
Snowden / Zimmerman Link

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In what may be the most shocking political scandal in the last few hours, the CIA believes Edward Snowden may have leaked "Hearing Grass Over Cell Phone Technology" to the Star Prosecution Witness in the George Zimmerman Trial, Rachel Jeantel.


The CIA was reported to have corralled Jeantel into a holding pen as she left the courthouse and searched her neck folds for fugitive Snowden with the assistance of Federal Game Wardens, the local fire department and the "jaws of life".

Jeantel allegedly said she would never hide a "creepy-ass cracker" in any of her folds, though she admitted one or two may have become trapped there accidentally.

Reports that her hair had been done by Moochell Obama's hair dresser (a descendant of Moe Howard's personal beautician) have not been confirmed.

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Does this mean that Dear Leader Obama is half creepy-ass cracker?

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I thought Moochelle had outlawed lard ages ago.

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Being the dirty old man that I am, I gotta say that the words [highlight=#ffffff]"19 year old female"[/highlight] conjures up different images in my mind than-

All I can say about that is "dahumn"
Last edited by Vladimir_Scratchanitch on 6/28/2013, 11:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: Had to insert my exclamation at seeing it. Edit #2 went and found a Damn! graphic to go with