
Thanks, Uber: we completely forgot Nazis were bad

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Uber just recently sent its patrons an email declaring the following:

We were horrified by the neo-Nazi demonstration that took place in Charlottesville… There is simply no place for this type of bigotry, discrimination, and hate.

Good to see Uber bravely going on the record that they don't support Nazis. Actually, other than a couple hundred people in the entire country, we're fairly certain that that's the general consensus of all Americans. We're curious though why Uber needed to add the words "this type of" before "bigotry, discrimination and hate." One possible conclusion is that other types of bigotry, discrimination and hate are just fine.

See more here.

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Wow, Uber, thanks for the heads up!! Looks like a bunch of lone wolves to me.

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We honestly see no way forward for Home Depot after being exposed in this Neo-Nazi scandal ...
