
President Obama's evolving position on gay marriage

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Title by General Secretary, toilet humor added by Department of Visual Agitation

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Ha, ha! My little niece took one look at this and said: "That sign says 'swine.'

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Unlike Mitt Romney, who has never questions the correctness of state run health care for Massachusetts, Obama's oath an a stack of Bibles to The Right Reverend Rick Warren that marriage is between a man and a woman, wisely contained ample room for modification and adjustment to better fit the changing demands of political expediency.

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So wonderful to be Democrat and change mind all time. Glorious Leader is good example for legions of good little Progs..... party slogan should be "Stand For Nothing and Fall For Everything"

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Margaret wrote:Ha, ha! My little niece took one look at this and said: "That sign says 'swine.'
From the mouths of babes :)

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So are we for it or against it? Has someone consulted the manifesto!? We must consult the manifesto on this matter!

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Maybe we were for it before we were against it? Or were we against it before we were for it? Can someone contact John Kerry and get the clarified.

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Papa Obama likes to keep them spinning

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And now, a PSA from Red Squares Not Cousin

please forgive me

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Wow! Comrade Buffoon, you must have one hell of a satellite dish. To pick up alien lifeforms reading manifestos is pretty amazing.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Wow! Comrade Buffoon, you must have one hell of a satellite dish. To pick up alien lifeforms reading manifestos is pretty amazing.

I hear that its actually Mrs Alczarweary, but you didn't hear it from me.

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My worry, comrades, is that the gays may not be a captive progressive group any more. I happen to know some gays in Midland, home of the Bu$hitler, and at parties they were so awful as to poke fun at our Many Titted Empress.

I mean, have you ever had to bite your lip, surrounded by middle-aged and elderly gay men, using a lifetime of wit and remarks to heap on our MTE?

And just to keep under cover, lest I be found out to be Father Prog, I went along.

Every day since I have repented of my Peter-like treason. Why do you think I started Jiffy-Lobo™? To erase the painful memories of joining in with those silly old queers...

[ off ]It was hilarious. Just listen to some conservative gays go after liberals. The nasty cracks are wonderful. As long as they're being said and not referred to.

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As a Progressive I am naturally inclined to be against gay marriage as it would make two people happy. I hate happiness. Who needs marital bliss when you have the warm embrace of federal agencies? Who, I ask?

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:As a Progressive I am naturally inclined to be against gay marriage as it would make two people happy. I hate happiness. Who needs marital bliss when you have the warm embrace of federal agencies? Who, I ask?

Quote of the week!


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"evolving" ... why of course. That is a fundamental requirement of progressivism - Never Know What You Are Thinking.

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Oh yes, Meow. Who indeed needs happiness when we can all be abject slaves to federal agencies?

Who, really, knows us best? I personally, when I realized that I was a prog, knew that the thing that I hated most on earth was personal responsibility. And for that, my Saviour is a Federal Agency.

I do not feel that I ought to have any say in my life, as far as income or medicine goes. But as far as anything else goes, what I want is what I deserve. Recall that wonderful Geiko commercial. "You gotta give me what I want, want want. You gotta give me what I need, need, need. You gotta give me what I want."

That is my tocsin. I am not troubled by prudence, safety, foresight, caution, and I get to demand with the egocentric entitlement of a fat two-year-old only child of only children.

So I think a Federal agency is the best. Saves me the trouble of being a real human being.