
People's Cube champions workers vs robots

Robots are not necessary - we, human workers, are able to do this task as fast and efficiently as a robot, thanks to the People's Cube. Competition is barbaric enough, without bringing machines into the mix. When Comrade Bernie is elected, and the national minimum wage rises to $15 an hour, robots will be doing all the hard work, while we humans collect all the goodies from the glorious socialist system.

Watch this robot solve a Rubik's Cube in 1 second

Just think, for the unequal cube created by Rubik, the current human world record is held by Lucas Etter at 4.904 seconds). With the Peoples Cube, we are all record holders!

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Amazing. I was about to post this story myself, and you beat me to it!

Are you actually a robot?

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Red…the glorious colors we will see on election night!

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Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton debate their college-tuition plans:

Bernie says, "Under my free-college-tuition-for-all plan, everyone will be able to solve The People's Cube in less time than the world-record of 4.9 seconds."

Hillary says, "But under my plan, everyone will receive a free People's Cube with a built-in reset button."

Who will get the LIV vote?


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"When I become President I promise to outlaw all machines that rob people of their right to jobs; these machines that just help the billionaires make money and keep you down," promised Bernie Sanders today.

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Finally! The world is waiting patiently for Walmarts to offer these time saving Cube-Bots at prices the general public can afford. At last,... the hour seems near at hand. Imagine, if you dare, a world where humanity no longer waits for simple humans to manually arrange the colors on their Cubes - just imagine!

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I'm really looking forward to a People's Cube with a reset button. That will be very helpful for those times when I'm struggling to solve it. I'm READY for Hillary.

Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:I'm READY for Hillary.

Ah? Armed and willing to use them like yer mates down under, are yer then, old cobbler?


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Ronitchka wrote:
Robots are not necessary - we, human workers, are able to do this task as fast and efficiently as a robot, thanks to the People's Cube. Competition is barbaric enough, without bringing machines into the mix. When Comrade Bernie is elected, and the national minimum wage rises to $15 an hour, robots will be doing all the hard work, while we humans collect all the goodies from the glorious socialist system.

Watch this robot solve a Rubik's Cube in 1 second


Comrade Ronitchka,

Shouldn't we insist that this robot be named "Bernie"? It seems only fair. I'd bet that not even Hillary's "reset" button could work that fast.

Maybe Bernie should amend his "tuition" proposal to also include the costs of converting each of us into cyborg so we can effectively compete in the future world lying just beyond Next Tuesday.


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Lev Termen wrote:

Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:I'm READY for Hillary.

Ah? Armed and willing to use them like yer mates down under, are yer then, old cobbler?


Never trust a koala. Those bludgers are nothing but lay-about drunks with mean tempers......kind of like Ivan the Stakhanovets.