
Obama Delivers Positive Results

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For the first time in his presidency, Barack Hussein Obama has delivered results that are indisputably positive.

+ Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
+ EV-D68 Enterovirus
+ Tuberculosis

MMMm, MMmm, Mmmm Obama!

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pResident Obola really is a Champion of Africa.

By infecting Americans with a previously obscure disease that only infected Africans in the past, he can guarantee action on quickly developing a cure!

Dear Leader is very wise.

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Evil Smiley wrote:By infecting Americans with a previously obscure disease that only infected Africans in the past, he can guarantee action on quickly developing a cure!
It worked for AIDS so it will work for Ebola. Dear Leader should get a second Nobel Prize for this.

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Of course, pResident Obola, the CDC and the elites know what is best for the earth and so their judgement must not be questioned with any racist inquiries.

As you know, to agree with pResident Obola and his policies is good Progressivism.
To disagree is evil Racism.

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Don't Panic!
You cannot catch Ebola riding the bus.
Don't Ride The Bus if you have Ebola!
You can spread Ebola while riding the bus.

Actually, the CDC really did say this:
  • You cannot catch Ebola from sitting next to someone on a bus.
  • You can spread Ebola by riding on the bus.

Don't believe me? Watch the video: ... 960132.mp4


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Dedhedvedev wrote:
Evil Smiley wrote:By infecting Americans with a previously obscure disease that only infected Africans in the past, he can guarantee action on quickly developing a cure!
It worked for AIDS so it will work for Ebola. Dear Leader should get a second Nobel Prize for this.

Even more Obam-amazement, His single action can be considered SIMULTANEOUSLY for Nobel prizes in Peace, Medicine, and Economics...

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pResident Obola's efforts do not just begin and end with Obola Hemorrhagic Fever, he has made great strides in introducing the EV-D68 Enterovirus into most of the 57 states.

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"Actually, the CDC really did say this:
You cannot catch Ebola from sitting next to someone on a bus.
You can spread Ebola by riding on the bus."
I guess if you're riding on a bus (like a good proletarian) but you're not catching what another rider is pitching, then YOU'RE SAFE.
The real solution - switch to the bicycle! Make your ebola-carrying rider sit in the second seat of that bicycle built for two so he or she can cough or vomit AWAY from you. With critical thinking like this, Dear Leader should name ME the "Ebola Czar."

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Komrade Katz wrote:The real solution - switch to the bicycle! Make your ebola-carrying rider sit in the second seat of that bicycle built for two so he or she can cough or vomit AWAY from you. With critical thinking like this, Dear Leader should name ME the "Ebola Czar."
Away or toward will depend on which way the wind is blowing and how strong the current is of the projectile vomiting. ("The vomit, my friend, is blowing in the wind....") And having the passenger face backward will not help because of the explosive diarrhea (not to be confused with aircraft explosives carried in undies).

Perhaps an EBOLACYCLE could be developed with sidesaddle in back so that effluvia from both ends will be carried backward ... into approaching traffic ... oh, wait ... we might need a whole new government agency to manage this program. As always, I selflessly volunteer to run said agencyand all its perks.