Sustein does...

So, if you are an old fart who's outlived your productive years, are a juvenile delinquent who is certain to become a drain on the State resources, or a Bitter Clinger who has not yet come to realize the wisdom of the Dear Leader (apuH), then YOU are in what Sustein (or other faceless Party bureaucrat) may term a “Hopeless ConditionTM” and the State may reallocate your vital organs to more vital comrades!

(oh! had we worked out brain transplants in time to save Teddy! Can you imagine?)

Brilliant! It sounds reasonable, because depending on how you interpret the words used, they ARE reasonable! Isn't sophistry such a wonderful device?
2) In theory, it would save lives, and it would do so without intruding on anyone who has any prospect for life.

In order to reinforce the message, our Comrade adds this to ENSURE we understand the code lingo.

[Decoded]: In practical application, it would save the lives of those we deem worthy of saving without intruding on anyone WE deem has any prospect for a meaningful) life…both conditions of course are determinations that must be arbitrated by the Party or by extension, the State (you're too selfish to determine for yourself whether your ‘prospects for a l life' are meaningful). These decisions are best made by faceless bureaucrats.

This is an extension of the previous thought.

3) ...applies only to patients who are already declared deceased."

That's the clincher! Because we ALL know who issues public records….don't we?

[Queue Cheshire Grin]

So, if you have any doubts where Obamacare is headed, you may put your minds at ease. It is the ULTIMATE in wealth redistribution!

I'll leave you all with this one parting skit to allow you to see the future of the USSA! Welcome to Civilization!


Ah! Life imitates Art: If it can be imagined….It can become reality!

Marvel at the Power of Humanity!

Perhaps a Nobel Prize for Medicine is in Order?


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Excellent work Comrade! And all the more necro-proxy votes for The Party™!!!

Writes Sunstein: "A policy that can pass libertarian muster by our standards is called presumed consent."

"Presumed consent preserves freedom of choice, but it isdifferent from explicit consent because it shifts the default rule.Under this policy, all citizens would be presumed to be consentingdonors, but they would have the opportunity to register theirunwillingness to donate, and they could do so easily. We want tounderline the word easily, because the harder it is to register yourunwillingness to participate, the less libertarian the policy becomes."

Sunstein continues: "Although presumed consent is an extremelyeffective way to increase the supply of organs available fortransplant, it may not be an easy sell politically. Some will object tothe idea of 'presuming' anything when it comes to such a sensitivematter. We are not sure that these objections are convincing, but thisis surely a domain in which forced choosing, or what is referred to inthis domain as mandated choice, has considerable appeal."

Sunstein advocates making it mandatory for all citizens toregister either as an organ donor or as unwilling to donate theirorgans.

Now that's Liberty™!!! I think I'll have liver tonight for dinner...

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Ah! Yes... Yet once more... Life Immitates Art with uncanny irony:


George would be so PROUD!

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TWO lungs, kidneys, a liver that regenerates itself, and blood that can be tapped? Comrades, just think of all the people who are hoarding precious body parts and fluids that might be needed elsewhere?