
Reject White Racist God to End Unjust Jury Verdicts

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Dear Comrades,

The Socialist Democratic Party has long stood on the principle that religion is indeed one of the greatest perversities of mankind. African-Americans have long been victimized by religion, which has justified their traditional Bourgeois roles as slaves and enabled them to continue in their state of oppression.

Comrade Professor Anthea Butler, who has been cultivated by the Party to teach Young Socialists about the evils of Christianity that has long victimized the minority community, has called out to African-American citizens to renounce religion and embrace the Atheism of Social Justice found in Communism. After all, only Communism can defeat America's racist deity and its means of social violence, which we know to be Capitalism.

The acquittal of White Hispanic racist George Zimmerman was clearly motivated by religion, which he mentioned in his own defense. Zimmerman dared to invoke god's will in the death of the innocent child Trayvon Martin.

And so, we ask ourselves, who is killing all these black people each day in our inner cities?

Obviously, we know that religion is still popular in the Black Community, so it naturally follows that Blacks would stop killing Blacks if they renounced Christianity and accepted the tenets of Secular Socialism. Minorities must realize that ‘salvation' can only come from the Dictatorship of the Proletariat rather than some imaginary divine being. Blacks must give up their delusions as Comrade Professor Althea has.

Look at loyal Socialists in the black community who have renounced Christianity, like Comrades Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. When they appear on American Media Collective broadcasts, they mention nothing of god, even though they were once ‘preachers of the Gospel.'

They are now truly preachers of the Good News, which is the Good News of Socialism and Racial Justice! They have no need for god once they seize control of the State through political means and violent resistance to unacceptable jury verdicts!

Minority Comrades, it is time to wake up and realize that religion is one more of the Capitalist white man's tricks. When your ancestors lived in Africa in peace and prosperity and equality, there was no White Man's Christianity. Now that the world has been filled with this delusion, look at the horrors even in your own neighborhoods!

Yes, the same racist god behind the criminal justice system, juries made up of non-conformists, the presumption of innocence, and habeas corpus is the evil god of White American Racism. This is the same god that prevents Black women from having abortions that prevent unwanted Black children from being born and interfering with a Black Woman's right to a free post-graduate education and a lucrative academic career.

Yes, this racist American god demands that minority children be forced to go to school and to read, when we know that such things are oppressive and traumatizing for these poor victims of deistic violence!

Black Americans, receive Socialism as your salvation rather than an imaginary god! Comrades, agitate against White Racist American religion!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator


So what's new here. The Party always said "there is No God" so we can do whatever Want, unless the Party doesn't like what is done, believed, or thought. Ergo, Divinity is arbitrary and whimsical. If mayhem does follow, the nonexistent God can't be responsible. Yet I have Faith in the fulfillment of Marx's prediction that when Communism is perfected, the State will fade away. He simply underestimated how and when this will come to be. The answer is, when the last 2 humans on the face of the earth square off in mortal combat and the second last human is slain by the Very Last.
That is all.

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Comrade Pistov,

But what if the last human doesn't like squirrels! Who will fill the bird feeders for me?

Question is moot Comrade Captain. That decision was taken by the Church at the Diet of Wurms. Go figure, but keep it to yourself lest the Party Ideologist find out.

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I want this cool t-shirt and bumpa sticka!


#1 Creepy Ass Cracka

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We think we need JEANTEL here to explain to all you Snow White mufkas what the difference is between a Cracka and a Cracker! Y'all Old School People, We in the New School, The Chicken Generation!

In "my culture", which is red of course, these words are not derogatory... We are PROG!

And of course, that Zimmerman mufkn Honkey, he a Gay child molester! And that's not Gay Bashing!

Get it right y'all!

(redacted: NAMBLA is pissed!)

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Do you not understand, comrades?
There is no god but Karl Marx and The Great Leader Barack Barakovich Obama is his messenger!
Worship only the All-Knowing, All-Loving, All-Caring State at all times!!

Image On a much more serious note, I've been praying for America to turn back to the REAL God. I suppose I should also add a prayer for sanity as well, after hearing about the likes of this. Ayy, what a world we live in.

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A revised version:


GUILTY of hate speech and deistic violence

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Red Rooster wrote: And of course, that Zimmerman mufkn Honkey, he a Gay child molester! And that's not Gay Bashing!

Well you know what I don't get? See, there's Zimmerman walking down the street behind him. Trayvon Martin doesn't know Zimmerman from Adam. But he thinks Zimmerman is following him.

Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, says that it's everyone's duty to run away.

The only reason Zimmerman would have had the duty to run away is if Trayvon Martin were a criminal in the process of attacking him. And I know Eric Holder doesn't think Trayvon Martin did anything wrong. Trayvon Martin wasn't doing anything bad that someone should run away from. So, why would Zimmerman run away? See what I mean? Zimmerman wouldn't have any reason to run away, because Trayvon Martin wasn't doing anything bad. So, the duty to run away would've been on the only other person there, Trayvon Martin; because he thought Zimmerman was following him.

Trayvon Martin should have run away. The Attorney General says Trayvon Martin should have run away. It was his duty to run away.

Or, doesn't it work that way?

It's confusing not just because of that but, if Holder means Zimmerman should have run away then that would mean Trayvon Martin actually was the criminal and was attacking Zimmerman. That's the only reason Zimmerman would have the duty to run away. It's like an admission by Holder that Martin was the criminal and Zimmerman as the innocent party being attacked, had the duty to run away. So, if that's what Holder means then that would mean he does think Trayvon Martin is the bad guy. But Holder says he thinks Trayvon Martin deserves justice because Trayvon Martin is innocent of doing any other than walking while black.

This is all very puzzling.

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Comrade Margaret,

It's confusing because Eric Holder is insane. Is that clear?