
Racist poll says Dear Leader is worst president

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Comrades! We have a red alert here!

The racists over at Quinnipiac University released a poll claiming Dear Leader is the worst president of all time since WWII.

What is going on here?! Dear Leader is clearly the best president not only in this country but the best leader of all time throughout this planet. What sort of racist bigots did the racists at Quinnipiac University interview? Did they just call a bunch of ignorant people in small towns in reichwing red states?

Why didn't they self-censor this poll or just throw out the results because the people they called are less educated and 100% stupid?

They should have called only people in the great collectives of Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, and Boston to ensure that Dear Leader would have what is korrekt for the first black president: a 100% approval rating.

I denounce Quinnipiac University for their racism!

Vox populi, vox Dei would seem to apply in this case. That is, per Dear Leader, "The people must be led, not listened to."

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trashmouth wrote:...I am an organizer, not a leader.

Dear Leader, and elected Organizer-in-Chief, has much to do and little time remaining to complete His re-organization of Planet Earth. As you know, there are only two ways to achieve just and proper redistribution of plundered wealth - the korrekt, and inkorrekt way. The slightest miscalculation on the part of Dear Leader could send all humanity to the scrap heap of history, leaving only cockroaches and squirrels to govern Earth. Have patience, comrades. Our day will come soon enough!

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I'm trying to envision a world run by scavenging vermin pests serving their own hoarding selfish interests,

and cockroaches...
I keep seeing Rethuglikkan government.

(I'm not feeling well right now)

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I'll say. You left one of the Ks out of Rethuglikkkan.