
PSST! Hey Bud--Wanna Buy A Bottle of Hope?

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Among its many magical properties is the power to gift Pinkie with writer's block and speechless awe!

Hope Bottle

For so many of us this election has meant much more than a vote, it has inspired us to work for our hopes and dreams for a better America. Senator Obama has enable us to open our hearts to the possibilities of a brighter future. The Vote For Hope Bottle embodies everything we have done and have yet to do. Lift the little beaded top sprinkle some fairie dust and make a wish for the future.
Lift up the lid and there's a small "Hope" charm hanging inside. They are 1 1/2 inches tall and 1 inch in diameter. Embellished with Swarovski crystal beads.

UPDATE: Now that I've had a few hours to sleep off the effects of the Obamagic in this bottle, I'd like to take this opportunity to expound further on its wonders:

Comrades, the Hope Bottle makes a great gift. Judging from the cited dimensions of 1 1/2" high by 1" diameter, that puts it in roughly the same league as a rabbit's foot.

-It fits everywhere, in pocket or purse.
-You can put it on your keychain.
-You can hang it from your rearview mirror.
-Make a cool fashion statement by attaching it to your belt loop, to the left of your belt buckle. The farther left you wear it from the buckle, the more hope you'll have!
-Or just wear it around your neck as a constant reminder of all Obama will bring us in the years to come!

Fill it with anything that gives you hope. For instance, anytime I'm feeling hopeless, I turn to vodka. One swig and my hopelessness magically disappears!

Hold it in the palm of your hand, close your eyes and squeeze it. Feel the power of hope emanating from its Obamagic, seeping from your palm through your veins, effecting change all over!

This year, give your loved ones the Gift of Hope! Imagine the looks on their faces! And, if you really want to show them how much you care, include a carbon credit with your gift!

Coming Soon: Chia Obama--the Hope that Grows!

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Comrade, is it big enough to put Chope in? And I have a lot of Chope and no where to shove put it!

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[quote="Commissarka Pinkie"]Among its many magical properties is the power to gift Pinkie with writer's block!

Me too........

On second thought, now no need to go shopping today! Just to hardware store for new shovels.

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I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

Comrade Grigori, shovels for free at peoples collective hardware store #378492aw1.38009478156, bring form #86513557933561874.acr36.2856566745f mod 3 version 4 fill out in triplicate accompanied by form758554255145333253325111.lms467844520. You will then receive form to fill out for free shovel. Is good deal.

It also has Fairie Dust inside, sure to make all of those wishes come true ! thanks for the exposure.

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Just big enough to stash 4 Cra...ummm...Change Rocks™, Yes! Change Rocks full of magical powers, like lowering the sea level! You just have to get some Chore Boy....oops again...I mean Change Boy™, stuff that into your Hope Stem™ with a nice Change Rock™, light and inhale. Soon you'll be feeling the wonderful powers of Hope & Change.
The future is bright indeed, with all the Wealthspread™ Obama is going to redistribute, you won't have to steal from your neighbors or relatives, break into their homes, lie, cheat, or kill to supply your Hope habit!

I kinda, almost, not quite feel sorry for this poor, misguided carpet munching cripple myself, being a male carpet munching man trapped in a cripple's body, but just who the fuck does she think she's kidding and how stupid does she think all the rest of us are?

Police officer: What do we have here?
Hopehead: Nuthin' you pig oppressor! Dat's my bottle of Obama Hope. Gimme dat.
(grabs bottle, bottle drops, 4 crack rocks fall out)
Police office: Alright we're going down to county, but first we're doing a blood draw at the hospital.
Hopehead: Man, dat's de turd time eyes been busted for Hope, Shit!
(starts itching and scratching as officer tries to cuff Hopehead, suddenly Hopehead begins violently struggling)
Backup officer: Calm down or I'll use this taser.
Hopehead: Fuck you!
ZAAAAAAAPPPP! zzzzzzzzzz
Hopehead: Arrrrggghhhh!

P.S. "Grüppenführer"...This how it is spelled. Those two little dots above the "U" are called umlauten and for ü the keystroke is ALT + 0252

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Laika, I think you've just found the "substance" everyone's been wondering about.


how stupid does she think all the rest of us are?

Not all of us. Just the Obama voters.

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Dear Comrade Laika, Comrade are suggesting that the glorious teachers at the peoples collective school #3874925 instructed me to the improperly spell my own name?
By the way Laika, I received in the mail recently a shirt bearing your image which I proudly wear when I am out. When people ask me about it, I reveal to them the glory of your mission.

Gruppenfurer Radnoskovich

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I'm sorry, maybe it's your hybrid name? Hybrid is all the rage these days.
Half of it suggests you're National Socialist and the other half suggests International Socialist. The important thing is that you're a Socialist, so we're OK on the OBE.
Now the only question remains, what was your teacher?
It's so hard to tell the difference these days.