
Reminder: Daylight Savings Time November 1

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Apparently you have not received the new Party Directive: "Daylight Savings Time" shall be henceforth referred to as "Daylight Redistribution Time."

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I must echo Komrade Betinov in your lack of reeducation. Please rectify this immediately. Channel 13 on your telescreen for 15 hours a day or a reeducation package are ideal, but a course in a gulag will also work.


The funny thing is that the pictured bomb itself is a sort of science project: .The sticks of explosive are just paper towel rolls (or doweling wrapped in kraft paper) taped together.

I believe Muslim Clock Boy has already set science projects back quite a ways.

The Islamic "Back to the Future" - instead of going back in time, the car explodes when it hits 88 mph.