
Off to Africa

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I look around me at all the problems we face and I ask myself "Why doesn't the president go to Africa so things will get better?".

Then I realize, he is going, but he plans on coming back.

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Yes Comrade DeKoquonut, Dear Leader (PBUH) has much wild game to shoot. He has recently run out of animals at the National Zoo, and must supply his family's meat locker with more exotic game. It is all for the children™ of course.


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Obama's mission for his June, 2013, trip to Africa is to enable Africans to understand the reason his approval rating in Africa has plummetted below that of George W. Bush: "It's Bush's Fault."®


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Comrade DeKoquonut, it is splendid to see you - while I, personally, tend to put the lime in the bottle of Negro Modelo and try NOT to shake it all up, nevertheless it's refreshing to see that long missing avatar. Kinda makes me long for a shot of Cabo Wabo, too, but since it's only 5:45 am I may put that off for an hour or two.

But meanwhile, back to Africa: as I've mentioned elsewhere recently, one of President Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama's primary tasks of late is to do everything he can to spend all those extraneous tax dollars that keep coming in. A lot of people don't realize that the combination of too much tax money in Washington DC AND Global Warming - which 394% of all scientists, oral hygienists, and people who run hot dog stands firmly believe to be caused by man (and womyn) kind - is liable to cause the United Soviet States of America to tip on its flyover land axis into the Atlantic Ocean.

What this means is that, even though Dear Leader already successfully lowered the rising sea level, the east coast is in danger of being submerged.

The only way out of potentially drowning the entire eastern seaboard, possibly as far west as Tennessee, is to offload those heavy tax dollars in any way possible.

The African vacation is going to cost approximately a gazillion dollars, even without the ill-fated safari, plus it will temporarily remove several hundred Secret Service, NSACIAFBIetc™, hairdressers for Mooochelle and the girls, other official entourage members, and friends of the first "lady" from the east coast, thereby lightening the load while all the extra money is spent.

Remember, FLATUS herself has been taking numerous vacations, usually with 30 or 40 of her closest friends and family members (and, of course, the attendant official SS, entourage, etc.) to do her part in saving America's east coast.

We have never had such a caring , fiscally responsible, and deeply scientifically aware couple as President and FLATUS of the United Soviet States of America, comrades.

It's a beautiful thing.