
Taliban kidnaps Pro-Taliban Journalist

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From Pakistan:

The September 11 terror attacks were a watershed event in the life of a Canadian journalist named Beverly Giesebrecht.

Soon after Al Qaeda terrorists killed 3,000 people in the U.S., Giesebrecht converted to Islam, adopted a new name — Khadija Abdul Qahaar — and spent the next two years studying the Koran in Egypt.

She created a pro-Jihadi Web site, Jihad Unspun, and she developed a network of contacts, contributors and translators, some of whom introduced her to the Taliban in Pakistan.

And then last November, the Taliban, the group she had befriended, kidnapped her while she was chasing a story in the Bannu region of northern Pakistan. In a video released after her capture, Qahaar says she's being held by the Taliban, though it's not clear exactly who is holding her. Officials have not provided clarification, saying only that there are many criminal gangs in the region who call themselves the Taliban.

Now, four and a half months later, 11th-hour negotiations continue in efforts to save Qahaar's life and secure her release. Her captors have demanded $375,000 in ransom money by the end of March, and they have threatened to kill her if their demand isn't met.

Obviously the Taliban needs to read Party strategies. You don't dispose of Useful idiots until after you've taken over.

I tried to contain this but I couldn't help it. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I guess this idiot woman's mother never taught her that when you play with fire, you might get burned. Or in this case, beheaded.

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Woops, this message got past the stupid members of the Outer Party, this was suppose to go down the memory hole.

It probably doesn't help she was white and from Canada, i.e. a westerner. Perhaps, as you said, she was playing with fire.

one other thing. . .
"wa, waaaaa. . ."

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Commissar_Elliott wrote:Woops, this message got past the stupid members of the Outer Party, this was suppose to go down the memory hole.

It probably doesn't help she was white and from Canada, i.e. a westerner. Perhaps, as you said, she was playing with fire.

one other thing. . .
"wa, waaaaa. . ."

Comrade, I'm not some sort of Useful Idiot. I know Party strategies well enough, particularly after taking over as the head of the local Party branch. Besides, I have some "friends" in the Ministry of Truth that can tell me about anything new.

She was a filthy, terrorist-supporting scumbag. She quite literally cheered the 9/11 attacks, converted to the same death cult that pulled them off immediately afterwords (Islam), created a pro-jihad website, and went to Pakistan and Afghanistan to support the Taliban there. Apparently they didn't like her much either, or maybe just decided she was worth more as a hostage than a useful idiot. Anyway, I wouldn't pay for her. They can have that traitor. Let her suffer the consequences she brought on herself.

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She may have renounced her westerness but the Islamofacists didn't see it. I agree though, I'm going to say the same thing I told a pushy saleslady the other day, (paying for her release)"That's my $20! I'll spend it the way I want! (and it won't be on her release, that's for sure)"

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Reminds me of a great parable from Dr. Gonzo himself:

An old woman was walking down the road when she saw a gang of thugs beating a poisonous snake. She rescued the snake and carried it back to her home, where she nursed it back to health. They became friends and lived together for many months. One day they were going into town, and the old woman picked him up and the snake bit her. Repeatedly. "O God," she screamed, "I am dying! Why? I was your friend. I saved your life! I trusted you! Why did you bite me?"

The snake looked up at her and said, "Lady, you knew I was a snake when you first picked me up."

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When she is martyred for Islam will she get 72 virgins?

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{off} I'm guessing when this woman is martyred for Islam, she will become one of the 72 virgins. (After all a woman who would convert to radical islam probably never had much of a sex life anyhow)

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:{off} I'm guessing when this woman is martyred for Islam, she will become one of the 72 virgins. (After all a woman who would convert to radical islam probably never had much of a sex life anyhow)
Hahaha, and ouch.

Your ignorance is bemusing to say the least! No wonder you're losing the war despite the technological superiority. People who are today bringing you to your knees are surely using your stupidity but its' not suprising!

Your belief in the media is absolute, a type of fanatacism and blind faith. You believe the lies fed to you because that's what you want to hear. Therefore, you accept such stories hook, line and sinker! Are your minds so devoid of intelligence that you're unable to conclude other alternative scenarios? Has she really been kidnapped? If so, who has taken her? Who would benefit from this?

If the taliban were so stupid, why is it taking so long to win this war? After all according to you they are ill-equipped and very stupid. So if they are still giving you serious nightmares, leaving you no choice but to continue sending thousands of troops every semester to die and never return, and have been the cause for the growing weakness in your already crippled economy, then the question according to your own standards should be 'Who are the greater idiots?'

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It seems that Comrade AMERICAN IDIOTS is barking up the wrong tree and painfully reacting to something that was never said here about the Taliban's stupidity. Not that we argue their stupidity, but it was not even mentioned here.

I have to assume then that it was a prefabricated mime-swiped, copy-pasted template message - which in some circles may indeed work as a way to show off a mental superiority. Individual thinking is way too overrated!

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A heartfelt agreement with you comrade Red2 (is this an o.k. way to say your name?), this text does look very generic, i.e. a mimeswipe message.Since individual thinking is overrated, shall we consult with the rest of the Party faithful (who I bet would vote unanimously) and denounce the newly registered comrade?