
Ten Commandments

Fellow Comrades:
As I walk into my office this morning, I hear that the USSA Supreme Court (which is a misnomer, since no one is more supreme than our Great Leader) declared that the supposed "Ten Commandments" can be displayed on the grounds of government property. This is a late-breaking development from a group of really old people who sit up on top of some benches and declaring things their own way. Please be warned, old people, your days will cease to exist.

On a different note, the "Ten Commandments" never existed. It is something that the capitalists made up to support their cause. Therefore, there will never be any historical significance of the "Ten Commandments."

So much for the capitalists getting their facts's the story from the AB(s)C News Desk.

Correcting the facts one story at a time,
Vladimir Ivanov
Red Journalism Headquarters, Moscow, USSR

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When will people learn that the only god is our lord, Hillary?

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Premier Betty wrote:When will people learn that the only god is our lord, Hillary?
I know the article is dated Premier Betty, so get with the Current Truth. Our Lord is Obama.