
Please List All Grievances Against Sarah Palin Here

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You know that we progressives have thousands upon thousands of grievances against the Palin. So, I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to take out a pencil and paper and start their own lists. Once you get your list compiled, then please report back and list your own personal grievances on this post. This way we can keep a record of all those pesky little things that annoy you about her. Feel free to list even the smallest things.

I'll get started here with my own list:

I hate her ankles, especially the backside.

I hate the way she prances around Alaska during her morning jogs practically saying: "Hey, look at me! I've had five kids, and I make a point to keep in shape. Don't I look marvelous?"

I hate the way she made Kate Gosselin look when they went camping, brushing off the miserable weather, mosquitoes, etc., as if they were nothing.

I hate her bangs, they way they hang down in her eyes. Get a hair cut! At least Hillary wears here hair up away from her face.

I hate her folksy way of talking.

I hate the way she calls her husband "my guy."

I hate her glasses.

I hate her perfume. Okay, I've never seen her in person, but I'm certain that I would hate her perfume.

Okay, that's a good start. Let's see if we can't bring some more grievances up on this post, so that if she ever dares to run for president, or any office, we'll have plenty of ammunition gotcha evidence against her.

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I hate her truth telling vile lies.

However, on the bright side, her use of surveyor markers cross hairs on maps makes criminal lunatics oppressed proles go out and shoot people. Thus, Sarah's maps completely relieve us of any personal responsibility for our actions. So, as vile as she is, she does serve our progressive purposes.

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I hate the way she looks. NO woman really looks that good like that and we all know it.
I hate her hair and there's just too much of it.
I hate that she can shoot a gun and look good doing it.
I hate that she's so skinny. No woman is really that skinny.
I hate that she wears those high heels when combat boots are more comfortable and we all know it.
I hate the way she looks so... so....... ridiculous trying to ride a bike sideways.

Image I hate her non hairy legs. Who wants legs like that, I ask?
I hate the way she kills poor, innocent animals and fishes and looks so proud of it. spit
Image I hate the way she walks. Who walks with their hands way up in the air like that? That is just silly.
Image I hate her because........ just because. Does not everyone!

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I hate Sarah because she called her political opponents the enemy and told her followers to be sure to bring a "gun to the knife fight". I hate her because she wants loony reich-wingers to take up arms and march upon the cities in a wave of ethnic/racial cleansing that will eliminate anyone who does not have pasty white skin and speak in a nasal tone.

I hate that she is well groomed and likes to look like a woman, its so upity. Does she not understand that her leftist predecessors made it possible for her to chop off her hair, throw away her bra and wear a pantsuit EVERY DAY!?

I hate that she isn't self centered enough to abort her son when she found out he had down syndrome- it makes me feel bad about myself.

I hate that she is so uncivil and responsible for any bad thing that happens to anyone registered democrat even though she is merely the one time governer of the State of Alaska.

I hate that she keeps injecting herself into the public-eye. No one wanted to hear what she had to say about the shooter of Gabby and her speculative responsibility for it! Shut-up all ready lady! The press is allowed to smear you, not the other way around!

I must say I'm not a big Palin fan. That isn't to say I dislike her I just don't see much there as far as the future of conservatisim is concerned. The media perpetuates her as a softball candidate for Obama in my opinion. She is a foil and allows herself to be one.

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I hate Sarah Palin's shameful dedication to the laughably out-of-date "Constitution." We have progressed wa-a-a-ay beyond that old thing.

I hate Sarah Palin's naive, childlike belief in "American Exceptionalism". Such a notion is just so out-of-place in Our Glorious New World Of Imposed Diversity And Equality Of Every Culture.

I hate Sarah Palin's embarrassing confidence in the ability of dirty little nuthin volk in flyover country to elect their Leadership. Everyone knows that these non-people continue to support rethuglicans and other right-wing wackos because they are brainwashed automatons of the International Business Cartel.

Finally, I hate Sarah Palin's Uncivil ™ responses to attack articles and interviews done by heroic media workers and Government Authorities. If their charges were not true, then Palin would completely ignore them. But Palin's Uncivil ™ replies attest to the truth of the charges.

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ImageI must say I'm not a big Palin fan. That isn't to say I dislike her I just don't see much there as far as the future of conservatisim is concerned. The media perpetuates her as a softball candidate for Obama in my opinion. She is a foil and allows herself to be one."

I must credit Gov. Palin, not the RINO McCain, for bringing 'conservatism' to the forefront. She is in part, responsible for conservatives, not just Republicans, winning the last election. The "left wing media" hates and attempts to destroy, all it disagrees with. They know that the Gov. is a real conservative, who is a powerful influence in America today, and therefore a real THREAT to their socialist agenda. Between all the lies they say, report, redistribute and make up, it's amazing this woman is as strong an individual as she is - which must mean, she has real character.

She's a lot "smarter" than Obama or any Democrat because she understand the country, it's founding principle's & constitution. The same media/talking heads that hate her, hate Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMit, Regan, etc.... and sadly, with so much bombarding of lies, many American's fall for the lie and don't seek out the facts.
As Limbaugh says, THEY see her as "the #1 threat" to themselves & their agenda, so they will continue to viciously attack her and call her "stupid", just like they did Reagan. She & her influence, will very interesting to watch, the next couple of years.

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I detest her preaching of self reliance when she is not self reliant.

She is followed by a camera crew, hair dresser, make up artist, wardrobe consultant, script writers, and a bunch of other folks, depending on the assignment, security guards, site selectors, food providers, wood choppers, fire lighters, camp set up assistants, weapons bearers for hunts, etc.

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List Grievances against Palin:


She is not Romney!

She exists!!!

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I get this tingle in my leg.

It must be from all the hate swelling up whenever I see her.


You may sign the petition to indict her for her crimes here:

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:ImageI must say I'm not a big Palin fan. That isn't to say I dislike her I just don't see much there as far as the future of conservatisim is concerned. The media perpetuates her as a softball candidate for Obama in my opinion. She is a foil and allows herself to be one."

I must credit Gov. Palin, not the RINO McCain, for bringing 'conservatism' to the forefront. She is in part, responsible for conservatives, not just Republicans, winning the last election. The "left wing media" hates and attempts to destroy, all it disagrees with. They know that the Gov. is a real conservative, who is a powerful influence in America today, and therefore a real THREAT to their socialist agenda. Between all the lies they say, report, redistribute and make up, it's amazing this woman is as strong an individual as she is - which must mean, she has real character.

She's a lot "smarter" than Obama or any Democrat because she understand the country, it's founding principle's & constitution. The same media/talking heads that hate her, hate Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMit, Regan, etc.... and sadly, with so much bombarding of lies, many American's fall for the lie and don't seek out the facts.
As Limbaugh says, THEY see her as "the #1 threat" to themselves & their agenda, so they will continue to viciously attack her and call her "stupid", just like they did Reagan. She & her influence, will very interesting to watch, the next couple of years.
Image I'm not knocking Palin. I think she stands for a lot of good things. I just don't have a lot of faith in her savvy which for better or worse you need a lot of to succeed in national politics. She walks into traps far too often. I don't doubt that she's brighter than Obama or that she has more practical expierence than him. I will disagree with you that she is a reason for the conservative resurgance. She was valuted to her position because of it and sustained there by the MSM. I think it is a mistake to misconstrue the media's obsession with Palin as anything other than their attempt to manufacture a beatable opponent for Obama. In the instance of the Arizona shooting the media pulled her into the story with purpose, she didn't offer herself. They don't fear her- they champion her. She is built up as a leader (I still don't know what of, she's a governer turned author/reality TV star) and then torn down as an easy target.

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I don't disagree with any of your opinions above. Good to see just how astute my comrades are here at the Cube.

I will say one thing about Palin. The left has transferred the psychotic fixation they had on Bush over to her, and for that, she makes one heck of a decoy.

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I hate Palin because she rides a moose.
Palin rides the moose.jpg
And I hate Palin because she wants revolution but not a Socialist one.

Palin rev.jpg
And I really hate Palin because she stole my shotgun.

Palin shotgun.aspx.jpeg
And I hate Palin because she wears fur and hangs out with Vikings.

And I hate her because she was an ugly toddler who tortured crayfish.

Sarah Palin a toddler catching crayfish.jpg

(and I denounce myself for not resizing my pics and because all this thinking about Palin is giving me a woody)

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Attention All “Prog Offs”: All of you take your Nazi hate speech somewhere else. I don't come here to read a lot of sickening puke about how slobberingly you're in love with Sarah Palin and her guns.

I come to The People's Cube for civil discourse and debate. But there's nothing the least bit civil about Sarah Palin and any debate about her is over. In fact, there was no debate about her to begin with. Anyone who's caring and informed about the issues that matter would know that from the very moment she emerged from the bloody slime of the right wing swamp, that she was never meant to be anything but a blight upon society, a plague upon humanity, a force of evil sent to finish off what George W. Bush started—well actually, he didn't start it, Reagan did—Bush was supposed to finish it but of course he's so inept and stupid and can barely pound his way out of a wet paper sack, that he couldn't quite finish the job of destroying America and the world forever, but man he came awfully close and might have succeeded had Sarah Palin not come along to continue the vile agenda of the Nazi rightwing.

Comrades, as all of you know, I am caring, compassionate and tolerant. It is but a measure of just how evil and depraved Sarah Palin is, that not even I, the most caring, compassionate, and tolerant member of The People's Cube, can feel anything but disgust and utter loathing for that woman.

That's just how rotten she is. See how nice I am, gritting my teeth and tensing every fiber of my being to say she is simply “rotten”? All of you should admire my courageous, valiant sense of restraint when there are so many infinitely worse words I could say. Because I, unlike Sarah Palin, am capable of civility and boundless love for all, even those I despise—like Sarah Palin. Especially Sarah Palin.

But who amongst you is noticing, with all your “Prog Off” comments that do nothing to advance the cause of civil discourse in our rotting carcass of a society, a society wounded and bleeding, torn from limb to limb, its guts spilling out everywhere, because of the hatred and evil that spews from every pore of Sarah Palin. Yes, every time she shoots a graceful, innocent caribou, or chops the head off a happily flapping innocent salmon, or brutally wrestles to the ground and ruthlessly strangles a cute innocent polar bear just because it had that happy salmon whose head she wanted to chop off for herself . . . every time she slaughters one of Gaia's living gifts to our planet, she imagines that she's doing it to one of us . . . to the way of life for which we are still struggling, and may never achieve as long as horrors like Sarah Palin continue to rampage across the globe, killing, butchering, drawing blood, taking from the earth that which is the earth's but greedy, bloodthirsty Republican that she is, she thinks it's hers, all hers . . . no, none of you seem to notice how much I care, because you're all caught up cowering in fear of Sarah Palin's endless atrocities against humanity, as well you should . . . except for you lousy Prog Off freeper trolls, and none of you notice because you're all so busy worshiping at the feet of Sarah Palin and slobbering all over her, mistakenly thinking if you do so, then maybe, just maybe, she might spare your pathetic waste of a life and not club you over the head with her shotgun and then shoot you with it.

Honestly, I can't think of any other reason why anyone could like her—or at least pretend to like her, because honestly, how could anyone possibly, actually like her for real—unless they're just as stupid as she is? It's stupidity, plain and simple. Stupidity straight up. Honestly, I can't think of any other explanation besides stupidity, and since I am very intelligent and enlightened, and so very well informed on the issues, stupidity it must be.

Indeed, the Palinistas are so stupid that they actually think if they don't follow her and march in lockstep like the little Nazis they are with her Hitler way of thinking, that she'll shoot them, skin them, chop them into pieces, wrap them up in butcher paper, and then shove them into her freezer to feed her and her family for the next winter.

Doesn't that sound stupid to you? It certainly sounds stupid to me. That's how stupid those people are.

“But wait a minute, Pinkie,” say all my equally enlightened fellow Progs, “isn't that really what Sarah Palin plans for all of us?”

And to that I say, “Absolutely—but the difference is, I'm smart enough to know she's going to do it anyway, regardless of whether I follow her on Facebook or to the gates of Hell from whence she came.”

Bottom line, comrades, there's no way I'm going into Sarah Palin's freezer without knowing from the outset she was going to cram me in there anyway. That knowledge is what separates people like me from the slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging, Faux News addicted, digitally Limbaughtomized “Prog Off” types who cling bitterly to their guns and their god—who just so happens to be Sarah Palin.

One penultimate thought—Christine O'Donnell: Supposedly this Jared Loughner dude was worshiping skulls or something in his backyard. Hel-looo? Isn't it obvious? Clearly this is the same guy Goody O'Donnell dated way back when. Didn't she talk about making out with some weirdo on an altar decorated with skulls or something? And didn't she try to cover her fat butt whining about how she isn't really a witch? And isn't she, like, BFF with Sarah Palin? You don't even have to think about it to see it makes absolute perfect sense. Why, with utterly no thinking at all, one simply MUST conclude there couldn't possibly be any other explanation, because it fits so well with everything else we know about Sarah Palin's role in this debacle.

And now, finally, the final thought: Perhaps my biggest grievance against Sarah Palin is that until she came along, I never thought I could hate anyone more than I hate George Bush. Because of that, I'm worried that if by some miracle Sarah Palin ceased to exist tomorrow, I won't be able to enjoy and revel in her non-existence because someone else will come along that I'll hate even more. And I simply do not know how someone as caring, compassionate, and tolerant as I am could possibly hate anyone more than I hate Sarah Palin.

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Shovel 4 U wrote:.....
You may sign the petition to indict her for her crimes here:

The author of this petition is a loon! [size=-1]Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall (A woman) left Seattle and moved to [/size]New Zealand.

The loon's Web Page

These peace-loving save the Animals, Earth, Trees, Whales, Dolphins, Delta Smelt, etc, but supports the death of the unborn, assassination of Sarah Palin, and imprisoning of Tea Party members are just simply fighting the good fight while defending the exploited.
They demand free speech for the caring progressives and the silencing of all opposition due to their being a dangerous threat to society as a whole.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Attention All “Prog Offs”: All of you take your Nazi hate speech somewhere else. I don't come here to read a lot of sickening puke about how slobberingly you're in love with Sarah Palin and....... I hate Sarah Palin.

Prog OFF

Get some professional help and don't forget to sign the petition.

Join the rest of the loons out there that feel the only way to win is to silence the opposition. It seems to me that many folks have no clue how precious our rights are and would disregard them as long as they can live in their own dream of utopia.

I disagree with the entire text of your comments.

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Kim_Jung_Il'n wrote:
Shovel 4 U wrote:.....
You may sign the petition to indict her for her crimes here:

The author of this petition is a loon! [size=-1]Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall (A woman) left Seattle and moved to [/size]New Zealand.

The loon's Web Page

These peace-loving save the Animals, Earth, Trees, Whales, Dolphins, Delta Smelt, etc, but supports the death of the unborn, assassination of Sarah Palin, and imprisoning of Tea Party members are just simply fighting the good fight while defending the exploited.
They demand free speech for the caring progressives and the silencing of all opposition due to their being a dangerous threat to society as a whole.

I hate it when my lovers turn out to be secret government agents that railroad me into mental hospitals.

This woman is example 'A' of why some mental illness is nearly impossible to treat. Someone who cared about her tried to get her help and it only agitated and fed her illness. She has more in common with Jared Laughner than she realizes.

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I can't stand Sarah Palin because she's a charming, whitty, attractive, independant, family values (hatespeach), out-going, free thinking, Reagan loving, gun nut (terrorist), anti-abortion (Nazi), Conservative hottie. No woman should have those qualities! All women should look like this! Image Yeah! That's what I like to see. So tender in the light of the kerosine lamp on the floor by my mattress! But... the Schitzophrenic Communist in me wants to marry Palin! Comrades, help me!

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Glorious Comrade X,

I think you may be on to something.

and that goes to the evidence I found regarding:

Comrade Pinkie,

I commend you for snapping us back to reality, here. Your soliloquy of hatred, vitriol and rancor towards the Palin monster was quite moving, and red Tofu for the masses, and ought to be placed in the archives, especially for the purposes of indoctrinating the Young
Pioneers ™.

However, I must DENOUNCE YOU for the following:

A certain comrade snapped this photo of you with a hidden camera! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!


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Kim_Jung_Il'n wrote:
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Attention All “Prog Offs”: All of you take your Nazi hate speech somewhere else. I don't come here to read a lot of sickening puke about how slobberingly you're in love with Sarah Palin and....... I hate Sarah Palin.

Prog OFF

Get some professional help and don't forget to sign the petition.

Join the rest of the loons out there that feel the only way to win is to silence the opposition. It seems to me that many folks have no clue how precious our rights are and would disregard them as long as they can live in their own dream of utopia.

I disagree with the entire text of your comments.

Oh, you disagree with the entire text of my comments, do you? I'd love for you to try saying that at the DU or Daily Kos, and see how quickly they ban your butt over there.

Free speech? Who said anything about free speech? I'm all for free speech. The trouble with you neocon nitwits (since you “disagree” with my comments, which is to say you hate everything I stand for, then you can only be an intolerant, narrow-minded neocon) is you idiots can't tell the difference between FREE speech and HATE speech.

Those of us who believe in love, caring, compassion, and tolerance for others, have proven it time and again by bending over backwards trying to reach out to you misguided fools on the right—and every time we do, someone YOU hate gets shot!

Wasn't stealing two presidential elections enough for you people?

Wasn't it enough that for the past two years, even though you were in the minority, you still managed to do everything possible to obstruct the People's agenda? Sure, Obama achieved a great deal, but you haters on the right who can't stand the idea of a black guy being in the White House had to spread filthy lies and disinformation to the masses so as to scare them into thinking everything Obama's doing is some big Communist takeover. You played on the fears of innocent people and in so doing, stole yet another election?

And even that's not enough for you bloodthirsty vultures. Now, to consolidate your ill-gotten power and show the frightened masses who's boss—or who you think is their boss—you shoot someone—and then you expect us to believe Sarah Palin with all her crosshairs and locks and loadings had nothing to do with it?

Haven't you watched that show of hers? (At least TLC had the good sense to yank it after last week's shooting, not that they showed very good judgment in giving her a platform for her bloodlust in the first place.) Every week she killed a living creature. Every episode, she did something to destroy nature. She even dragged poor Kate Gosselin out into the rain and humiliated her, tried to make her look weak and sissy, when all it did was make Palin look like the big bully that she is. Hell, look how quickly she brainwashed the Gosselin kids! Kate was horrified that her children actually liked playing at being homeless! Sheesh. Another day with Sarah Palin, and those kids would've been happily playing at dying because they didn't have health care—or setting themselves on fire while standing on blocks of ice and saying, “Look at us! We're polar bears dying from man-made Global Warming!” That's how sick you neocons are. You think everything that's helpful and good for humanity is just a joke.

You know what else was on that show? Skulls! Just like Jared Loughner had in his backyard. Palin's father had a whole conga line of skulls taking up an entire shelf. Animal skulls, but skulls just the same. And a big pile of antlers in the backyard. They thought it was a hoot to make the dog run and fetch them, like a stick wasn't good enough for him. No doubt he ripped them right off Bambi's head, and his little girlfriend Faline's, too, after letting Sarah chew up and spit out the butterflies perched on their tails. Don't you understand? THESE PEOPLE ARE COLD-BLOODED, FLESH-EATING KILLERS!

How can you sit there and tell me that there is no connection between the skulls in Jared's back yard, and the ones on Old Man Heath's bookshelf? It's obvious! Why, it's so obvious I could figure it out for myself—but then I'm not a neocon who has to be told what to think by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck and Palin.

P.S. And for your information, Dr. Bramhall happens to be a very dear friend and mentor of mine. I admire her ability to make an issue out of anything, and in some cases, nothing at all. That takes real caring—not that YOU'D have a clue what that means.

Now, Kim_Jung_Il'n, do you have anything civil to contribute to the discourse?


Anything at all?

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I hate Sarah Palin because she is the cause of Anthropocentric Global Warming™. It makes me hotter than hell!!

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How do I hate her? Let me count the ways.
I hate her for the violence she provokes.
It makes me want for someone to shoot her,
For I am peace-loving and tolerant.

I hate her for she is a strange mutant
A womyn who, tho not a victim, is successful
Her strength and self-confidence is emasculating
She doth prosper outside the realm of the Party.

I hate her for believing in the stupid Constitution
Thinking she has a right to her own opinion
Listens not when her betters and the media condemn her
Who the hell she thinketh SHE is?

Most of all, I hate her for she seemeth happy and joyous
As tho she doubts she is just a soulless meat puppet
Like the rest of us, toiling in the beet fields until the Party
Invites us to participate in end-of-life counseling.
She thinketh some god beyond the state giveth her value
And that her "spirit" will continue on when the body fails.
Stupid idiot. No wonder I hate her.

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I hate her because she still looks cute in the Mickey Mouse ears I put on her.

I hate her because she overshadows Dear Leader in all the attention she gets from both the left and the right.

I hate her because she can carry a baby and wear high heels at the same time.

I hate her because she lives in a Alaska.

I hate her because she is married.

I hate her because she puts a pretty face on capitalism and two parent families.

I hate her because she makes Tina Fey's scar look like the Grand Canyon.

Don't worry, there's more. I'm not through yet.

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I hate her because she lives in a freedom-loving state.

I hate her because she doesn't want my money.

I hate her because she had more than one child and did not take more from the government.

I hate her because she thinks killing poor, defenseless wolves from helicopters is fun.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:......

Anything at all?

Sorry that this is causing you distress. I have nothing further to say.

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I hate her because Westboro Jesus told me to...

Surely she's a fag or demented military supporter? No?

Frau P said something wise many comments ago...

Media Crucification of Sarah Palin copy.jpg

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Kim_Jung_Il'n wrote:I have nothing further to say.
Excellent! Now this is the perfect example of a rightwinger practicing civility!

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Commissarka Pinkie;
I know that I am a comrade of the lowest of station, and that the beet cellar in which I toil has a glass ceiling, and that by even addressing you I risk being in the swath of the back side of your shovel, but I must say that your comments on civility are the most equal I have had the privilege of perusing. You have truly found the essence of the new civility that our Dear Leader so eloquently defined for us in his speech in Tucson. I know it is above my ration grade, so who do I petition to recommend you for some sort of award? Do you ever bestow the Beet of the Week upon yourself?


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[highlight=#ffff99]Please List All Grievances Against Sarah Palin Here[/highlight]

In keeping with the new rules of civility I can publicly declare only one:

Sarah Palin is not Hillary (our beloved MTE) Clinton!

I've got to say it:
As a victim of the worst hatchet, character slaying job by Progressive Media in the history of mankind, I Grigori feel Sarah's pain. Fear of the Mainstream Media has kept me in hiding all these years. Damn Media.

Is what I've seen and heard the past week really us? Have we really, as a people become so COLD? ... ature=fvwp

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:
Kim_Jung_Il'n wrote:I have nothing further to say.
Excellent! Now this is the perfect example of a rightwinger practicing civility!

Congratulations Commissarka Pinkie! I have added our dialogue thread to my all time favorites! May your beet rations be doubled!

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There is not enough room here for all the Sarah hate so here is a video:

Hate Tweets for Sarah

I guess it is only fair that we allow a left wing loon, inspired by all the Sarah hate, to do something equally insane. What I find galling is the utter hypocrisy. What did Sarah Palin due to have so many people wish for her death and also for great harm to befall her family?

They hate tweets and petition comments are over the top in my opinion, but it is our individual right to post idiocy if we are so inclined.

Most of these folks do not know what they are asking for. I have fought in two countries and have no more appetite for this. I am sure they are just venting and would hope they really do not feel this way.

I also hate Sarah because they have a "whole conga line of skulls taking up an entire shelf" making me feel jealous and a not so good hunter.

I hate her because "
Every week she killed a living creature". Again, I am a jealous not so good hunter.

I hate her whole family because "
THESE PEOPLE ARE COLD-BLOODED, FLESH-EATING KILLERS!" I have apparently come down with the same zombie affliction and have been eating flesh regularly.

OMG! I hate her because
"she brainwashed the Gosselin kids!" Evidence of her dangerous powers!

I hate her because she "
can't tell the difference between FREE speech and HATE speech." Even I know the difference: Hate speech costs more than free speech!

I hate her because she agrees with the concept of the first & second amendment.
I hate her because I believe she would use violence to include GUNS to defend her family and shoot poor innocent animals for food.

I hate her because she
makes people write the following with her powerful mind control: "Those of us who believe in love, caring, compassion, and tolerance for others, have proven it time and again by bending over backwards trying to reach out to you misguided fools on the right—and every time we do, someone YOU hate gets shot!"

I hate her because of the mass paranoid hysteria she has caused. Here is an example: "Wasn't stealing two presidential elections enough for you people?"Sarah has invaded my brain and is making me think that we should mine the border to Canada.

I really hate her because she is a non-Gaia believing hater that does not believe animals are "
Gaia's living gifts to our planet". On the contrary, she is a Jesus believing Christian that is unaware of the power of Gaia (I think Gaia is one of the CPT Planet super-heroes). I must admit that I am lusting for a pair of baby harp seal house slippers. You know, the style of slippers with their cute little heads staring up at you with those cute little ol' eyes. (Note to self: Press cousin Earl to send a couple of pelts down from Canada next year and make 'em myself.)

I think that's enough hate for now.

"what's better than a big juicy steak? nothing. and what's better than nothing? a stale piece of bread. therefore, a stale piece of bread is better than a big juicy steak."-Land of The Blind

Note: No need to report this post as offensive. I have already done so and am going into self imposed exile until I learn my lesson.

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I hate Sarah Palin because of those stoopid ugly glasses she wears.

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Comrade Kim Jung Il'n...

The "report this comrade" button is not intended for self denunciations. You simply have to say "I denounce myself" in the public blog.

The ! button is for reporting spam or obscene hooliganism. I've deleted your false report but post it's content here to satisfy your sick masochistic desires.

Kim Jung Il'n said:
I am reporting myself for not showing any restraint whatsoever when responding to what I perceive as idiocy. I should be banned for at least a week. I will send you a note when I feel I have learned my lesson.

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Comrade Kim Jung Il'n,

Please speed up your self flagellation, and get back here asap. Nothing is your fault.

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I hate Sarah because she stood in the way of the Alaskan political machine as governor. Selling the gubernatorial jet! Line-item vetoes! Didn't she know the gears of state do not run without a lot of grease and perks?

Also, her last name was not Murkowski, which is a much more preferable last name to have if you're in the Party.

Also, in the spirit of redistribution, she would not share her puppies with us when she got enhanced.

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Comrades, the biggest thing I hate about Palin is that she is proven to be un-American because she uses a Wisconsin accent in Alaska! That proves she knows nothing and she is ignorant! Plus she shoots babies for sport.

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I have to question her supposed claim that she can see Russia from her house. If she's that close to our glorious Motherland, why would she still want to live in Alaska? I'd be rowing like mad to get across the Bering sea.

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Yes, that is disgusting. Not only does she have attractive eyes, she has better than 20/20 vision.

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Leninka wrote:Comrade Kim Jung Il'n,

Please speed up your self flagellation, and get back here asap. Nothing is your fault.

NO! That is not necessary! We do not any more . . . . oh, many pardons. I see that you said "flagellation". These cheap government glasses!! ****!

Please, flagellate away. It will be good for our progressive souls to watch.

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Just say "Whip it"...Whip it good.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Just say "Whip it"...Whip it good.

NO ONE mentioned S & M!!!!

But since you brought it up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oh, never mind.