
Sikh Temple Shooter's Slogan: "IT WAS BUSH'S FAULT"

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Wade Michael Page, the 40 year old Neo-National SOCIALIST who killed six persons at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin was known by his neighbors for his short mantra, "IT WAS BUSH'S FAULT".


The Dэaя Lэadэя, not wanting a good crisis to go to waste, has called for national soul searching by placing all current and former members of the US Armed Forces under tight Homeland Security Department observation, and calling for the ban of all firearms capable of carrying more than one round of ammunition.

125 million human lives in less than 100 years can't be wrong: SOCIALISM IS EFFICIENT AT EXTERMINATION.

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In other news, thought police special forces operatives at the National Broadcasters for Communism seem to have hit a dead end in their relentless search to uncover exactly which Tea Party cell sent Page on his deadly mission.

If it cannot be ascertained which Tea Party insurgency group deserves to be brought to justice for this crime, Page will most likely be released back into the collective to do his patriotic duty collecting government checks.

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You didn't build that Czar wrote:In other news, thought police special forces operatives at the National Broadcasters for Communism seem to have hit a dead end in their relentless search to uncover exactly which Tea Party cell sent Page on his deadly mission.

If it cannot be ascertained which Tea Party insurgency group deserves to be brought to justice for this crime, Page will most likely be released back into the collective to do his patriotic duty collecting government checks.

Not to mention voting Democrat, now that he is dead has necro proxy status.

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Apparently, Red Square is indeed right about "The People's Cube" being at the top of web readership now, for I had to modify the link to the news wire because AFP removed all references BLAMING BUSH.

In other words, AFP must be reading the Cube for them to back track their own BLAMING BUSH story.

Comrade Menace, you are wrong, Comrade Page is not only going to vote from the Grave, but he will vote at least once in each of 20 different voting districts in Wisconsin on the same day. Necrovoting has its privileges.

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Red Menace wrote:
Not to mention voting Democrat, now that he is dead has necro proxy status.
Right you are, Komrade. Being among the living impaired class should never be cause for discrimination in terms of government check collection or exercising the voting franchise. Anyone who says otherwise is a hateful bigot.

Image Walk the Vote 2012!