
The Pup is Livid With Rage!

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I am sorry comrades, and perhaps this is not the place to do this, and if so, please move it somewhere it may better be placed. But if you haven't seen or heard of this, you simply must see this.

Now you may think I am a bit worked up about would be right.

It is absolute trash, scum bags, $*@&heads like this that have made me to have basically given up on the US. Seriously folks, I don't think they come much lower than this. Apparently, and thankfully, his site is being shut down in place after place, as well it should be, "Freedom of Speech" be damned. Hell, even Alan Colmes had a problem with this piece of flotsam.... oh sorry, that is an insult to flotsam. See this worm's interview on Hannity and Colmes, and you may want to keep a barf bag handy....

Oh, there is a bad word at the top of this video site for those with rugrats in the roon...but when you hear the video you may find yourself saying the same thing, even if you are against Iraq etc. This is just an airhead idiot that doesn't deserve to be in this country. ... d=15216628 ... roops.html

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There is a special place in Hell for this ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A part of me wants 10 minutes in a room to "instruct" this moron on how he would be treated by our enemies in reality without the US Military to keep his cock-eyed, pampered ass safe. It looks like a few police may want to join in also.

The rational part of me says to remind this fool (there are a few other F words I WANT to say) that the Military is one of the VERY few mandated federal duties in the Constitution. It amazes me that these asses want "the troops home" while they piss all over us (As they did our fathers and mothers: Both of my parents are vets).

I sit here between deployments seething in rage at the left and the media. When I came back from Iraq a few months ago and when I saw my boss I said "Hello, when do I go back?" Yeah, to this goofy looking waste of protoplasm, I 'threw my life away'. But to thinking, rational people, I have not. I sit here, holding my 3 month old son in one arm HOPING I have done all I can to keep him, and all the others, safe. I read viperspages and seethe with anger at the aptly named Crook's idiocy.

I am DAMN proud to be who I am and have done everything I have. I have never violated ANY Law of War, ANY convention (none of which are signed by, or even apply to our enemies), or done ANYTHING that would bring dishonor (like Crook and his ilk know what honor is) to America or her People. ALL I have served with, from EVERY US branch an 30+ of our allies can say the same.

Words fail to express my contempt for this Crook.

Any more and I will lose bearing and write a thorny lace of profanity at this.......thing who insults My "Family", my history, and our honor.

m1tanker @

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I really was hesitant to post that here, but I didn't know if anyone had seen such an example of the absolute sickness of some "citizens" and I use that term in the broadest way possible... as in a piece of crap is a citizen.

I can't tell you how many times I have pointed out to people who think we need to cut back on the military so we can pay for health care etc. that providing for the common defense is THE most prime responsibility of the govt. In fact, you have to stretch all sorts of definitions to find some loop hole to even begin to find an excuse for the role of Big Daddy govt.

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There is a consolation though. Crook is all that you said, but he is also in utter hell in his own head. He is an ideologue of the worst sort, the man whose internal view of the world is so structured that every single thing that he sees and hears affects him in one of two ways.

If it can use it as a weapon to bolster his views, then he is happy, in a snarling way.

If it works against his world view, he has to either deny it, circumvent it, or somehow twist it.

He is literally loopy, and was caught, as you heard, many times in contradictions. His problem is that his internal structure is so rigid that reality is hell for him, everything winding him up all the time--that incredible rage is the result of helplessness.

Tank, you're pissed now, and justifiably, and most of all when you hold your son, wondering if you have done as much as possible to protect him. I really believe that rage comes from helplessness--I know a lot about that. But you, and the other soldiers I've seen, were not angry about Iraq. You were <i>doing</i> something. You were not helpless. You were acting. You were engaging, you are engaging, in your world, and you know its value.

On occasion I go to El Paso and while there eat at Kiki's a Tex-Mex place that is pretty good. It's near Fort Bliss and of course lots of military eat there. They're the most attractive people I've ever seen, and don't get any wrong ideas. This is not some character-on bit about Bruno and other cheesecake. These people are attractive because they exist in themselves. They know who they are, and they know what they are doing. Note that this is an internal valuation. Here is the crucial point: they do not exist to be seen. They do not exist in others' eyes only. They are not fashionistas or Beautiful People. But they have the attraction of existing in and of themselves. <i>They exist alone in a room.</i> Think on that.

Because they know the value of what they are doing. They understand its worth. They understand their importance in something important.

I am perhaps a bit of an oddity, well a lot of an oddity for I utterly insist on doing my own thinking. Don't have much choice. But the choice is clear to me: people who say that they want to die to kill Americans and then prove they mean it by doing just that must die before they can kill Americans. It's very simple. And people who interfere with this process are, quite simply, endangering my life.

I see these military people, with their wives, or husbands, sitting there, consulting the right-hand-side of the menu. I fell into conversation with one group when one fellow asked me what I was reading, and laughing over. <i>The Fountainhead</i>by Ayn Rand. Red would like that. I described it a bit, an impossible task. One was going to Iraq, and another taking a class on another form of IED hell, and they were budgeting goddamned TexMex, not foie gras at the French Room at the Adolphus. And here I sit, fat and happy, openly gay, not considering $10K serious money, and people who are dying <i>for me</i> are budgeting a $10 meal before learning not to be killed by a madman channeling Allah.

I always buy the luncheon of every serviceman in the place, just put money on the table and walk on. Once, when we were talking for about 15 minutes, I found that I had connections with one--small world. I told them that I really appreciated their sacrifice, and they all liked that, and then, a bit nervously, I said that there was a reason.

"If you didn't do what you are doing, you'd be wearing a beard and a rag on your head. Your wife would be in a burka, and I'd be dead because I'm gay. I understand that."

The one that I had a connection with said, "The reason that we fight is so we can do what we want." And when in a few minutes I'd finished, and I'd paid for the entire table, he stood up and shook my hand. Yes I know I'm getting sentimental but it meant something to me. A lot. Because, again, how much luckier could I be?

You and the other military really exist. You are real people. This puke is utterly enraged that the world isn't run to suit him and he has sold himself in slavery to his internal demand that the world please him, and since it doesn't care, he's always angry.

He is worth nothing, but be of good cheer. He is the most miserable person you've ever seen.

Sleep well. I shall.


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The f**ker even looks like the antichrist. Rich, spoilt, and completely ignorant of how the world functions outside his drug-induced dreamland of insanity.

Someone needs to put him in an insane asylum, because he is legally retarded. His brain function (or lack thereof) is in a vegetable state that would barely register on an IQ test if it was rigged to detect negative points. He has no concept of what the world is really like, and when faced with real common sense and logic, he cannot function.

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I saw this vid and his piece of shit webshit several months ago. A friend of mine on MySpace tipped me off to it.

Would a prison shank be too good of a death for him?


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Commissar Theocritus wrote:These people are attractive because they exist in themselves. They know who they are, and they know what they are doing. Note that this is an internal valuation. Here is the crucial point: they do not exist to be seen. They do not exist in others' eyes only. They are not fashionistas or Beautiful People. But they have the attraction of existing in and of themselves. <i>They exist alone in a room.</i> Think on that.

Because they know the value of what they are doing. They understand its worth. They understand their importance in something important.

Comrade, you hit the proverbial nail on the head and said it clearly. I salute you, all of your comments, and your attitude. Seriously.

But you don't consider 10K serious money.... Do you have a job for a lowly Data Pup? One whose kissing up skills have already been proven here?

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Er, oughtn't to have said that. Impolitic. Not untrue, but impolitic. It's rather astonishing when one's skills with a computer, records that one just happens to have, and just happens to have taken care of for some years, and modern technology has found that many millions of years ago plants died about 8,000 subsurface come together. An asset that takes little to maintain and yields little return becomes an asset that takes little to maintain it and yields great return. One just, er, watches things.

And the few people that I need seem bound and determined to stay, which I encourage. For some reason they seem to find my remarks about our Many Titted Empress agreeable.

But can you <i>imagine</i> the snit that Bruno would be in? I'd have ground glass in my Mumbai Non Conflict Gin and Tonic.

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Thank you comrade Pup. I have been known to stay calm amongst many of things, and try to handle it logically, but you found something that raised even my blood pressure. I think that we should give this guy what he wants! Ship him of to an island where there is no military for him to be unhappy with, then watch as whoever can get to him first, shoot him. I find it interesting how even the left is denouncing him, oh, he really said it, ticked everyone in the nation off with his fracking words and became public enemy number 1. I really do hope that someone can give him what he wants. Bye you fracker! Have a great time on your island with nobody to protect you.

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There are several small islands in the Straights of Malaca between Indonesia and Singapore we could drop him on. I choose those because it is a hotbed of Islamic piracy activity. The straights see a huge majority of the world's shipping pass through and this moron would get to see several nation's navies (including the USN) in action fighting them. It is one of the many unreported fronts on the War on Terror.

I am sure if these islamofascists Crooks is enamored with gets their hands on him then he will "see the light", just before the knife comes down.

Commissar Theocritus,

I understand what you are saying fully and appreciate the insight, compliment, and what you do for the Soldiers at Ft. Bliss. I was there for CRC (Combat Replacement Center: Where individuals deploy as augmentees or, in my case, a "unit of one"... long story). The IED training we had there was probably THE best class. After going through it, and then deploying, I will never look at a piece of trash or broken curb on the road the same ever again.

"They exist alone in a room" is a phrase I fully understand. We refer to it a "force of presence". Martial Artists have other terms, but it all means the same. This 'existence' is the exact opposite of the "Hollowness" and "Shallowness" of some others. Take Paris Hilton (please, take her FAR away!). She is, by all accounts, a shell only capable of existing, not contributing. She has no true worth outside of her standing in social circles. The same with this Crooks imbecile.

Now, take this young lady (if I was enlisted and single.... sorry, women and Gatling guns):

This young lady represents someone who is most likely a "complete person". They are confident, intelligent, capable, and adaptable. She also likes puppies.

I was going to save this for the thread on the "study" which said Leftists are fluid people (defending Kerry's flip-flops) and conservatives never accept anything outside their world-view and are mentally incapable of change. I had to laugh at that as it appears switched. If the left were able to fluid, they would NOT be living in the 1960s still. Communism failed, yet they still cling to it. Che killed thousands of innocent people (many women and children also) yet they refuse to change their beliefs and worship him. MILBLOGS and returning Soldiers refute and conclusively disprove the media's fake and biased reporting in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet the left will NOT change.

Thank You again for your words and deeds. Your statements show you FULLY understand what would happen to large sections of our society should Sharia be imposed. Stay safe and stay free.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:And the few people that I need seem bound and determined to stay, which I encourage.

But do they have the demonstrated kissing up skills I have?

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RedtheProgressiveFox wrote:Thank you comrade Pup. I have been known to stay calm amongst many of things, and try to handle it logically, but you found something that raised even my blood pressure.

I wasn't exaggerating when I expressed my anger was I? Just when you think you have heard the most vile thing, someone like this comes along. I would rather have lunch at McDonalds with Charlie Manson than such a worm. Hell, at least most mass killers or even demoncrats have an excuse for their ills.

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Comrade TankoGrad wrote:Now, take this young lady (if I was enlisted and single.... sorry, women and Gatling guns):

This young lady represents someone who is most likely a "complete person". They are confident, intelligent, capable, and adaptable. She also likes puppies.

She's hot! Oh, and likes Puppies..... where can I reach her? LOL

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I'm working on something for another place that I am entirely more serious, although above I did let my hair down. I'm trying to pull together in a rather forthright way an indictment, if you don't mind the ponderousness of that word, of the left's narcissism, moral equivalence and moral vanity leading to a sort of sociopathy. Not first-hand, for that would be bloody. It's a bit contrived but it could be nasty.

Bear with me. There are several diagnostic traits of the sociopath, and I did some research on them for I expected that someone I was once involved with might be one, and yes, according to a doctor friend of mine, expressing six of ten is a good indicator. This ex-friend, NOT the BEQ, who was after all moonbat nuts but funny much after the fact, is a top economist, and liberal Democrat, with the State of Texas now. Feeling good about your money?

The left's moral vanity means that they judge something's behavior by their own lights--if they like it, it's <i>good</i>. And therefore just fine by them. Since they are trendy, their standards change all the time--each day is a new one of Received Wisdom, usually from the NYT. Whatever concerns them is a High Concept which is pursued with great seriousness--endangered species, global warming, feel-good things--all of them really cute little vanities of theirs at the time.

While they ignore the bigger and utterly pressing things which swirl about them. It is their religion that all moral frameworks have something valid in them--all moral frameworks which are cute and quaint and show how godlike they are in their condescension.

They pride themselves on being non-judgmental--a hideous mischief-working phrase. We know that they're the biggest bigots on earth. To them there is something to be said for every action, because it's morally valid for someone and we just have to understand. (Ignore that they never try to understand the right.) Therefore they really do not get that 9/11 was morally repellant: it was in bad taste--get the difference?--and it was dangerous not to condemn it, but notice that they never actually follow through on their thoughts and realize that to be consistent, they have to condemn what made it possible, not just the act itself. Had the act been one of a group of mad chiliasts, it would have been one thing for once that group was dead, the problem was over. There are always such groups. But these people pooh-pooh the idea that there is a network of people to whom this was just fine, and these are the people we're trying to take out in Iraq.

Since they do not like the people who are trying to do this--they're not <i>our</i> sort, dear, not quite, er, top drawer--then they do not like their actions, regardless of what they are. Judging the truth of something by provenance is snobbery--more evidence of narcissism.

And their attitudes, which are just that--attitudes--have led to the deaths of over 100,000,000 people in the last century. They are the best friend of people these days who are bent on killing us.

Notice. They do not consider the consequences of their actions--liberalism is really just that, the demand to unlink consequences from actions and then they're not responsible, are they?--and therefore they can be given over to tastes, instead of true moral actions. And their tastes are approved tastes, ones that make them feel real good, so that's okay, isn't it? Moral vanity.

Doesn't this begin to sound like a mental illness? A bit facile, I know, but there is something to be mined, I think.

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Oh, I think it is indeed a mental illness, and would no doubt be classified as one were it not that the very psychiatrists that write the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are liberals themselves.

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I confess I can't bring myself to click on those links. I have a problem going to sites with a certain extreme agenda. At the very least I have this nutty idea I might catch cooties; at worst I fear my whole system will undergo a self-purge of Stalinist proportions right where I sit.

If that makes me close-minded, so be it. But I have a pretty good picture of what those links are about from the comments here.

The surge appears to be working. Things are turning around--maybe not as quickly and to the degrees as most people would like, but they are turning.

What if the Allies had given up at the Battle of the Bulge? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they'd been hoping to reach Berlin by Christmas '44, yet on that holiday they still hadn't reached the Rhine, were "mired" in SE Belgium. Should we have pulled out then and there because too many men were dying and we hadn't met the timetable?

The left has been attacking POTUS from day one. More recently they've attacked General Petraeus. That's backfiring on them even as I sit here pecking, so what remains? The very troops they've been claiming to support all this time.

They want to end the war, just end the war, yank all the troops out and be done with it. I don't understand how that can be done. Does anyone know of any historical precedent for that, any instance in world history where one side suddenly dropped their arms mid-battle, turned around and marched home? And if so, did the other side do the same, and was everything thereafter sunshine, lollipops and rainbows? Or did they keep a firm grip on their own arms, and attack from the rear with renewed ferocity?

TankoGrad, you're one of the many great American heroes fighting for us today. God bless you!

Theocritus, you truly understand what it means to support the troops. In your own way, you're a great soldier, too.

Pup, here's a nice bone for you. They're brand new beet vodka bones! I stood in line for 14 hours to get them.

Check out Michelle's blog today (9/15) (hope the link works, I tend to be link challenged) for some photos y'all will like much better. Have a hanky (or even your sleeve) ready.

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Check out this great article from the Pup's Babe™! She nails them! Especially the last sentence!

OMG... while I was at the Malakin site, I was looking at an old video from GOE 1... So here is one of the Moonbats, obviously one of their more brilliant ones, shouting at the Vets "Who are you going to fight? The sun? The moon? The universe is actively trying to kill you! And you want to fight each other? Have you got s*** for brains? What's the matter with you [unintelligible *%*&$] It's actually on fire!"

All you have to ask yourself is what side would you rather be on? What group would you trust to be in your house, with your children, with your pets! LOL

Sometimes you just have to laugh or get a gun and hunt these moonbats down. LOL

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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I have a friend, a doctor, Jan, who said that he did a psychiatric rotation while a Yale resident. The old shrink told him before he went into see a psychopath that he would find it very disturbing, and he did. Jan, an articulate man, could not quite convey it to me, but he said that there is this thing in human form, whose thoughts did not actually connect to reality in any way that you would know.

The frightening thing, as I take it, is how much we expect people to behave in rational ways. Or how we expect people to behave in rationally insane ways--once I understood what al Qaeda was up to, what they did made sense. Utterly wrong, of course, but I could understand their reasoning.

This does not apply. Notice in the interview with the Crook black hole that he utterly would not acknowledge any sort of logic--his thought patterns were all that mattered. I've seen people like Robert Rubin, that champagne socialist, get caught out on a lie on an interview program and he merely stated it again. The Big Lie, write large on camera.

And I can understand Fred Phelps, whose website <a href="">godhatesfags</a> is going to win no plaudits from me. Try it--but be prepared to recoil from the utter hate. But although he and his incestuous flock are utterly nuts, I can understand, given their precepts and postulates, why they say what they say.

But with these people? Have you read C. S. Lewis' science-fiction trilogy? In <i>Perelandra</i> there is postulated that all the troubles of the world would have been avoided if an elephant had stepped on the snake in the Garden of Eden. I do not mean to weigh in with religious overtones--in fact I read Lewis when my Christianity started failing me, seeking something. I found in him a considered and kind man, whose thoughts I liked, but that ultimately did not convince.

But the metaphor for killing sin has some merit. It doesn't have to be a snake and it doesn't have to be kill, but some people need a rebuttal in a language which they understand.

In college I had a roommate named Daniel--son of a Nobel laureate, by the way; intelligent. And an utterly self-centered, whiney mamma's boy. A tall, skinny string bean who could not abide any departure from his life, and I went to extraordinary lengths--really quite something--not to offend him nor impose anything on him. But he would rail at me, and once made the mistake of sticking his finger in my chest.

I am not a string bean by any means and had I cared for sports would have made a good football player. I threw him against the wall, the first time I'd ever had to lay a hand on anyone--size and sharp tongue--and I saw him cower. And then it hit me. This intelligent man had to be spoken to in a language that he understood.

So every two weeks, on average, I'd throw him against the wall and threaten to beat the shit out of him if he didn't quit acting like a whiney momma's boy.

It worked.

Some times you just gotta 'splain things so they can understand.

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Oh, I am familiar with Phelps.... there is nothing Christian about that group, and I am not even talking about the gay issue. His group is a stain on the name.

I know what you mean. I too understand Al Queda and their thinking, such as it is, which is along the lines as to why I said I would rather eat with Charlie Manson as to be sharing the same air with some of those moonbats.

Know what you mean about someone putting a finger in your chest as well. There are few things that will tick me off like that, especially when done by someone who I can't respect.

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Phelps uses Christianity as an excuse to be mean, justifying it by something other than himself. Other people use other things. Jimmy Carter is the most ostentatiously religious president of the past century--and by far the meanest one. His mother said, "I love all my children but I don't like all of them."

I can only think that some of the DKos moonbats are just as mean--astonishing, isn't it, how mean people will choose the left? For it is the politics of coercion that that's their raison d'etre.

On Christmas Day of 2006 I was in Topeka, never having been in Kansas until a day or two before, on vacation. I went by the Westboro Baptist Church, and was disappointed to find it so, er, respectable, except for a large sign saying "God Hates America." I had hoped for people in hoods, something like that, but no.

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Frankly, I believe in the right of free expression when it comes to people or organizations such as that.... and if I choose to express myself by busting them in the mouth, then that's my right eh?

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Yes. As I wrote above, I threw Wenkert against the wall every fortnight. Helped his manners.

And let's not forget that sometimes people just <i>need</i> to get the shit kicked out of them.

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I could not agree more! And as you pointed out about your roommate, sometimes once just isn't enough! LOL

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And you really might, if you're interested, read <i>Perelandra</i> by C. S. Lewis. It is the conclusion of a thoughtful Christian apologist--to my mind the best in the last 100 years--that it is after all just fine to kill the devil if you can.

Of course Wenkert wasn't the devil, merely a hyperactive (by his own admission) screeching obnoxious whiney little mamma's boy. But you get my drift.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote: I can only think that some of the DKos moonbats are just as mean--astonishing, isn't it, how mean people will choose the left? For it is the politics of coercion that that's their raison d'etre.

On Christmas Day of 2006 I was in Topeka, never having been in Kansas until a day or two before, on vacation. I went by the Westboro Baptist Church, and was disappointed to find it so, er, respectable, except for a large sign saying "God Hates America." I had hoped for people in hoods, something like that, but no.

Unfortunatly Theocritus, evil does not put itself on grand display until it gains absolute power. Thus the WBC looks normal 'outside' (minus the sign) but INSIDE is probably very different. Kick open a rotting log: Outside it looks just fine, but inside is maggot and bug infested.

I agree with Pup. Phelps is a cruel and evil man and is not Christian. I had to deal with his ilk when my CAV Troop did funeral services for vets. Luckily, the Patriot Guard created human walls to keep the WBC away from my Soldiers and the grieving families. The stuff on his website is disturbing and does lead one to wonder if he is not projecting. It would explain his drive and actions.

I read your break-down of leftist mentality with interest. My father worked in mental health. He dealt with terrible "patients" who were the criminally insane, all the way down to vets who needed someone to talk to about what they went through. My father, who died 10 years ago, would agree fully with Jan.

Psychopaths are 'there' but not. They exists, however, there is questions of the existence of anyone or anything around them. To some pyschopaths, reality is a dream. Rationality becomes subjective, amoral, fluid, and often dangerous for others. Facts and true reality will not change their stance, as you noted.

I will try to add to your comments Theo, though I feel I am merely repeating them.

Now add to this a narcissic sociopathy (I like the term moral vanity). Combined with this an "activist" psychotic moral relativism and psychopathic tendency to change 'reality' whenever current 'truth' changes and we have.... well... 200 million dead in the 20th century with zero guilt from the left.

Example: Throughout the 1990s and into 2003, leftists were scrambling over each other to see who could denounce Iraq and state they had WMDs the loudest.

Then "party truth" changed and *poof* all the quotes and records of the left were, as one leftist troll stated: irrelevent. Iraq NOW had NEVER had WMDs, Saddam complied with ALL UN resolutions, etc and so on. Now it was all "Bush's fault" and the leftist base instantly accepted this premise never questioning what their leaders were saying just one week prior. It is akin to reading "1984" and seeing "reality" change whenever "party truth" changes. Hence my use of the phrase in other posts.

Example: Up to the early 1980s, the left was convinced we were headed toward a new global ice age. Their "science" confirmed it and anyone who went against it was a capitalist corporate stooge. Then *poof*, it got warmer and now we have the cult of "Man Made Global Warming" and anyone who questions it is a.... guess.... capitalist corporate stooge! EVERYTHING from the "New Ice Age reality" is magically gone. It never existed for the left. It does not matter that true science refutes both claims and shows a climate with mutliple cycles of warming and cooling trends. It does not matter that the environmentalist's policies would kill millions of people. It "feels good" so therefore MUST be good!

Debate requires rationality. Rationality requires a basis in reality. When you are "debating" people for whome 'reality' changes to suit their political ends, it becomes an impossible task. It becomes dangerous when your debate oponent, the left, not only changes reality, but calls for your silence since you do not accept that "reality". It becomes even more difficult when charges of 'fascism' arise from the left, while simultaniously, the left is executing fascism. Yet, to the leftists, they are really doing it for all the catch phrases we use her.... and they actually believe it (this week)!

Unfortunatly, we are now faced with REAL dangers from those with aspirations of a global Islamic Caliphate and they will not stop until either we or they are dead. I choose to live and be free, thus my means I must take actions. For me, these actions sent me to Iraq and I work daily to keep as many wolves at the door as possible.

For the left, they choose not to see these dangers, or if they do, they blame the West for them. This flies in the face of reality as the Islamists state over and over that no matter WHAT the West does, apart from complete surrender, the islamists wil always despise and attack it.

They left's leaders do not see consequences outside aquisition of power. The left's followers do not see consequences as their frame of reference (their "reality") is changed yearly.

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The best example I have seen about reversal and denial of truth is this clip. I don't know how many liberals I have sent this to, and not one has ever responded to it. Guess they could not figure out a way to do so other than to move on to more Bush lied crap.<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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This link is to an article that I have found to be the best analysis of Leftist psychology, ever. IMO, this guy nails it right on the head.

The struggle that we see today in the U.S., to fend off the tyranny of Socialism, is what I am beginning to believe is "The Last Battle of the Cold War". Those in the leadership ranks of academia, the news media, and the Democratic Party are the ones that belonged to the various organizations and institutions of the '60s and '70s that were either in whole or in part funded by various channels that all lead back to the now defunct KGB.

The political and economic model that inspired and nurtured American liberals disintegrated in 1991. Even the other countries that they would've naturally looked to for support abandoned Marxist theory too. The old Eastern Bloc countries are no longer that. China and Vietnam are Communist in name only. Cuba is a joke. Here is the problem that they have: If you are an American liberal or a leftist politician, what do you do? The very political and economic model that you ascribe to has been consigned to the ash heap of history. At this point in their lives, these aging hippies are not going to abandon their leftist beliefs that big brother knows what is best for all of us. Very few people have the ability to just dump their entire belief system, most likely a system they have had since young adulthood, and replace it with one that is 180 degrees the opposite of what they once believe. First, that would be too traumatic. Second, they would have a credibility problem.

The struggle between freedom loving conservatives and totalitarian loving socialists is likely to continue for a very long time.


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I don't know, when it comes to control of the population, China still has not abandoned their communist roots and for that matter, it appears Russia is slipping back into theirs...and if the liberals here have their way, we shall not be far behind.

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Zamp, I cannot really believe that it is the last battle of the cold war. I've come to the conclusion, as I've rather tediously explained above, that the problem is the people involved. Tank was delightfully sarcastic in his noticing that *poof* things changed all at once. The current wisdom was so, like, over and we're moving on. (I knew from the second that I heard of just sort of troll bog it would be, moaning and howling with the rage of the left infuriated that the world wasn't run to suit them.)

TankoGrad wrote:Combined with this an "activist" psychotic moral relativism and psychopathic tendency to change 'reality' whenever current 'truth' changes and we have.... well... 200 million dead in the 20th century with zero guilt from the left.

I've written elsewhere some scathing words about moral relativism, although I hadn't qualified it with "psychotic"; I can see the addition.

Tank, in engaging in psychological terms, ones which I find appealing, I wonder if you and I are not discounting something called evil. I am an atheist, although one who believes that there <i>is</i> a god, but one who is unknowable (<a href="https:// ... 8-1">Adler 1978</a>); I am not a philosopher and cannot recount his argument any more than I can remember how to arrive at the volume of a sphere by integration in polar co-ordinates. But I was convinced both times.

That said, there is no doubt in my mind that there is such a thing as evil, and it is one of the errors, I think, of the modern, psychological, therapeutic society to act, well, therapeutic. With the idea of remediation. Implicit in the idea of saving these people, and that word is just, I think, is the idea that somewhere something inside them is there to be reached.

That is not necessarily so. I have a fondness for documentaries on prisons--the technology is interesting but I'm interested in the minds of the prisoners themselves. Their low intelligences, of course; most of them are mesomorphs (pace Porteus' 1948 study), and most of all the fact that these people respect nothing but force. Ethics do not restrain them--nature, in the form of prison, does. And that's why they're there.

A friend, Alan, has helped me immensely. After the near-death in 2006 my survival, my being forced to look at everything in my life, and pitch the (right-wing) ideology, meant that I had no choice but live honestly. For 50 years I had been standing slightly to the side of myself, editing what I presented to the world for acceptability. For a man born in 1955 in West Texas it was a survival characteristic. For a man who ought to be dead owing to his attempts to be dead by a rather slow process, the survival characteristic is an absolute and complete refusal to run from facts. To treat facts as something which exist no matter who views them, not to be discounted if they disagree with my inner world, nor to be used as triumphalist weapons against people who disagree with me.

And so Alan was the first person I came out to just over a year ago. He smiled largely and said, "Congratulations." We've been friends for 35 years, and he said, "Theocritus, I just don't trust any one who hasn't been through a car wreck. And survived it." His was an incredibly messy divorce.

This car wreck, and the reason for this persiflage, is that time in your life when you are face to face with reality. There is no place to run. You stand there, bare before it, accepting it. Accepting <i>you</i>. Accepting facts. Realizing that things <i>are</i>, regardless of how you feel.

There is no reason to become inflamed when the world does not suit you--that's the province of the ideologue. And the lemma to that is that you are not responsible for the world. And since you are not responsible for it, you do not feel helpless. And when you do not feel helpless, you are able to deal with what happens, even if it is just accepting it, then you are not angry.

And you are free.

If you remain cross and vexed and outraged when the world does not suit you, you are a slave to reality, and since reality cares nothing for you, or your opinions, you are always enraged. It is no accident that the moonbats are always howling--they are inflamed that the world <i>dare</i> ignore them. It is the rage of a spoiled child howling on the carpet, kicking its feet against the floor--read the petulant whines in the DKos, the NYT.

It doesn't matter to this lot that their ideas have murdered 200,000,000 people, for human feeling means nothing to them. Sentimentality, yes, but true feeling, no. (Sentimentality is often the hand-maiden of brutality; recall the concentration-camp guards getting plastered in the beer gardens and singing saccharine drinking songs and killing Jews the next day.) Henry of Navarre said, "Paris is worth a mass." Liberals say, "My narcissism is worth 200,000,000 dead."

It is a personal affront to them that anyone is different--notice the snobbishness. To their minds, they are the repositories of all truth--as revealed this morning. And with slavish devotion--and the slavishness is no accident--they all toe the party line.

If it is a good thing to want personal liberty, then people who beaver away at getting rid of it, at mocking those who would defend it, and making dependent as many people as they can, then they are evil. And there is no remediation of evil, for it is <i>evil</i>. No amount of facts or truth will change their minds, and I'm going to shout here, for <b>their entire lives are a running argument with reality</b>.

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Psychosis is a fractured personality as opposed to a neurosis such as split personalities. I mention that since a lot of people confuse them as both psychosis. It's really hard to pin the liberals in either... I prefer to think of them as "smooth brains" as opposed to crinkle brains. Generally, the smoother the brain, the lower the intelligence scale. Psychotics can be treated with drugs as opposed to liberals where drug use is usually a symptom, and the only really known treatment is age, and that doesn't work in a goodly percentage of those with the disease.

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Some of them are quite bright: Carl Sagan was, and he's worm food now, thank Stalin. After his "billions and billions" of viewers, he fell in with that nuclear winter crap that Tank talked about. If we dropped an atomic bomb, it went, then we'd have nuclear winter and Life As We Know It Would Cease.

Well, we had dropped bombs. Recall Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Bikini Atoll? Also the computer model had the earth smooth as a cue ball without rotation. But Sagan was happy to pull up his skirt and shriek--anything for the Cause.

There is nothing that I despise more than a scientist who whores himself to politics.

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Ah, even more recent evidence.... Remember if you will they predicted a mini nuclear winter from the burning oil wells smoke after Desert Storm. These experts are so wrong so often it's hard for me to understand why so many people listen to them.

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For the fun of being emotional in public. The world is run by drama queens. That's a joke, of course, but it explains a good deal more than their gobble-de-gook.

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Actually, I suppose it is not correct to say all these experts are wrong, there are a lot of very intelligent people, but the only ones we ever hear are those who predict something that is in line with what the MSM believes.

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I agree with the assessment Theo. Evil does exist. My father would back us up if he were alive also. There is evil. It exists and some are fully committed to it. Evil is not a mental illness though some moral relativists have tried to make it thus. I do think one has to have some mental instability to allow oneself to be evil, but one does not explicitly cause the other. Evil is rampant in the leaders of the left. Many of their followers, however, fall into the "useful idiot" category. The followers accept whatever 'truth' the left's leaders dish out, even if that 'truth' becomes polar opposite to yesterday's 'truth'.

And you had to use "polar coordinates"! I have a degree in Industrial Engineering and can call for artillery using grid references and positions, but I cannot call artillery using polar coordinates! Luckily, most of the new fire direction systems do the higher math for you in 1/100th of a second.

Anyways, the leadership of the left is in an enviable position: They have absolute power over both the "present" and the "past" for their flock. Yes, Orwell again. He saw this in the left and wrote about this phenomenon in “Animal Farm” and “1984”. The leftist leaders can change course instantly on political issues with little more than a quickly silenced peep from their base. In addition, the "activist psychotic moral relativism" of their base allows them move from Zero to FULL RIOT at any time for any issue. and others have illustrated the left's protests and demonstrate this. Moreover, the left's minions (few other words apply) immediately change targets at their leaders discretion. What was “good” this week is “bad” next week.

When Clinton sent us into Bosnia on a “one-year mission”, the left had their little protests against the US Military, but NOT against Clinton. To the minions, so long as a leftist was in power, the US Military, while still “baby killers”, was ‘forced' to do good (as defined solely by the left). Clinton also punished Saddam on a weekly basis and the left cheered. Clinton enacted “regime change” for Iraq and the left cheered. Clinton moved to silence political opponents and the left said not one word about fairness or open debate. Clinton enacted DOMESTIC (vs Bush's extra-international) electronic surveillance and few, if any, on the left worried about civil liberties. Now, the left's leaders speak of a "Bush Police State", call Bush "Hitler", scream “Bush lied” and their minions conduct violent protests holding up signs stating "Bush=Hitler" next to "Kill the Jews" and "Stop 'Zionism'" without even a synaptic spark in their heads to question it.

A rational person would ask: "If this were a 'police state', why am I not only allowed to protest, but can openly call for the death of President Bush and the US Military without fear". They would then look at how the left deals with dissent when in power. Clinton's illegal use of the IRS, FBI and ATF while having the media cover for him in the 1990s comes to mind. A rational person would then wonder how leftist suppression of all things conservative on university campi would be allowed under a "right-wing 'fascist' police state". A rational person would then wonder who the real "fascists" were.

Then this person would look at the charges of "Bush=Hitler" and "Kill the Jews" (along with everything else these signs state) and wonder at the cognitive dissonance. To a thinking person, even one with scant historical knowledge, two such concepts should not exist on the same side. The fact that the left accuses anyone conservative of being "fascists" yet puts into practice many of the fascist methods itself should be immensely disturbing to a rational person. Finally, the fact that the left was stating the exact same things about Iraq (until the 2004 elections) President Bush was SHOULD make a thinking person wonder about what else the left's leaders are trying to rewrite. That person would then either disown the left or move to be a leader in the left realizing that many of his fellows are NOT rational and he has a lot of power to gain.

And THAT is where the evil come in. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and the leaders of the left have absolute power over their flock. The fact that these leaders manipulate their useful idiots with the sole goal of gaining more power for those leaders, no matter what the cost to the nation, is evil. Republicans do not have this power over conservatives and any that think they have are soon left without a job.

The Islamist clerics are similar to the left's leaders with their jihadist morons. We hear again and again from these imams that those who "fight in allah's cause (jihad fi sabil ahlah) with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah: they are the people who will achieve (salvation)" (Quran, 9:19-20) and that those who die in Allahs service are destined for paradise. HOWEVER, we do not see these Islamic leaders lead by example. No Islamic leader becomes a "martyr" for the cause willingly. Bin Laden never volunteered to lead the counter-attack the US at Tora Bora. Instead, he ran away (assumed dress in a burka). Arafat not only never lead homicide vest strikes against Israel, he kept HUGE sums of money for himself and died a very rich man while his people suffered. No Islamic leader gives “goods and their persons” as they demand their followers do.

What these Islamic leaders are is evil, pure and simple. A growing number of Muslims see it, but many are in the same "useful idiot" boat as the leftists. I can give quote after quote from captured terrorists on how their 'reality' is changed daily by "Islamofascist 'truth'".

So that brings us back to this thread. Crooks is evil. He knows he can make money and gain power by reciting Move-on/ANSWER bile, hate, and lies. He is also irrational and reality means little to him. He is a “useful idiot” who, in the above example, is out to gain power. I do not believe evil is a mental illness, but I do think one has to have mental issues to be evil.

Okay, he also epitomizes the term “cock-eyed bastard”, but I doubt that resulted from traumatic head injury (which he might get if a Marine runs into him after seeing his website).

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We all have the capability to do good or evil and we all make that choice between the two on a daily basis.
The problem with these poor lost souls is their absolute belief in their infallibility with what they think is their choice of "good over evil" while at the same time believing in moral relativism. You can't have or do both and that's why they look so absurd.

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Comrade Tankograd, you hit on something I have been saying for a long time. The left are hypocrites of the first order. You never see them protest when a democrat president uses military force, even when such force is used against heavyweights like Haiti. They will cry to high heaven about loss of life if a republican president causes it, but celebrate the right to kill a million plus babies a year. We heard nary a word about the tremendous loss of life under Saddam, but march in the streets now.

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It so often gets back to Ayn Rand. Recall in the denouement of <i>The Fountainhead,</i> the villain, Ellsworth Toohey is talking to the fallen hero, Keating, a useful idiot, who wonders why he has fallen so low. He was built up without being worth it, but the real telling point is Toohey's claim that Keating and his ilk will listen to any prophet who preaches, "Sacrifice! Give up!" Because if someone is sacrificing, someone is gathering the sacrifices. And if someone tells you not to give up, to stand on your own feet, then you scream your fool heads off.

Hitchens in his atheist book has a telling few lines about the totalitarian mentality, quoting someone whose name I cannot remember. That the totalitarian insists on an ordered world, that he must have structure. I am so constituted that I thought that these people imagined themselves on top, able to boss others around--I have no love for orders, and despite that crap about Bruno, have turned down offers from others to order their lives, and have indeed run very fast from such offers. It took an act of empathy for me to believe that there are people that weak-minded.

I understand what you mean about the evil of the leaders who will do anything for power; we are agreed. But I could not understand their followers. I have come to the conclusion that some people simply loathe freedom, as being too responsible. Hitchens notes that very often intellectuals, whose life is that of the mind, grow in middle age tired of free inquiry and become coercive leftists--and there is a history of that.

The problem is, frankly, natural selection. People who do not want power are precisely the ones I want running things, but these are by definition the people <i>who do not want power</i>. A Libertarian party is almost oxymoronic.

I was rather shocked a month ago. I have a good friend, Katie, who is 76. She had a daughter who was a rising star in the Republican party before she burned out--she never ran for office but was a mover and shaker--the first female political director nationwide, manager of state campaigns, and the person who read all the legislation to see what Senator Tower would see. She had a few friends of her age who were complimented by the Senator, but who noted that the Birchers were right, that the Communists were indeed infiltrating media and the universities in the 60s. In the 70s, when I came of political age, they didn't have that much power. Now they own it.

I am preaching to the choir, but nothing could be more illustrative than the non-debate on Global Warming. Not since the Inquisition has there been so much stifling of dissent.

And speaking of the Goracle. I saw Pup's 1992 clip of Gore defending Bush I's actions, and he seemed rational. Has anyone noticed that he seems quite literally mad these days?

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Comrade TankoGrad wrote:Red,
There are several small islands in the Straights of Malaca between Indonesia and Singapore we could drop him on. I choose those because it is a hotbed of Islamic piracy activity. The straights see a huge majority of the world's shipping pass through and this moron would get to see several nation's navies (including the USN) in action fighting them. It is one of the many unreported fronts on the War on Terror.

I am sure if these islamofascists Crooks is enamored with gets their hands on him then he will "see the light", just before the knife comes down.

Sorry, I keep not having time for anything but my regular routeen nowadays.

It sounds good TankoGrad. We can stuff that organic matter into a cart and ship him there via airmail. he, he

Commissar Pupovich wrote:I wasn't exaggerating when I expressed my anger was I? Just when you think you have heard the most vile thing, someone like this comes along. I would rather have lunch at McDonalds with Charlie Manson than such a worm. Hell, at least most mass killers or even demoncrats have an excuse for their ills.

Naw, no exaggeration. What this guy is doing is abusing his right <or should I say privalge> to speech. He is doing it to the people that die so that he can have it. It is just sick.

I know that the topic is probably defferent now, but I am soooo tired. I am going to bed and will catch up with you guys later.

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Personally, I don't know what the fuss is about?
A) Crook is a moonbat
B) He got his 15 minutes of infamy
C) Isn't that what's it's all about Charlie Brown?

I mean, c' there anybody left to be schocked by this idiot's behavior?
With all the Ward Churchills, Cindy Sheehans, Medea al ad nauseum... out there, this is just another late hit and piling on.
Throw the flag, assess the penalty, and kick their ass.

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Laika, you're right in that he's not worth a gut-grinding rage, and he did want his 15 minutes. But there is something that he symbolizes that I'm trying to come to grips with. My mind is so constituted that I do not understand slavery--I have rejected power over people. But until recently I could not have believed that there were people who sought it--despite a really kinky bondage novel I read, and didn't believe.

Pardon, dear Laika, but I think that there is a gulf here that we cannot really understand; you're utterly right that he's an idiot wanting fame and you're also right that he in and of himself is nothing, but is this man more shocking than any of the moonbats in the DKos?

And recall that the Demothief candidates went to their convention. Think on it.

Now to put on my tin-foil hat.

Kenneth, turn up the frequency!

User avatar
I hate to ask this, but I keep seeing the name.... Who is Kenneth?

BTW, I certainly agree with you... yup, it is fame seeking perhaps, but this clown went way beyond the usual nuttiness.

Oh, and did you hear that the Vietnam Vet Wall was marred by some sort of oily mess that is taking quite some time to clean up.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:Comrade Tankograd, you hit on something I have been saying for a long time. The left are hypocrites of the first order. You never see them protest when a democrat president uses military force, even when such force is used against heavyweights like Haiti. They will cry to high heaven about loss of life if a republican president causes it, but celebrate the right to kill a million plus babies a year. We heard nary a word about the tremendous loss of life under Saddam, but march in the streets now.

The left marches against conservatives and not against global Islamic theocrats or murderous dictators for the same reasons they have "art exhibits" where a cross is placed in a jar of urine but call a Koran in a toilet a "hate crime" and get all indignant: FEAR

Conservatives will not line them up and shoot them. Islamists HAVE and openly state that they WILL.

Christians will peacefully protest and any who get out of line will be publicly reprimanded by the Christian faith. Islamists will burn whole cities in "protest". It is written in the Koran for them to do this.

So it comes down to FEAR. For all the 'courage' of the left, they never stand up as the Chinese did in Beijing, the Hungarians did in Prague, or the anti-Chavez forces do in Venezuela to REAL threats and totalitarianism. Doing that might get one killed. Instead, the left attacks unarmed US Service Members, Police who have restrictive regulations on them, and people they know will get in trouble if they so much as growl at the leftist.

It is like a spoiled child who knows you cannot discipline them so they act out more.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:I hate to ask this, but I keep seeing the name.... Who is Kenneth?

"What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" is a song by R.E.M. from their 1994 album Monster.
<br>The title refers to the question one of two unknown assailants (one later identified as William Tager) asked CBS anchorman Dan Rather while assaulting him on Park Avenue in Manhattan in October 1986. The phrase Rather reported actually hearing was "Kenneth, what is the frequency?"

Tager later claimed that he had come from a parallel universe some 200 years in the future. He also claimed that because everyone in the future had a double in the past, he had mistaken Rather for his future double, Vice President Kenneth Burroughs, and that he attacked Rather in an attempt to recover the information needed to stop the television signals being sent to his brain and return to his own time.

Creepy and strange - indicative of the Looney Left.

Hope that explains it for you.


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Mikhail T. Kalashnikov wrote:What's the Frequency, Kenneth[/url]?" is a song by R.E.M. from their 1994 album Monster.

Ah, that does explain much! Thank you! I never was an REM fan, and had forgotten all about the... (wait a minute, isn't he a non-person R?) incident.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:...wait a minute, isn't he a non-person R?...

Oooohhh... I think you may be right. I'm not sure, though, we'll have to check on that.

Long Live The Party

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This Tager person is a fraud.
As everybody knows, Kommissar Kenneth is my personal assistant here on Earth.
What Rather heard while the Iron Fist of Party Justice was being applied to his face (for failure to incite the masses against the cowboy Reagan) was just a normal frequency adjustment to his tinfoil by Kenneth on special orders from me through the Politburo.
All I was doing was making sure Kenneth had the correct frequency and Rather rather unfortunately overheard the transmission.

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Laika, can we assume that since you used the name R (I will not dare use the name of this disgraced former broadcaster just in case), that he has not been declared a non-person yet?

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But since R has instigated a suit against one of the branches of the Progressive Media, we will have to have an Executive Meeting to determine if the perhaps-to-be non-person R or the organization, which I do not have the energy to type with all those goddamned hyphens, is to be a non-entity.

I suggest the Watermark on the River Walk in San Antonio. Nice spa and restaurant.

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Laika, can we assume that since you used the name R (I will not dare use the name of this disgraced former broadcaster just in case), that he has not been declared a non-person yet?
I'd rather not say as to whether R is a non-person, simply because it would imply R was a person in the first place, rather, let's say it was a cyborg experiment that needed an adjustment.

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I do wish I could find a list of official non-persons so that I have no other excuse but Bush should I commit such a speak crime.

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Don't forget Non-Person C, or as I have been officially given permission to say, "Carter".

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Oh, Carter is most definitely a real person. He's a whining old bitch, interfering in foreign policy, consulting with General Adid when we couldn't find him, criticizing the Bushitler, more self-righteous than Jerry Falwell before Tinky Winky welcomed him to hell coupled with Jimmy Swaggart, and in general did a remarkable job trashing AmeriKKK'as economy, making the AmeriKKKans feel bad, promoting defeatism, micromanaging the White House tennis courts while AmeriKKKans were hostage in the People's Republic of Iran, forcing his mother in the Peace Corps, banning alcohol from the White House the better to make people share the pain of him, and since that time being a royal pain in the ass to every AmeriKKKan president after that.

What's not to like?

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I'm not sure if any of you youngsters to the cube were around back then, but we did purge this Non-Person C, and I really have no Idea whom you are talking about there Theo.

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Well, I single-handed vote for his resurrection. He is after all an incredible embarrassment.

And if the Mother Country can change its mind, why not her children?

Viva Jimmy. He's a first-rate fuck-up.

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No question about it, non-person C was definitely purged. I was disappointed that he was allowed to continue consuming oxygen that could certainly be put to better use. But guess there is no reason we can't tack on yet another phase to his punishment.

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Don't worry. He is doing important work for The Party™ in one of our many re-education camps.

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Oh. Is that what Habitat for Humanity really is?

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Of course! We make a friendly habitat that is suitable for extensive exercise using shovels, and have people who aren't satisfied with their current living conditions are sent there for a new lifelong bonding experience with Mother Earth.

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Yes, and since we don't want them using too much of the Great Gaia's oxygen, we fill in the holes.

After we get the gold from their teeth, of course.

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Don't forget the diamond grills from the rappers.

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I believe that there is a $10K cell phone with bling all over it. That could be recycled, after using all the minutes, of course, crank-calling Mr. Reno.

"What? Who? Children burning? I'm so there!"