
One World Utopia NOW!!!

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TOP SECRET!!! For Party Elite Eyes ONLY!

Fellow Esteemed Comrades,
Our One World Utopia is at hand! While the Freedom (spit), Liberty(spit) loving kapitalist were asleep our comrades in charge have been doing our bidding like Krony Karl on the konk of da-donk-a-donk. Leticia. All comrades remember the murmurs of our dear leaders in the motherland of One World Utopia and now we hear the avid calls by glorious leadersof the Western world that The One will usher in our New World Order.


Utopia at last comrades! Please grab a glass of vodka, sit back in your peoples dacha and enjoy this wonderful thing that we are doing for The People(TM), for The Children(TM), for Whirled Peas and a Kinder Gentler Nation Whirled!

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"I for one welcome our new alien overlords"
-Kent Brockman, the Simpsons

Ron Paul is very clever. He portrays himself as a Rightwinger while remaining a steadfast 9/11 Truther and he's the only "Rightwinger" who's ever been welcome at Code Pink rallies. That tells me all I need to know about the man.


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Very good Comrade Whoopie! Anyone with dissenting views or who would dare entertain any ideas other than The Current Truth(TM) must be painted as a Lunatic! Now that the teabaggers are our greatest dissenters from The Current Truth(TM), Code Pink, who threw some of the first tea parties against the evil Bushitler, must be admonished and there shall be no dissent! They are all lunatics! Until they are useful to the parties cause again.

Whatever you do, do not entertain the idea that different people have different views and the only way to reconcile those views is to promote Individual Liberty and the peoples right to lead the states who in turn lead the federal government.

One World Utopia NOW!!!!

**sniff** Comrades, this bring tears to my eyes!!

All of the Party's hard work and planning is coming to fruition. One World Order NOW!!! We can wait No longer!!
Glenn Beck's feeble attempts to thwart the Party's plans will soon be thrown into the ash heap of history. Rush Limbaugh will have his radio show outlawed and all of the rest of the Reich wing talk lunatics will be silenced for the Common Good™.

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I find the saliva-inducing magic of the words "the military-industrial complex" a wonderful cure for cottonmouth resulting from a different kind of mind-blowing bomb.

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Bildabees, Bildabees buzzing all around.
Look about, there's none to be found.

Hold on Comrades, I've got a call coming in on the Red Phone.

"Hey, what's up? Oh, those? The new units are a total success. The chip layers in the new cards are singing like birds. Yep, we're right on schedule. Should have total saturation in about two years. Takes a little time. We have to wait for everyone to renew them. We've just about got the implants done. Just a few more bugs to fix and they'll be ready. By the way, can we meet somewhere warm this year? It's been damn cold here. Ok, you too. Thanks for the update."

Ok, I'm back. Where was I? Yea, the Bilderberg Group and the new World Order. It so funny that some people actually believe that stuff. A small group of people pulling the strings on a whole planet? One World Government? This is far out conspiracy stuff. Really fringe.