
Putin Assures Obama He Believes in American Acceptionalism

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Obama: I believe in American Acceptionalism.

Putin: You convinced me already.

Obama: I had thought you only understood my flexibility.

Putin: Everyone knows you transformed America from Exceptional to Acceptional:

  • America now accepts my acceptance of Crimea.
  • America now accepts my control of the Middle East.
  • America now accepts Hamas, the ally of my allies, Syria and Iran.
  • America now accepts Iran's nuclear program.
  • America now accepts Soviet-Style HealthCare, which you cleverly labeled "Affordable Care."
  • America now accepts limiting its oil and coal production to enhance the value of Russian oil and Chinese coal.
  • America now accepts Global-Warming limitations on its economy to boost the value of Russia's and China's carbon-industry expansions.
  • America now accepts its Debtor-Nation status to boost the value of Russia's and China's currencies.
  • America now accepts ISIS in Iraq.
  • America now accepts the need for Israel to "meet half-way" with those who demand its destruction.
  • America now accepts Libya as a failed-state haven for anti-western fanatics.
  • America now accepts Russian primacy in space.
  • America now accepts my ally, China, as the soon-to-become colonizer of the Moon.
  • America now accepts entry of anyone and everyone wanting to cross the border into America.
  • America now accepts the glorification of mediocrity and rejection of the elitist notion of meritocracy.
  • America now accepts the kind of Crony Capitalism I have pioneered in Russia as better route to Sustainable Statism.
  • America now accepts the U.S. Constitution as an outmoded document rendered irrelevant by Executive Orders.
  • America now accepts desertion of its former allies and paliation of its former enemies.
  • America now accepts that it must "stop the hatin' of Obamaism and all other forms of progressivism and collectivism"
  • America now accepts its state-run media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, NYT, WaPo, LaT as reliable sources for The Current Truth.
  • America now accepts your plan for "Peace by 2016" by neutering America's military.
  • America now accepts your "hatin' on the Tea Party."
  • America now accepts its status as the Most Acceptional Country in Human History.
  • America now accepts The People's Cube to replace the unfairly-challenging Rubic's Cube.

Obama: I just wanted to be sure you understand my position.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:I'm a little out of practice but ...

Comrade Comrade,

You, "...out of practice"?? Tsk, tsk...Judging by the chaos and disarray we see around the world, I'd say your efforts to hasten the arrival of Next Tuesday™ clearly demonstrate your mastery and effectiveness - you are hardly "out of practice."

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Most equal use of the collective ignorance of spelling to achieve our ends! In this case, the use of phonetics wouldn't stand a chance. Glad we got rid of that annoying barrier way back in the seventies.

To hell with understanding meaning of words by spelling them correctly! We will decide the meaning of words simply by spelling them differently. Who's gonna know? Ha! Ha! Diversity rules! Most equal, Comrade Kook!

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Pamalinsky wrote: ... We will decide the meaning of words simply by spelling them differently. Who's gonna know? ....

Pamalinsky, you are left on the money.

The Current Spelling is an adjunct of The Current Truth.

How could we forget the effectiveness of President Obama honoring our military medics by identifying them as the "CorpseMen," and thus such new pronunciation yielded a New Current Truth learned by the LIVs.

Since only 25% of the public watches Faux News, the other 75% have learned (from ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, NPR, NYT and WaPo) that the proper description of our military medics is "CorpseMen."


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KOOK wrote:that the proper description of our military medics is "CorpseMen."
Yeah, Comrade Kook,

Not only did we utilize subliminal subterfuge by using this spelling, we also got in a killer double entendre! Are we smarter than a fourth grader or what?

(I suppose it could be said that the double entendre was part of the subliminal messaging to begin with but hey, let's not quibble about details. Details can be quite annoying.)

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kno nead 2 no speling if u hav a spel cheacker

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[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] You know, Captain Kraptek,

I had a former colleague who eschewed the idea of proper spelling, claiming it wasn't necessary to communicate and an unnecessary burden on um, er, people wanting to communicate.

I told him how wonderful and informative it was to look up the derivation of words, thereby giving more meaning to the things we all say. It is so important to spell words correctly so that we understand the origins of our language and it's meanings. This, to me, helps so much in our comprehension of each other. Understandable communication is essential to a civil, peaceful civilization.

He gave me that glazed-over look and said, "No, we must make it easier to communicate." (I had just said that)

Today, I looked up the word "car." I wondered where that word came from. Here is just one of the definitions I found, which also tells me something about our history:

As far as patents go, car always meant railroad car but along about 1904 automobile manufacturers started using "touring car" as a body style description.

That said, Word and Phrase Origins states that "the word car comes from a Celtic word that sounded like karra to Julius Caesar, who gave the name to his chariots. Karra later was Latinized to carra.

Surprisingly, the word car appears first around 1300; carriage evolved from it, then horseless carriage, and, finally, back to car again as a shortened form."

I dunno, maybe it just takes some curiosity to delve into these things. Then again, humans, even prehistoric barbarians, have always been curious. How else did we discover the use and preservation of fire?

There are those among us who wish to suppress this wonderful curiosity, thereby dooming us to darkness.

I cannot find the words to say how much I despise them. They are suicidal and homicidal.

Curiosity brings joy to life and the wonder of it all. I love curiosity!

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Comrade Evil,

That post of yours is just plain evil! Nice job!