
The Huffington Post, sex with animals, and penile cancer

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Let us ever be grateful to Arianna Stassinopolous Huffington, who gave us of course the totemic online site, the Huffington Post.


Poor Arianna. She married a man with money who wanted to be Senator. He didn't make it to Washington and came out as being gay, and she was forced to admit that she didn't make any bed that she could sleep in but she did get some money for evidently not putting out, and this is entirely understandable. At least her hair no longer looks as though it could cut battleship steel.

And so poor Arianna, in her understandable frustration, jettisoned her husband's conservative beliefs and became a True Believer, even to the point of stiffing her contributors on the HuffPo. What could be better, except stealing pencils from a blind man's cup? Or like ARPA telling the greedy geezers to eat their young?

But the HuffPo has been a goldmine for Progressives. Such trend-setting arguments as, "Should you admit to knowing someone who served in the military?" And, "What to do if your parents vote Republican and you're living in their basement."

Now the zenith is this: ... mail_share

"Sex With Animals Can Lead to Penile Cancer."

What a lovely article. SWA is discussed from a public-health point of view. You'll notice that this article was written about a month into the Occupy protests.

This is an area of interest when one thinks of Anthony Wiener and Huma but in dear Anthony's case it would be a self-inflicted wound.

But my worry is that if all states outlaw bestiality, how will we progs reproduce? After all, if bestiality is outlawed in America, dear Comrade Janeane Gawdawfulho will have to go to Morocco to get some, which is a twofer, because Moroccan lepers are treated as, well, lepers, and it works for both of them.

By the way, is it just this old prog, but no matter which side of the street that you walk on, isn't RuPaul just plain hotter than poor Arianna? And smarter too. After all, he didn't marry a queer hoping to change him while eating up his money.

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So, " SWA " has earned the attentions of the Huffn'puffington Post.

Now, at long last, we're finally getting somewhere !*

It is a marvelous thing to see the flower of liberalism come into full bloom, yes ?

* Still waiting for a word on where " somewhere " is.

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Of course, Krasnodar, after I posted this, I realized that I jumped the gun. We progs are immune to penile cancer. After all, if we weren't Harry Reid would have the biggest autoimmune disease in the history of the world.

A prog prick would start wasting away from the moment of conception.

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Comrade Theocritus, you are certainly in fine form this morning !


Even the bargain house paint on your statue looks brighter.

All 75 feet, 1 inch of it.

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Thank you Krasnodar; I have been up for a while. I, as Father Prog, was awakened by an emergency phone call from Senators Reid and Schumer and Representatives Peloski and Henry Nostrildamus Waxman. They were of course hysterical, thinking that their total control over even the Browning motion in the air might be lessened.

Something's been bothering me. It's a pod of whales, a brace of quail, a herd of cows. What are Reid et al?

That's it! Their collective noun is a porcupine of pricks.

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Comrade Krasnodar, a marvelous rendition of Father Theo's previously unknown statue on Winter Solstice Plus Approximately 110 Days Island!

So stately, so handsome, so - so - PROG!!

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Thanks for the review, ROCK !
It's bigger than it looks. Need to use a wide angle lens.

F.P. ...... I have an idea.........

Why not invite these wonderful people from D.C. out to the Rancho as a reward for all their hard work.
After all, I've heard rumor that your new Biodegradable Congressional Guesthouse is nearly complete.


Perfect accomodations for a federal porcupine !

BTW: I saw what you've done with the Rancho's West Wing......very nice.
Those stimulus dollars really came in handy, didn't they ?

Rancho 1.jpg

I think the guy who details your Caddie just showed up

Father Prog. I believe Comrade Arianna's ex-husband already knew this and that is why he never "knew" her. Poor comrade Arianna, never serenaded with a chorus of "I'm in the mooooed for love, simply because you're bovine."

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Dr. Eugenica Killemov..... you've got one fantastic name !

It is most Russian, da? With just a dash of Planned Parenthood. Most subversive.

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Dr. Eugenica, bovine? I'll buy that. But her picture above is slightly vulpine. And who tied her boobs in a knot? And a granny knot to boot.

Krasnodar, how in the hell did you get those pictures? The Rancho de Rio Grande 15 miles down a private road, you know, the one with the sign that says "Proghead." It disturbs me to know that my security has been breeched.

At least you didn't show the pictures of the Congressional Spa. It is in fact 535 wooden stakes. After all, I am the commissar of unanimous caring, conspicuous compassion, and communal impaling for the common good™. That means that am the best at using the Democrat party as the personal shopper for my conspicuous compassion and narcissistic morality.

But I'm a dab hand at impaling too. And just like Vlad Tepes, I take my meals while watching.

This toughens me up for the upcoming fight where we use the death panels Après la Vie panels to control health-care costs. That is, to kill off the geezers who don't have any more work left in them.

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About your spa.........

I can understand the emotional attachment that you must have towards those stakes.
But I'm telling you right now that you never should have used them for building the tub.
Since you didn't have them rinsed off after being withdrawn from your "dinner guests", your never going to be rid of that putrific smell they impart to the users of said spa.

About your security .........

It hasn't been breached, only slightly compromised.

By a drone.

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A really good drone....................

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Krasnodar, you have been punked. My sign has on the bottom, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here," and it has this picture.
Now tell me: would you enter something called Proghead with Bruno in platform high heels and a white cat licking its paw?

Gives a new meaning to Blofeld, doesn't it?

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Comrade Theo,

If any picture posted on The Cube was screaming:


The one you submitted up above is it.

( And that includes Nancy P. without any makeup on. )

Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to the Jiffy-Lobo for a memory-wipe.

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I know that it is a fatal lapse of taste to wear pearls with leopard-print platform high heels.

But bear in mind: he's at least not doing his Carmen Miranda schtick:

And I truly and sincerely hate BB Code; odd how I wrote COMPILERS in the 70s and now this thing sticks its finger in my eye. Every island in Liberia has its own incomprehensible dialect; so too this.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:I know that it is a fatal lapse of taste to wear pearls with leopard-print platform high heels.

But bear in mind: he's at least not doing his Carmen Miranda schtick:

And I truly and sincerely hate BB Code; odd how I wrote COMPILERS in the 70s and now this thing sticks its finger in my eye. Every island in Liberia has its own incomprehensible dialect; so too this.

You WROTE compiler code?? There may be 4 other people in the world today who even knows what Assembly Language was.

For those with question marks on your faces, it was like being transported to a planet far away where everybody speaks in tongue clicks and armpit farts.

My working theory about such individuals was that they were probably unsuitable to live in the general population.

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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:My working theory about such individuals was that they were probably unsuitable to live in the general population.
Hence the Rancho. One must compile a slightly distant demeanor.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:Krasnodar, you have been punked...

Now tell me: would you enter something called Proghead with Bruno in platform high heels and a white cat licking its paw?

Gives a new meaning to Blofeld, doesn't it?
Theo, are you punking all of us? Every true cat lover knows the cat is licking his hand.

Or do you merely put up with the poor creature for Bruno's sake?

That last line... You had your Thanksgiving-eve
, didn't you? Sloppy code!

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And Lord Obama, I am thankful for Father Prog Theo who provides invaluable thinning of theherd
service to our beloved collective.

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Hey, Theocritus ....... what's the deal ?

I don't see no stinking islands anywhere !

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Uh, they're islands in the rivers' deltas. Little tiny ones.

And not only do I know what assembly language is, I've written a scanner, and assembler, and two parsers. Some code generation. And my pride was a program which you fed a context-free-grammer in BNF form to and it produced two vectors for operator-precedence parsing, which as I recall, and my memory is 35 years old, is order N in efficiency, rather than the normal order N cubed like all context-free languages.

You see what happens when you overdose on Jiffy-Lobo™? Sometimes you lose the useful things, like bank fraud, intimidation, voter fraud, and community organizing, oh, and shitting on cop cars.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:.... Sometimes you lose the useful things, like bank fraud, intimidation, voter fraud, and community organizing, oh, and shitting on cop cars.

Yeah, it's pretty disheartening to watch the truly dynamic personalities prosper, while ourselves being disenfranchised here in the proletariat with a crummy 135 IQ.

And then when things go to shit exactly as you predicted, your reward is to be accused of being mentally ill to assassinate your character and distract from the fact you were absolutely correct to begin with.

I never have found that quote again where Lenin or Stalin instructed the troops that when they defeated a town to go find the stupidest, meanest man in town and put HIM in charge.

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Some of my esteemed fellow progs are beginning to get the idea. Here I am, swanning about with all this about Father Prog Theocritus and all that other stuff, but really, I'm a prog.

Which means that the standards aren't all that high. A man kills a woman in his Olds and he's the Lion of the Senate. Dear Teddy. A man is the unrepentant Grand Kleagle of the KKK and he's the Conscience of the Senate. The Conscience. Yes, a man who never repented of being a high member of a violent, racist organization can rise to the top of another violent, racist organization: the Democrat party.

Only in AmeriKKKa. Now I can hardly wait for the embryonic Judenhass that we see on OWS to flower. It's been too long since we've murdered Jews; Europe high society is already gearing up for it. But the left of the last century has always done the Jew pograms, and thank Lenin most Jews are so damed stupid in just this one thing that they vote for us anyway.

When if they were sentient, they'd know that we're coming after THEM next.

Do you think we could give some of the OWS people some graphical help with their anti-Semitism signs? I wouldn't want people to think that we're sloppy. Just vicious.

So, since the bar is set so low, except in the crucial field of patronizing, sneering attitudinizing, I kinda figure I have to lie doggo on the Rancho.

But then why? After the little boy said, "The emperor has no clothes," the parade went on.

And Senator Red's election, praise Mao, in 2010 is proof of that.

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Comrade Scratchy wrote:I never have found that quote again where Lenin or Stalin instructed the troops that when they defeated a town to go find the stupidest, meanest man in town and put HIM in charge.
Have you read Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? While setting up a democracy after a successful Lunar revolution (it was a penal colony), the Professor set up a deliberative body and put in the loudest-mouthed, most argumentative, and self-important people that he could, sure that they could never pass anything.

He was astonished when they did. Surely were Heinlein alive now, he'd rewrite this in light of Senator Reid, who has, Pol Pot love him, proven that intransigence, ideology, but I repeat myself, meanness and stupidity can be so unyielding that around him there is no Brownian motion in the air.

He is eternal. In a trillion years, all of the universe will have been broken down to photons, all except that is Harry Reid, who will be talking about his pomegranate trees. While it will take an eight-byte real number to count the bills that dies on his desk.

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Oh. My. God. "Find the stupidest and meanest man and put him in charge?"

Run, do not walk, but RUN to Jiffy-Lobo™ before the Manchurian Candidate hears this!

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There are islands on every slow river delta. That's where WE PUT THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

Why build a wall if water will serve? What was wrong with Alcatraz? Nothing, nothing, I tell you, except that it didn't have J. Edgar Hoover and Ronald Reagan as a boy on it.

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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote: You WROTE compiler code?? There may be 4 other people in the world today who even knows what Assembly Language was.
X DC CL3' '
MVC X,Occupussies

Need I say more?

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Comrade Prog (I hope we have become good enough pals that I may affectionately call you "Prog)- I sure enjoy it when you get started on one of your excellent spontaneous bullshit sessions expansive dissertations.

You are more fun to watch than a tree-full of monkeys with a new bunch of bananas, once you get launched. You are at the very least, as comically creative as Dennis Miller.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote: You WROTE compiler code?? There may be 4 other people in the world today who even knows what Assembly Language was.
X DC CL3' '
MVC X,Occupussies

Need I say more?
What? No GET, MOV or RUN?

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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote: What? No GET, MOV or RUN?
Why? I figured that moving (MVC=Move Characters in IBM 360/370/390 Assembler) all the Occupussies to an undisclosed location and overwriting them with High Values oughta take care of it :)

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote: What? No GET, MOV or RUN?
Why? I figured that moving (MVC=Move Characters in IBM 360/370/390 Assembler) all the Occupussies to an undisclosed location and overwriting them with High Values oughta take care of it :)
Sloppy code is fine as long as you never run out of RAM or processor cycle time slices.

Or discover an intermittent cascading feedback loop.

As we used to say "Fatal Error" really means "Temporary Inconvenience"

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Never wrote sloppy code, myself. Was trained by people with A Clue.

Plus, I always included a 1-byte character field in working storage in all the Assembler programs I wrote called "whack".


My programs never got out of whack.


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Dear Comrade Scratchy, of course I willingly answer to Comrade Prog. I am after all the People's Prog, just as Diana was the People's Princess.

No, wait, wait, there's something wrong in that syllogism... Perhaps I shouldn't have had an aqua regia chaser after my last Jiffy-Lobo™ but it's so hard to stick to the Crooked and Twisted Way when you've just been watching Lord O's TelePrompTers start smoking.

Did I tell you that one time, by a trick of the light, I saw the back of one of the TelePrompTers? It said, "THERE...IS...NO...UH...IN...THIS...SPEECH." When Lord O read the "uh," it caused a prefrontal fugue requiring a Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot and of course the true Blue screen of death.

For Lord O., of course; the TelePromTer was just fine.

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I see that one of my pearls of wisdom got mislaid. No, once I thought that I could build the Perfect Prog. I wanted to be the Cyberneticist to Politburo. So when I was in college I studied compiler construction and optimization, and formal languages and automata.

After all, what could be better than a science in which Noam Chomsky is eminent? It's odd though that he is known for right linear grammars, but then a left-linear one would be infinitely recursive, sort of like our debt ceiling, no?

To this end I wrote scanners. And assemblers. And parsers. And did some code generation but that was the hard part. We can parse the fool out of anything; just ask Slick. But the code generation?

No matter how I tried, I just couldn't get it right. I kept generating code which was deterministic!

I ask you, how awful is that? Now I am all for a repeatable, programmable prog. You know, bus them to a rally, tell them they're the 99% while paying for everything so they don't have to, put it to the man, and so forth. And a little random shitting on cop cars is fine.

But my perfect progs, although dependable, had not hope whatsoever of the Next Big Thing in Totalitarianism. Like, oh, a concentration camp. Or holding family hostage.

So what was the point? That's when I shut down the my researched and opened Jiffy-Lobo™. Hell, if you can't make anything more creative than a drone when you work, just use a kitchen boat motor in the cranial cavity. It's a lot cheaper.

BTW, did you know that a NOP on a Z80 takes 4 clock cycles? This is somehow related to governmental budgeting.

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Comrade Prog Theocritus, I stand in utter awe. You, sir are a MASTER! You bring new depth to the saying "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit".

You, yes YOU are the Foghorn Leghorn of impressive babble.

I am humbled to be in your presence.

Adoringly, your fan


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Comrade Scratchy, let me propose a thought exercise: if there is no such concept as bullshit, then who can find us out?

If there is no such speakable concept as bullshit, then does Lord O need his TelePrompTers?

Sell your stock in that but rejoice in the enormous budgetary savings.

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A concept ?

Theocritus, bullshit is the federal government.

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The wife freshened up the parlor just today. It's a new Febreeze aroma-

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[ off ]When I was at Rice, I happen to have been given a bullshit award.

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Ah..... I knew I was smelling something of acadamia about you, Theo !

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Father Prog,Clearly, Ru has it all over Zsa Zsa Huffington in the hotness department. No questions about this! And, whoodathotit that bestiality could lead to penile cancer. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!I said this in January of this year and I'll say it again!My poor, empty Jifi-Lobo™ skull is virtually awhirl with all this mathematical conjecture! I dunno, perhaps it's just a sub-quadrature variant of the Progressive agenda. Hmmmm? Yeah! That's it! That's the ticket! (Did that sound "intelligent" enough?) I will only know when my voters tell me so. Otherwise, I have no idea of what I just said. Just say, "sub-quadrature variant of Progressive agenda" enough times, say, three, and people will actually believe it means something! All hail the Progressive way! Um, is that "hail", or "hell"? I can't tell the difference, what with my Jifi-Lobo™, and all. Sigh. (I "think")

I am in the presence of genius with you guys! I am so honored. You are so full of crap awesome!

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If I may, I would like to refer to the enlightening article about SWA. The article includes the following informative paragraph, in which we see yet again proof of the broad inclusive net of progressive thought, which draws to its shining beacon such disparate oppressed groups as the pro-zoophiles. To wit:

A member of a pro-zoophilia group told The Huffington Post by email that the results of the study should prompt people to take precautions, like using a condom, when having sex with animals. She added that it was unlikely to deter diehard zoophiles. "They might become more cautious," she said, "but they wouldn't change their nature."

We must not forget how Spain, under the vanguard of its progressive politicians, took it upon itself to break the chains of "chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans and bonobos," henceforth, in the interest of efficiency, "apes," by which I do not mean to exclude nor thus offend any of the aforementioned primates. Spain, where 39% of males have engaged one of 300,000 sex workers, has also been a pioneer in the sex industry, which developed there as a physical and intellectual protest against the Fascist dictator, General Francisco Franco. While prostitution has not yet been nationalized to ensure everyone receives their fair share for the greater good of the public health (or public health of the greater good), I applaud the inevitable spread of sexual rights and awareness to Spain's, and the world's, apes. Nationalization will surely cause unions to reach across the genus divide and community organize among the apes, which will lead to humans organizing apes, and apes organizing humans.

In due course, the various linguistic brethren of the ape language will cease to be intentionally neglected; research will undoubtedly show the ape language to be far more concise and efficient than anything used by humans. Thoreau's dictum--"Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify"--helps us to understand the empowering nature of the ape language: Stripped of the reactionary parasitic bourgeois elements of modern human languages, ape allows clarity of thought to punch through the cloud of false consciousness; the virile phonology, raw syntax, and proletarian semantics of ape express the true conviction and essence of progressive thought like no other language, which is why there should be no other language.

Comrades, once you go with apes, you never relapse!

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Comrade_Tovarich wrote:....In due course, the various linguistic brethren of the ape language will cease to be intentionally neglected; research will undoubtedly show the ape language to be far more concise and efficient than anything used by humans. Thoreau's dictum--"Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify"--helps us to understand the empowering nature of the ape language: Stripped of the reactionary parasitic bourgeois elements of modern human languages, ape allows clarity of thought to punch through the cloud of false consciousness; the virile phonology, raw syntax, and proletarian semantics of ape express the true conviction and essence of progressive thought like no other language, which is why there should be no other language.

Comrades, once you go with apes, you never relapse!
I thought that was pretty much what hippie doper talk was.

"Like wow man. Like far out"- could be reduced down to ONE word- "Wowwww".

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Ah yes, at the end of our zoophilia days, we can, like Dave Bowman, pace Arthur Clarke, zoom through the universe and say, "It's full of SARS!" Or if we are going through Washington, "It's full of Czars!"

But yes, I have to admit that we must embrace zoophilia. After all, if not for that, how would the Occupy people ever get some? Or did Rosie O'Donnell ever give birth? Was that not zoophilia?
After all, it would take zoophilia to sire something on that dam. And I do apologize to the comrades for recycling this:
Now I ask you: can you in your heart of hearts criticize zoophilia when without it, our Comradettes above would never have any fun?

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Now for all of you who criticize bullshit. Do you not know that bullshit is a fertilizer? It lets things grow. Do you think that we could be progeriffic if we were awful things like rationalists? For god's sake, if we were mathematicians?

Then we'd have to support our statements whereas now we merely egest them, from either ass or mouth, or pen, or if blogging in our mother's basement, from our fingertips, the ones which aren't harvesting pimples.

Now we merely make some pronunciamento--utter platitudes in stained-glass attitudes (pace W. S. Gilbert) and look down our noses when people want proof.

"The jobs bill will spend all this money but make a hundred million jobs and bring in a quadrillion dollars, just as soon as the CBO rates my plan that every quarter Martians will land a fleet of flying saucers holding ten trillion in gold."

BTW, that's the genius of the CBO. It rates the bill on its internal logic.

I think that I'm going to submit a bill which states that we can spend $20T a year and it will be paid for by huge diamonds and emeralds and rubies that I get out of my Carlsbad cave. It's the little gnome miners which will keep us afloat, you know.

And the CBO will prove it.

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I don't know, Comrade T.......... the thought of those little gnomes. jewels and Bruno deep in the recesses of your subterranean domicile seems just a tad creepy.

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The thought of Bruno anywhere is rather creepy. It's strange how this overgrown ape can sound as whiny as Michael Jackson. This is a picture that Red Rooster took:
When I'm not feeling well I can see it even with my eyes closed.

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"Like wow man. Like far out"- could be reduced down to ONE word- "Wowwww". ... re=related

Progressive thought & love should be shared with the animal kingdom. Gaia would approve.

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Krasnodar, that is an elevating picture and quite near the truth. Did you hear that Bonnie Fwank has decided to suck only in private these days? In other words, he's not going to seek another term.

The problem is that he keeps on inviting himself to the Rancho. "Theocritus," he whines without moving his upper lip, and refer to paragraph 1 above, "You don't know how hard it is to be misunderstood when you've let your ex-hooker boyfriend run a gay escort service out of a Georgetown townhouse.

"I mean, what's wrong with that? I don't care if he owned Pahrump, Nevada and had Heidi Fleiss on speed-dial, he's nothing compared to what I do every day. And after all, he got a few thousand at most a day, whereas I pissed away billions a day for my friends.

"Now who's the bigger whore? And I didn't even get credit for THAT."

Jeez, you cannot believe how tedious he is. Once while he was sleeping I tried to see if his upper plate was anchored to his lip but the smell from his cake hole was enough to discourage me.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:.... Once while he was sleeping I tried to see if his upper plate was anchored to his lip but the smell from his cake hole was enough to discourage me.

Comrade Theocritus-

Right now I am suffering from terrible mental images of WHY Barney's "cake hole" might have smelled so bad.

Please, how do I get these images inside my head to stop?

Signed, Gross Imaginations

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:Coprophagia, like all good progs.
So once again you used a word I never heard of before and I figured you made it up.

Nope. It's a real word-

Meanwhile, you have not, NOT made the mental images dancing in my head better at all.

No, not at all.

User avatar
Well Scratch, it's like this ..........

I've endured those same images, and "gross" is not an adequate description.

Let's face it.... any of Barney's " multi-use orifices " must be so big that you'd need to strap a 2x4 across your back to keep from being sucked in.

However, his mouth is the most dangerous.

The other routes to his corpulence are probably most disgusting, to be sure....
but at least they don't spew out speeches supporting disastrous legislation.

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Comrades, as you know, Bonnie Fwank has decided not to seek another term. He's done his work. Much as has this Progs' Delight, Bouncing Baby Barry Bama:
You have to love a man like Bonnie who knows more than anyone else, forces it down the throats of the world, then "remembers" that he warned people of the trouble that he in fact caused, with Chris Dodd.

Oh, I love Bonnie's memory.

"I tried to warn people in 1932 that Hitler was going to be a problem..."

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Dearest Father Prog Theo:I recently posted this but you may not have seen it. The Honey Badger (and it's ways) reminds me so much of our esteemed comrade Bwaney. I shall miss him, as long as that gargoyle, Maxine Waters, doesn't replace him on the Finance Committee. I think you'll enjoy this. ... re=related

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Ahem. Pamalinsky. You have insulted gargoyles everywhere.

Retraction, please.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Ahem. Pamalinsky. You have insulted gargoyles everywhere.

Retraction, please.
New word needed- A suitable descriptive term for Maxine Waters.

None of the current loving terms for the Grate Commisarika seem to be sufficient.

Father Prog, your word mastery is required.


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Oh yes, yes, yes! Thank you my dear Comrades! A new dialectic is desperately needed! And we know who can really get the job done! Our dear Father Prog Theocritus! That's who! Gosh, Father, guess you're kinda on the spot here, aren'tcha? We are waiting with 'bated breath since we can't actually think for ourselves! Help!Oh yeah, and, my apologies to gargoyles everywhere! (My own gargoyle looks withstanding)I feel your pain, Comrades and, I just know Father Prog Theo can come to our rescue! I just know he can! Really! Seriously! Honestly!

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Ya know, Father Prog Theo, after "thinking" about this for about 4 seconds, I realize that's about all I have left! (Thanks to you and your Jifi-Lobo™). i.e.: It's all your fault! AND Bruno's! Ha! There we have it! I'm exonerated! Let's continue with business as usual! By any means necessary!

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Every word which proceeds from Ms. Waters' mouth was born stercoraceous. She's a logorrheic, calumniating vespertilio lunae who never met an accusation she didn't like.

She's a packmule for lipstick.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:Every word which proceeds from Ms. Waters' mouth was born stercoraceous. She's a logorrheic, calumniating vespertilio lunae who never met an accusation she didn't like.

She's a packmule for lipstick. I just LOVE it when you talk dirty like that.

ster·co·ra·ceous [stur-kuh-rey-shuhs] adjective
Physiology .consisting of, resembling, or pertaining to dung or feces.

log·or·rhe·a [law-guh-ree-uh, log-uh-] noun
1.pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech.
2.incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.

Calumnating, I do know (a liar)

Vespertilio Ves`per*til"i*o\, n. [L., a bat.] (Zo["o]l.)
A genus of bats including some of the common small insectivorous species of North America and Europe.

lunae doesn't seem to be in the dictionary, but I know it means Moon, as in Moon Bat

I do suppose that if people do not find these to be admirable qualities of the Comrisarka, it's merely because we are racist?

Your adoring groupie.


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Dearest Vlad,

Thank you so much for looking up these words for me! I now feel real edumacated! I know Theo will be proud! My self-esteem has been elevated! Well, maybe 1/2 an inch. Hey! Every little bit helps, especially when others do the work!

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Uh, Comraderess P.,

FYI: That's " edjumacated. "

Just say'n.

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Comrades, pardon my blushes.

I do love words. Mark Twain said there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Well, I can lie with words. But then that's what Bouncing Baby Barry Bama does all the time. But his words, and indeed the words of all his minions, are nothing but birdlime to inveigle the credulous into the world of complete anomie, where reality is suspended and the words themselves are reified.

So I choose to obfuscate and dissemble with sesquipedalianism.

Which beats the hell out of working.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:So I choose to obfuscate and dissemble with sesquipedalianism.

Which beats the hell out of working.

Yanno- I am not sure I could find words like that using the Theesoreass.

My problem is, for the purpose of writing to the usual crowd I write to, I use the Thesaurus to find SIMPLER words than the ones that popped into my head.

Over the past 40 years, I have been forced to "dumb down" the help articles I write to the point now that even 3rd grade level seems to go over the heads of quite a few in the crowd I cater to.


Alas, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt was absolutely right, lo all those years ago.

Look at what I did with the Communist Manifesto when I was home schooling my kids-

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Oh, Scratchy, I'm nothing but a bullshit peddler. The best way to do that is to learn a lot of high-faluting words and sprout a good line of rubbish. You know, big words.

Remember how the accursed Ronald Reagan really could use small words and touch people?

I hate that bastard. All speech is a lie. Remember that.

I promise you that Dear O'Leader does. Speech is to be used to say what you want to buy time as you continue to burrow into the liberties and pocketbooks of people whom you cannot stand being relatively free. Because you don't get off if your neighbors aren't enslaved.

Let's remember Gore Vidal's supremely bitchy statement. It's not enough that you succeed. Your friends have to fail.Proggery has replaced money grubbing; after all, the dollar is a fungible unit of power. But we live in a concentration-camp age. This is the age when Rachael Madcow in her hoodie stalks across the Hoover Dam saying things that I could never remember once I left my mother's basement with my CRT and modem. Then we have Lawrence O'Donnell and gee I hope I spelled his name right calling for a global public option because health care is important and that means that he gets to tell us that we have to belly up to the bar and pony up and pay for the port-wine stains of Eritreans.All of this is so patently absurd and against the will of the governed that there is only one possible explanation: Concentration camps!

Bear in mind that the concentration camp is the mad money of the prog. Since we have nothing between our ears--Jiffy-Lobo insures that--and since we have nothing but our own elevated opinions of ourselves, then to insure that we continue to be as wonderful and splendid as we know we are, it may be required to have some people take "sensitivity training."

And I'm sure you understand.

Pack your bags.

Now who says I'm not the biggest prog on the block?

Do you realize that "prog" pronounced by a German with irritable vowel syndrome could be "prick"?