
The Arkansas Watch King

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Although being flat broke and in debt, Comrade Willie has gloriously been redistributing $500 SWISS Watches to the peasants. Only people as altruistic as the Clintons could be so generous while they themselves are so obviously destitute, comrades. Such compassion brings a tear to thy eye.

Have you gotten yours? If not I hear they are being distributed to anyone observed purchasing a copy of Hillary Clinton's HARD CHOICES.

clinton watch.jpg

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And have the Koch brothers or George Bushitler come to Detroit to spread largesse throughout our city? Of course not! They don't care like our pal and comrade, Bill Clinton does.
And on Big (according to Monica) Bill's next trip through, we're going to spread some largesse at some of the "gentlemen's clubs" along Eight Mile.
You can bet your bottom beet ration that Comrade Clinton will be leaving more than a tear in somebody's eye.

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A wonderful primary source, Captain.

No doubt the return investment on those watches is well worth the costs. Does that mean the lovely ladies who receive a watch are granted a waiver from having to buy Hillary's book?

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I suppose that at his age, interns are so difficult to come on by that he must use expensive watches as lures. Tsk, such a comedown shame.

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"I hear they are being distributed to anyone observed purchasing a copy of Hillary Clinton's HARD CHOICES. "

Correction comrade. They are being given to those who purchase a copy of Hillary's HARD CHOICES at FULL LIST PRICE and then are generous enough to give it a GREAT REVIEW. We can't merely redistribute wealth to those who are lukewarm progs - they have to demonstrate complete loyalty to the Party.

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Good Lenin, complete loyalty for only $14.99 to $21.00 and free shipping? All this time I've been tending beets and listening to political lectures...