
The People Want The Cube to Be on Fox News

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There's a lot of buzz on the web about Fox's new comedy show. I missed it as I don't watch as much TV as I would like to, but people who discuss it express their regret that the new "1/2 Hour Comedy Hour" show is not as good as the People's Cube. I saw it expressed before in the comments on and other places, but today it's also in a editorial:

A "1/2 Hour Comedy Hour" Review

John Hawkins of wrote:Fox's widely discussed, new conservative comedy show, "The Half Hour News Hour," debuted this week-end. Here's the blow by blow breakdown of the opening show:

-- The opening segment with Rush and Ann wasn't terrible.

-- Next was a news segment, which was so-so until they got to the book segment that was painfully, horribly bad. Additionally, it featured atrociously drawn book covers. Small detail, but it makes them look small-time and amateurish.

-- There was an Anti-ACLU joke ad that should have been good, but wasn't.

-- Back with the news that led into the Barrack Obama bit that was released early. So-so.

-- Ed Begley jokes about his electric car. It was OK.

-- There was a T-Shirt guy bit. It had its moments, but would have been a lot better if it wasn't so preachy and if one of the writers had stolen some material from The People's Cube.

-- Another fake ad featuring an actress talking about celebrity something or another. Lame.

-- More of the Ed Begley bit. This was semi-funny.

-- The Six degrees of global warming skit. This was the best part of the show. Fairly funny.

-- Stop the ACLU commercial #2. Again, should have been good, wasn't really.

-- The Ed Begley bit continued. A little funny.

Summary: This show was not timely at all and at times you felt like their first priority was getting across a message, not making people laugh. Perhaps more importantly, this may be the least edgy show made since Leave it to Beaver. I don't know if that's because they think conservatives are easily offended or because the writers know Hollywood is run by liberals and they're afraid if they really rip the left, they won't be able to get jobs elsewhere.

I will say this, if the show doesn't get a LOT FUNNIER than this, it's doomed -- and that's from someone who wants the show to succeed and encouraged people not to rush to judgment last week.

Here's a comment from today's discussion on that posted a glowing review of the show (see comment #31)

Glenn wrote:I was disapointed with HHNH. It wasn't nearly as bad as Air America, but to me it came across as a rather amateurish spoof, writen by a lefty, of what a right-wing comedy show would be like. I expected at least a few laugh-out-loud moments, got none, zip, squat.

Check out - go through the archives. THAT should be a TV show.

Has anyone seen it and what's your take on it?

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Here's more from today's thread on Hot Air:

"I really do want The People's Cube guys to video some skits and send it to FNC"
- ScottMcC

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I haven't seen it....past my bedtime.

But I am willing to quit my day job!

Fox, are you listening? I'm a cheap slut, you could pay me less than these fools that are writing for you now, and from what I've heard from my friends who've actually seen it, you'd be getting a bargain.

Sniffs and Doggie Kisses,

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Ugh... the Hillary bit was OK... but then again it doesn't come close to what is done here at the glorious People's Cube. Ugh... my fantasy is bringing the People's Cube to Television... ughhhhh! The material is endless, YOU HERE ME FNC! ENDLESS! (will work for Air Time and all the pop-corn I can eat)


Somewhere in darkened alley John Stewart is laughing. He is laughing at us all.

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I actually happened upon the tail end of the show. I didn't even realize that FNC was premiering a comedy news show. I was thinking as I watched, "what in the hell is this?" (A Fox News Comedy Show: isn't that an oxymoron? -- it's always comedy to me. Ha ha ha, hee, hack, hack, snort. Ohhh, pardon me.)

Although I didn't see most of the show, the part I did see was underwhelming and even a bit embarrassing in its lack of creativity. Based on John Hawkins' review, I didn't miss much. I also agree with Glenn's comment that what I saw came across as a leftist spoof of what a "conservative" comedy show would be like. Fox definitely requires the services of The Cube.

They ain't got nothin' on Colbert, who -- politics aside -- has some pretty good writers, I must say.

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It was Dr. P, a bit sketchy and off key I might add. Hopefully they will tune it up and make it work so that I can find humor on television again (with the exception of Colbert and Little Britain which makes me giggle).

DRAFT THE CUBE NOW! (and Larry the Liberal, oh, and Kurgman too!)

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Funny, we've got 300 channels, and none seemed to have that show playing.

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It came on at 10PM ( Eastern Establishment's Coast Time), Betty.

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Premier Betty wrote:What channel?

Fox News (hence the title of the article)

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The evil kkkapitalist Sci-Fi channel was eating up all my time and distracting me from the republican's pathetic attempts at humor. That, and they have dulled my title-reading abilities.

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Damn that Sci-Fi channel and their over budget shows! DAMN THEM!

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It's all the fault of Battlestar Galactica, the evil capitalist science fiction soap opera!

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Premier Betty wrote:It's all the fault of Battlestar Galactica, the evil capitalist science fiction soap opera!

You too?! I was reading some of the comments at HotAir and it seems like everyone is into Battlestar Galactica? Why is that? I never really got into Sci-Fi shows... hmmm, maybe I'm just wierd?

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Most of the shows on the Sci-Fi channel are good, like Stargate SG1, but Battlestar Galactica doesn't deal with real problems. They never are fighting any real enemies, all they do is complain about internal problems that have simple solutions, but no one is smart enough, or has the ballz to take action. They're all idiots.

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I saw a commercial for it and supposedly this episodes big dilemma is a hole in the wall.

"My God, Captain, there is a hole in the wall and its sucking out all the air! Quickly, we must resort to cannibalism to stay alive! Women and small children first!"

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They have been showing that ad all week and all I can think of when I see it is how easy it would be to just stick some silly putty, or caulk, or something on it to stop it. And the big dilemma is trying to get them out. Solution: open the damn door and let them out. I'm sure there is some hacker geek on board one of those ships capable of overriding a simple airlock.

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There probably was a hacker geek on board... that was until they ate him in order to survive last weeks pressing crisis.

"OK everyone, form a line right here... women to my left and small children to my right. OK people, now then, we are going to have to resort to canabalism in order for a solution to present itself... it is the only way. Major, fetch me some salt and some parsely, I've had my eye out on Pam's six-year-old for months now."

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Actually, I think that there were only two or three people who were trapped inside one room that was closed off from the rest of the ship. The ironic thing is that those people who were trapped in there were the ones who were supposed to fix it. I guess they ate all their tools that were supposed to be used for fixing the hole in order to survive until the government came in to save them and give them free debt cards so they could go to strip clubs and buy beer.

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Or maybe its just sabotage... someone is intentionally causing all of these internal problems so that the Captain can call for canabalism and "anything goes, Vegas style" type antics... which is progressive and will entitle them to FEMA debit cards.

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Cannibalism seems to be the only dramatic tool TV shows have anymore.

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Next week on Battlestar Galatica!

"Captain, there seems to be a problem in sector 7, sir. Our computers are reading a toliet over-flow which is threatning the survival of the entire ship."

Captain - "Dammit all to hell, we have no choice now but to eat our fellow crew members in order to survive."

"Sir, I don't think that is necessary, every day that there is a new problem, you automatically resort to eating people and forcing the female crew members to give lap-dances.... I believe there has to be another way, a way that doesn't compromise the lives and dignity of the crew."

Captain - "Dammit Jack, don't you see we are going to die if we don't eat people and recieve lap-dances, open your eyes man! Open your eyes! <intercom> Now here this, now here this... this is the Captain speaking and a toliet in sector 7 is overflowing.... we have no choice but to resort to canabalism and lap-dances to survive this crisis and get the toliet to stop overflowing."

Crew collectively - Awaaaahhhh

Captain - " Whoever has number 138760 has been selected to be the first to be eaten."

Paul McCartney - "Uh, uh... BINGO! I got the winning number! I got the winning number! What did I win? What did I win? Uh, guys? Why is everyone looking at me that way?"

(Yes, Paul McCartney is a crew member in my version of the show... and obviously he will be eaten.)

- Sorry Betty, I couldn't resist but to write that, and I'm sure everyone is moaning that we are going off topic here.

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Doesn't matter. It's still funny as hell.

"Captain, there is a rescue Roto Rooter ship en route to our position to rescue us from this situation of your own creation."

"Good, more food... wait situation of my own creation? Just what are you saying here?"

"Well you did eat 27 bacon flavored hot pockets for breakfast today, and your personal lavatory is located in sector 7, and several crew members reported loud groaning noises coming form there while you were away...."

"Hey, I'm the captain here, and I can eat what I want, crap wherever, whenever, and on whoever I want, and if you don't blame someone else, I'll be forced to eat you too."

"But sir, isn't that a little extreme?"

"I've got a plastic spork here with your name on it...."

"Yes sir."

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Writers... I ruined Howard Roark with writers.

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Admiral - "Captain, we have recieved a distress signal indicating that your ships toliet is overflowing.... is this correct Captain?"

Captain - " Yes, sir... I'm afraid someone, someone of pure evil... has...has eaten all the bacon flavored hot-pockets and has clogged the can!"

Admiral - "Sweet merciful L. Ron Hubbard... You have no choice but to resort to canabalism and lap-dances! Dammit Captain, HOW? HOW DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!?"

Captain - "I'm sorry sir, I have failed."

Jack - "You too, Admiral!? You're going to let this idiot eat more crew members over a toliet clog?!"

Admiral - " Major, you are out of line and I will remind you who you are talking to. The Captain has every right to eat whoever he wants in this time of dire consequences.... it is the moral thing to do... starting with women and small children, naturally."

Jack - "..."

Admiral - "Captain, procede with the protocol and begin the slection process for healthy female candidates to begin the lap-dances... your lives depend on it."

Captain - <clutching wall and hanging head low> "There....there is no other way... I'm sorry I let you down Jack... I'm sorry that your wife will have to give me a lap-dance now to ensure the survival of the crew."

Jack - "WHAT!?"

Captain - "Pam, sweety... come in here for a moment. Here, put this on <hands Pam a G-string> You know what you have to do... you are doing this not for me, but for the survival of this ship and her crew."

Pam - "Sorry, Jack. Captains orders!"

Jack - "Uh...Uh...Uh... I want a divorce... oh, and BTW... I'VE BEEN CHEATING ON YOU!"

Will the crew save the ship before the toliet water seeps through the door? Will the Captain get his lap-dance and save the crew? WILL JACK DIVORCE HIS WIFE PAM!? Tune in next time to Battlestar Galatica to find out!

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I like Battlestar Galactica. I am only catching up though, still on season 1. From what have seen, the cylons are good progressives for destroying all the humans (since humans are the problem to everything), but bad since they caused Major global warming ON 12 PLANETS! But this is not their fault, it is Bushs.
Personally I like Stargate and Stargate Atlantis, but as a progressive thinker, I have convictions against the shows since they glorify military institutions! If the military was progressive, they should have let the Wraith eaten them a long time ago in a "Humans for Peace" plan.

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I wonder when the Sci-Fi channel will start showing Eureka again.

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Didn't class-enemy Murdoch appear at a Hillary "HillRaiser"?

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Did anyone appear at a Hillary "HillRaiser"?

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I wonder if FNC would show any of the rather abrasive things said in these pages about our Many Titted Empress, Dear Leader Hillary.

That said, is it wise to expose the Cube to such public recognition? Red, I hope that you have laid in ammunition and have good locks on steel doors when the goon squad comes for you in its Mao suits.

Remember what happened to Bill Gates when he didn't bribe the Clintons enough--he got Justice on his ass. And that was after his appearance with other Macroshaft geeks announcing something else that won't work well in--crimson Mao suits. I'm not making this up.