
Sensitivity Training for the Masses

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I have decided to mandate that everyone undergo intensive sensitivity training due to the white patriarchal corporate-controlled media's decision to bombard us on a daily basis with the so-called "racist" comments – which are really out-of-context comments – made by the honorable Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Below is a video series made by America's premier Tolerance Nazi, the Godmother of White Guilt herself, Ms. Jane Elliot, who will help us all feel the plight of those we oppress on a never-ending non-stop cycle. This video will help you walk in the shoes of those you oppress so that your guilt will drown out whatever feelings of rage you may have developed after hearing the so-called "offensive" comments made by the honorable Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Each video clip is roughly nine minutes or so long. After the clip finishes, the corresponding part will appear in the menu for your collective enjoyment. There are 12 clips in this series and all are worth viewing to get a good glimpse of what Party-mandated sensitivity training looks and feels like.


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I have no idea what that video was about. Was that it, or was it part of a larger video?

And already that old hag sounds like a real bitch.

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It is part of a larger video, Betty. Yes, the old hag is a real bitch and she gets much worse through the video.

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Just one of those people you just wish you could punch in the face and then giggle at them.

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Maybe a trip to Zimbabwe would enlighten her.
Not one person stood up in her class of 90% crackers because they knew they'd get an F grade if they did.

Keeping the Hate Alive!

People like Jane Eliot are such complete assholes. If she wasn't "teaching" she'd be a Human Resource director at some corporation.

I'll finish my rant later...I got to run to work.

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I've heard of this "training" progrom, but had not yet had the pleasure of watching it. Thank you, Chairman, for passing this along...I think.

In related news, the University of Delaware is set to restore their indoctrination program, further updates to follow soon. Until then, I think I'll watch the rest of these videos...

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I suggest we create a similar program for letting people be treated as if they are conservative Republicans for a day.

In a liberal audience: "Stand up anyone who would like to be treated as a conservative Republican. Nobody? So if you don't want to be treated that way yourselves, why do you accept the same treatment for others?"

Hoard the volunteer liberals all into a small room and start calling them names: fascists, racists, bigots, etc. Let them try to explain why they are not, and then call them knuckle-dragging 19 persenters.

And so on.

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Laika the Space Dog wrote: Not one person stood up in her class of 90% crackers because they knew they'd get an F grade if they did.

I think it's because people don't want to be treated as other people, but as themselves. If she a bunch of blacks, if they wanted to be treated like they were white, no one would stand up because they want to be treated as individuals, not as a group. Her presentation in and of itself is racist because it thinks of people by color and not for who they are.

I don't want to be treated like a black, I don't want to be treated like an Asian, I don't want to be treated as a Mexican, I want to be treated as a person based on my behavior. You shouldn't treat someone nice because of their skin color; you should treat them nice if they are nice. If they act like a dick, then treat them the way they treat others. It's the golden rule.

Dumbshit old hag.

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Her method is wrong on so many levels, my entire mind went on protest when I figured out what it was about. It's like she's peeing in our eyes and telling us it's raining. What's scary is that nothing protested inside the academia types who are pushing her and have allowed her to turn this into a successful career. I guess a liberal academic type would start to protest violently should someone sets up a workshop explaining how socialism degrades an individual.

Welcome to the Soviet experience. This is how the Party propaganda worked. Racism wasn't the topic of discussion for obvious reason (except what was happening in Amerikkka), but many other aspects of life were presented in a similarly distorted way - and even though you protested against it inside, there was no alternative, no authority to turn to, nowhere to run. Complaining about it with anyone but the most trusted friends would cost you your career (I think it had, but there's no way to find out). And a few decades before me, it could easily cost you your freedom or even life.

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Betty, you make a good point. It is exceptionally lazy to hate wholesale, to despise someone based on skin, sex, origin, and etc. It is much more satisfying (at least to me) to despise retail, based on the individual's actions.

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I have blue eyes, Comrades, and I for one feel like a victim after watching that pupilist Jane Elliot belittle, bash and dehumanize People with Blue Eyes.

Never before in my life has my self-esteem been this badly damaged -- never before have I felt anything less of a human being. I am completely humiliated, Comrades. I am humiliated to the point that I feel as if I can no longer function in society without the aid of the government and carefully crafted social programs designed to reward me on the basis of my eye color.

With that said, I am demanding the following:

- A swift collective denunciation of the pupilist and bigoted Jane Elliot for espousing eyeist hate-speech.

- The federal government to recognize Blue Eye History Month which will be an entire month dedicated to those People with Blue Eyes who stood in opposition to the brown-eyed oppressor.

- Entry into America's premier institutions of higher education on the basis of eye color instead of merit. I also want top employment opportunities based on eye color.

- I want a federal holiday in honor of Frank Sinatra and an apology from the American people – mainly those who are brown-eyed oppressors – for calling Mr. Sinatra by the derogatory name “Ol' Blue Eyes”.

- Mandatory usage of either Blue-Eyed Americans of People with Blue Eyes when non-Blue-Eyed Americans make reference to an American with Blue Eyes.

- I want reparations for the years of pain and suffering that my ancestors had to endure at the hands – or corneas, really – of the brown-eyed oppressor.

- I want money – lots and lots of money and I don't care how you get it! GIVE ME MONEY FOR MY SUFFERING!

I will now like to invite my brothers and sisters of Blue Eyes to join me in the struggle for self-determination! We shall overcome! KILL BROWNIE!

Oh… before I go… God damn America! God damn America and God damn Jane Elliot! The optometrist has come home to rooooooost!

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How would you like to be treated like George Bush for a day? Here, sign here. You better follow the rules or you're out! Put on this big paper mache puppet head of Bush and go take a seat in that hot stuffy room and wait. You are swine Bushitler pig now. How do like them onions?

She's getting paid for this? I'll bet she's laughing all the way to the bank. How can grownups really believe that all those minority groups are "oppressed" by society? But then, I've seen signs saying: Hate Free Zone in people's windows and on car bumper-stickers and I know these people have bought into this foolishness hook line and sinker. I have to ask, where are the Hate Zones? Is there anyone with signs or bumper-stickers proclaiming Hate Zone. No, society is falling all over itself proclaiming all over the place how Hate Free they are. I guess Jane Elliot would say that society doth protest too much.

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The only hate allowed in the hate-free zones is the hatred of anyone who doesn't take it seriously.

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You can tell the last time she was laid....The Summer of Love, 1967.
Since then it's been "Decades of Hate 1967-20??"

"Smug" doesn't even scratch the surface with her.

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I remember back in the 90's, reading in the newspaper about a local elementary school that actually did something similar to this. They pinned circles made out of two different colors of construction paper to the students. They loaded them on the schoolbus, sending the group of one color to the very back, etc., all the Jim Crow stuff. I remember seeing a photo of a crying little girl who had to sit in the back of the bus and couldn't use the drinking fountain etc. She couldn't have been more than 7 or 8. One of the teachers was holding her hand and looked ready to explode with glee.

The newspaper got a lot of letters to the editor about that. Some asked what's next? Pinning yellow stars on them and taking a field trip to the crematorium?

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Margaret wrote:I have to ask, where are the Hate Zones? Is there anyone with signs or bumper-stickers proclaiming Hate Zone[?]...
Try DKos, Democratic Underground,, etc...