
Putin Crimea Gambit Creating Generational Rift in Russia


Recent videos smuggled out of the city of Kharkiv by disgraced Russia Today reporter Anton Jeckhov show the increasing tensions in Russian families on account of Putin's belligerent tone as illustrated by this heated argument between a Russian father and Putin supporter and his anti-Putin baby.

You will forgive me, comrades for not providing a word for word translation as I have not studied the mother tongue for over thirty years. Moreover the child's difficulties with various Russian grammatical rules, such as non-existent case endings for her nouns, confusion with perfective-imperfective verb aspect, especially in the past tense, not to mention an utter lack of reflexive verb utilization, have made it impossible for me to follow her line of thought. Perhaps other comrades can fill in some of the blanks.

I was, thankfully, able to catch just a snippet at the end (around 2:45) when she said "But dare we provoke the wrath of the American president; would it not be wiser (gesturing with her hand) to extend an olive branch?" For those not conversant in the Mother Tongue, it was this statement that caused both of her parent to laugh uproariously. At which point, the baby admits, "OK, that was completely ridiculous."

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The Party hereby awards Callmelennie and the child model in the video above with this very appropriate prize.

Image Actually, let me congratulate Callmelennie on a glorious editorial. He just demonstrated the same journalistic technique that RT and the rest of the Kremlin propaganda in the West is applying on a daily basis: showing a foreign-language video accompanied by a misleading translation, driving the needed points. Only here he did it in reverse.

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This is a fabricated video created by the US-Zionist propaganda in order to further isolate the Motherland and give the impression of some supposedly inner conflict by supplying misleading commentary, when the baby is, in fact, praising the Russian President's actions.

The baby stated, and I quote: "By annexing the Crimea and defying the US-Zionist neocon aggressors, Putin has finally restored the glorious legacy of the Soviet Motherland, reinvigorating the victorious Russian spirit and showing those gay Ukrainian Nazis their true place in our brotherhood of nations, which is next to the toilet!"

The only time the baby laughed was when the father showed her a picture of an elephant, after which she further stated: "The Russian elephant is superior to the Ukrainian elephant."
