
Strong Communist Cube Defeats Weak Capitalist Cube!

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In a glorious display of proof that Strong Communism Defeats Weak Socialist Capitalism™, the Polar Vortex caused by Global Warming™ has shattered the Apple Cube in New York City.

Meanwhile, The People's Cube stands proud and strong, vibrant in its red glory, an icon to the staunchly vigorous and durable Strong Communism which it represents so well!

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The glass cube in New York City today, the black cube in Mecca tomorrow!


Red Square wrote:... the black cube in Mecca tomorrow!

"OK, Stalin says, everybody wear a bedsheet. Stalin says, down on your knees ... That's good. Stalin says, knock your heads on the ground ... Good.

"Stalin says, props to the rock from everybody.

"OK you guys, Stalin says wear a silly hat. Now butts in the air. What? No butts in the air? When Stalin says butts in the air, I want to see arses and elbows, not capitalist whine 'You didn't say Stalin Says.' Stalin says, shovels for everybody."

Stalin Says.gif

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Red Square wrote:The glass cube in New York City today, the black cube in Mecca tomorrow!
Comrade People's Director, it's only a matter of time.

Strong Communism shall indeed shatter weak Islam(ism) - they will be absorbed!

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The moral of this story; "Don't expose your cubes to frigid temperatures." I find this a most admirable and comforting aphorism.

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Winter is coming...


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Red Square wrote:Winter is coming...
Just imagine them all standing around the glorious People's Cube, warming their hands in the red glow as the snow Global Warming falls...