
Shirley Fox News is Racist, Racist, Racist!

POLL: Does Fox News want to reinstate Jim Crow and, possibly, slavery?

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Fox News is a racist network. Yes, the debate is over and if you disagree with me than you are, by way of defending Fox News, a Ku Klux Klan-loving racist. How can I come to the conclusion that Fox News is a racist network, you ask? Easy, I said they were a racist outfit and that alone ends all debate.

As a progressive -- who was once a member of JournoList, and beloved member at that -- I have all the moral authority in the world to assign as many damning labels to the political opposition as I see fit. And I do see fit, because I am a progressive and I do not like Fox News or the point-of-view they pump through our political consciousness. Racist, racist, and more racist. Poor Saint Sherrod. Shame on Fox News! ~ Comrades, who would dare watch a network that carries the scarlet R of racism and, if I may ask, how would this said network be able to report an alternative narrative to our accepted narrative if people were afraid of being labeled racist by association for watching this said racist, racist network? They wouldn't -- they wouldn't watch this garbage, nor would they be foolish enough to promote the network out of fear of being questioned by friends, family and co-workers whether or not they have or ever have been a member or viewer of Fox News.

Imagine such a world where co-workers warn other co-workers not to leave the lunchroom T.V. on Fox News or log-on to via their office computer out of fear that the company would be reported as promoting racism. Imagine a world where Democrats could inform "civil rights" organizations of certain co-workers who may have watched an hour of Fox News programming knowing what a racist, racist news outfit they were. I get all tingly and giddy just at the thought that Fox's consistent message -- and unapproved message -- could be totally snuffed out if we demonized them out of existence. Fox News relies on eyeballs and if we call enough sets of eyeballs racist other eyeballs will avert their attention to approved sources of journalism -- like The Nation, MSNBC, and US Weekly.

We invented McCarthyism, comrades. We invented the term, gave it a wicked, wicked connotation, and then went after the bastards leading a witch hunt against us. We were the victims of the said "McCarthyism" and our rights were being violated. People and the media rallied to our defense, killed the communist witch hunts, and allowed us to operate unfettered by Congressional hearings or local harassment.

Fast forward to today, comrades, and our version of McCarthyism -- our morally-acceptable witch hunt for conservative ideological subversives -- is working swimmingly to discredit, disparage and silence the opposition. Good luck getting that promotion if you watch racist Fox News and are then a racist yourself. Good luck earning your peers respect in academia if you harbor any of the tenets of the Christian faith. Good luck being invited to a Georgetown soiree for much needed career networking if we so happen to find out you didn't pull the lever for the first African-American president.

Oh, and by the way: If you so happen to like Sarah Palin and what she represents, I am afraid you are no more than a mouth-breathing NASCAR retard not fit to have an opinion. Leave politics and governance to us while you watch the fast and shiny cars speed around a circuit. Thank goodness for Saint Shirley Sherrod and her calls for racial healing and coming together -- healing and redemption that only comes through pulling the plug on Fox News, voting Democrat, and allowing Shirley her day in court to shakedown the ideological subversive Andrew Breitbart.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote: Comrades, who would dare watch a network that carries the scarlet R of racism

An inspired idea! Let us make everyone who is guility of RAAAACIST Thoughtcrime wear a scarlet letter "R" (hey, that would make a great title for a book, wouldn't it?) in public so that all the other workers would know of their sin and berate them for it! Racism is the ONLY crime in a truly Progressive society! Well, maybe smoking (cigarettes) is also a crime. And driving instead of taking public transit. Not recycling. Using more than one square of toilet paper.... But RAAAAACISM is the major one!

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I believe we can use Faux News and all the hate mongers to our advantage. I've been very busy the past few days putting the finishing touches on my new project. I was waiting to launch it, but I had to pre-launch it at the last Show Trial:

I'm pleased to announce the distribution of the Political Correctness Offset Credit card to all Commissars. Comrades, your cards are in the mail. Card use is simple. If any cardholder offends anyone, then all the offended party has to do is call 1-800-555-5555 or go to, file your grievance and give them your card number. It's that simple.

After careful consideration and a tiny processing fee your account will be credited the awarded amount. These credits are fully redeemable at a rate of 1 euro to 1 credit minus a minuscule processing fee.

Sample Card:
After some gentle persuasion and the promise that we won't shut them down or take them over, we can distribute these cards to all the right wing media. So we give them a pass on their hate speech or misquotes, no problem. Just as long as they keep their accounts loaded with the proper amounts. Well, there you have it, a win-win situation for everyone, especially us.

Can you imagine what we can make on our beloved Vice-President alone?

* Special note:
All processing fees will held in a special lock-box and distributed by a special panel of the Party Elite. We are currently looking for volunteers for this special Blue Ribbon panel. Now that you're back, Comrade Chairman?

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Indulgences for politically-incorrect behavior is brilliant, Comrade Grigori!

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Grigori E.R. wrote:
Sample Card:
After some gentle persuasion and the promise that we won't shut them down or take them over, we can distribute these cards to all the right wing media. So we give them a pass on their hate speech or misquotes, no problem. Just as long as they keep their accounts loaded with the proper amounts.
What an AMAZING concept! Racist offsets! That "Lethal" racist Mel Gibson can simply update his account and ALL will be forgivin.

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Always good to play the race card. I should know. I do it all the time.

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Every good progressive slanders the opposition with the race card at least sixty times every hour. We must convince America that President Obama's poll numbers are dropping as a result of his skin color and not at the result of his policies. Racist! Racist! Racist! <deep breath> RACIST! RACIST! RACIST! RACIST! RACIST! RACIST! AND MORE RACIST!

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RAAAACCCCISSSTSSSS!!!! I abhor the lot of them! But I am reminded the smell of Napalm in the morning. I taste victory comrades, I taste victory!

(Please promote small children carrying bombs of Global Warming™ or Racism™ or Songs in Praise of The Obamamessiah™, we are busy creating The Wave™ for The Children™, for The People™, free racist Amerikkka!)

Hail Obomba!

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I dunno, I'm against the idea of children carrying bombs. Kids are so small and weak and a bomb big enough to do meaningful damage is so damn heavy. I outta know, I built enough of them back in the 60s. I remember Bill Ayers almost got a hernia lugging that bomb he left in the Pentagon restroom.