
Obama Inspects GM

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The president was pleased by the laughter on the assembly line.

Are We Lumberjacks

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The man is a true visionary of the People ™.
What's going to be the next amazing 5 yr plan?


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Comrade, the electric is produced by coal we cannot mine.

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Dear Leader as a chauffeur... how appropriate appropriately wrong. I wonder how many he purchased?

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Dear Leader as a chauffeur... how appropriate appropriately wrong. I wonder how many he purchased?
My Dear Fraulein....... Volt now to become official party ride of the Marxist-Socialist Democrat Party. Like ZIL of old days in glorious Rodina! But bought and paid for by Obama dollars (our TARP money), as party elite of correct opinion that these to be property of the peoples, but they are the caretakers (as usual)......

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That is good knowledge to have, Comrade Badnoff. I like to know that taxpayers money is going to good usefulness and glorious entitlements.

And I am most delighted to see dear Leader having an upclose and personal meeting with The People's Cube dearest leader Image . . . which is in a crummy, non-government owned Ford?!

bo focus.jpg

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Boris Badanoff wrote:My Dear Fraulein....... Volt now to become official party ride of the Marxist-Socialist Democrat Party.
Thank secular paradise, Komrade Borris! The former party choice did nothing but defecate in the roadway and belch out harmful carbon dioxide and methane gas. Will most esteemed Volt be availabe to the prolatariate as well?

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I like the advertisement for GM's Volt provided by comrade Lumberjack, although I wonder why that one worker isn't smiling and clapping.

(The not so subtle link to his website however, not so much.)

Some might get the silly idea that your post was just an excuse to advertise your website at the People's expense. I know, it's a crazy idea, but you know how some folks can be.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Some might get the silly idea that your post was just an excuse to advertise your website at the People's expense. I know, it's a crazy idea, but you know how some folks can be.

Sorry, it might have appeared that way due to the inconvenient juxtaposition of that being exactly what it was.

I didn't realize that was frowned upon though, so to avoid further frowning, I will probably not do it again. After three trips to the reeducation camps, I suppose I should have learned by now.

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This is about ideology Jobs - Jobs and more Jobs.
The Volt accessory market promises to create or save millions of JOBS!


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Good one Shovel 4U, you won't go wrong when you hitch your wagon to the Movement.

Sweat not comrade Lumberjack, links even to your own site are ok if it's germane to the post, like if it provides more details. We just don't want the place to turn into a Craigslist. Some folks have abused the People's hospitality in the past.

For example, Mrs. Al would offer the services of underwives as brides for a day.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:... you won't go wrong when you hitch your wagon to the Movement....

Comrade Whoopie,

Speaking of "hitch[ing one's] wagon to the Movement," I know you'll be happy that in the name of the Collective, I've filed a patent-infringment suit against a British company making a vehicle to compete with our latest GM vehicle by stealing the patent I generously gave to Government Motors last year when Obama wisely seized it. Regarding the patent suit, see

--Gorbels Cube

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Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on a Voltswagen and cruise all day long (or 40 miles, whichever comes first) down our glorious American Recovery and Investment Act-built superhighways (Little known fact: there were no paved roads outside major cities until the Stimulus Plan invigorated the road building industry). It truly is the People's Car!

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Comrade Whoopie wrote: For example, Mrs. Al would offer the services of underwives as brides for a day.

Hmmmm... that may make for good idea. Husband is always in need of more of the money for the cause of our country people. And I could be for having a break from so many of the underwives.

I will have to be for pondering of such things.