
ObamaCare: The Drive By Shooting of America

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I admit I was wrong about ObamaCare – to a point. You see, I knew it would be bad, but I underestimated just how bad. My prediction, and those of so many others, was hardly anything that bordered on the prescient or prophetic. Just like any meteorologist can tell you that a cold front will bring cooler temperatures, so anybody who has studied history, government, and economics, even superficially, could tell you what government intrusion into health care would mean. Thomas Sowell, the King of Clarity, pointed out the obvious when he said, “It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.” Is anyone surprised at the increased costs or the number of those being denied care because of a 2,000 page bill implemented by who knows how many pages of administrative manuals? I'm not surprised that any of this happened, not even at the backward technology in the failed government website, but I am surprised at how fast and how extensively it has impacted the lives of vulnerable Americans.

A few of us took warning at the flippant comment to a woman in regard to her elderly mother, "…at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller." Did you notice the pronouns? Not you, your mother, your doctor, but we can let your doctors know. Still, some starry eyed devotees of government hoped that this president would be the one to make it work even if such a system has either produced even worse waiting lines, denials of service, diminished quality of care, or gone bankrupt everywhere it has been tried. No, not this time. This president sends thrills up people's legs, sunlight glints off his chiseled pectorals, and his trousers have a genuine crease in them! But he is man, and not a god. In fact, he's a pretty poor president, and more and more we see evidence of a self-centered and cold disregard for others.

Is liar too strong of a word? When we learn, "That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you'll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what,” really meant if we don't like your health care plan, we'll demand it be changed even if it drives up the cost out of reach for “only” millions of Americans. I think if I said something like that, and explained what I “really” meant in a similar manner, someone just might call me a liar.

Is theft too strong of a word? Policies of the Affordable Care Act forcibly regulate how insurance companies may spend their money. You are required to buy a policy you otherwise wouldn't purchase or pay a progressively increasing fine to the government. If I forcibly regulated how somebody else spent their money, it would look a lot like theft, wouldn't it? The trend for governments that run out of money is to resort to confiscation. It was true of ancient Rome and modern day Greece and France, and it could become true for us as bureaucrats hungrily eye the savings accounts of those who have been responsible with their money. We see Europe as a warning; they see it as a precedent.
Is disaster too strong of a word? If suddenly a single city of “only” millions of souls were laid off, suffered financial hardship, or couldn't access health care today when they could yesterday, what else would it be called?

Is manslaughter too strong of a word? It's a much nicer word than the one liberals loved to fling about when George W Bush was president. If I deliberately intervened between another human and their access to life saving care, what else would it be called? What's the essential difference between my disconnecting a cancer patient's IV from life-saving chemo treatment and a law that makes such treatment inaccessible when it was previously available before the law? The nicest way to put this is that there will be unnecessary deaths on account of this law. A harsher way to put it is that this act is the president's drive by shooting of America. Well, not all of America, “only” a few million citizens. For now. Did I go too far in this paragraph? If the president insists to the point of lying on implementing a program that causes this much suffering, I'm stumped trying to think of a nicer way to say it.

So, what to do? Constitutionally, this law can only be unmade in the fires of Mount Doom from whence it came – that is, Congress. This law needs to be repealed, not repealed and replaced with socialism lite, but completely struck and replaced only with freedom. Do that, and you'll see near miraculous economic growth. Watch for who's running in the primaries. If you have the passion and the resources, get involved. We need patriots who identify with the suffering of Americans like never before, and are willing to stand and fight. Ted Cruz and the Boston Tea Party like removal of the war memorial barricades are a good start, but we have got to replace the Democrat Loyalists in the Republican Party if we're ever going to see meaningful reform and a return to prosperity.

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Ah yes, our very own Prezzy Pants On Fire, doing drive by country killing on his 2-Speed...

Remember, he's only doing what he promised BEFORE his first election - a fundamental transformation of America. And the LIVs voted for him twice.

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This just in! Dear Leader is sorry that we've found ourselves in a situation based on his assurances, or that we're too stupid to understand what he really meant. What a precedent this sets. If I whack somebody in the back of the head with shovel or a crowbar, all I have to do is say, "Oh, I'm sorry you got in the way. Hope that didn't hurt too badly." And then all is well.