
There Has Been a Lapse in Security

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Dearest Comrades,

It boggles my mind that Dear Leader's Cyber-Czar has been so ineffectual in flushing criminal thoughts down the memory hole, particularly video images, which can be so powerful to young servants of the state. Unbelievably, the ravings of this lunatic have been left floating around the Internet like so much detestable trash, serving as a lure for untrained minds to consider insane notions that deserve no thought whatsoever.

Even more mind-boggling is that this disinformation agent brazenly calls himself a DEMOCRAT!

Someone, somewhere must be called to account.

P.S. (This subversive character died in the "accidental" shootdown of Korea Flight 007 by our glorious Soviet interceptors in 1983.)

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We are watching these thoughtcrimals closely. The Party™ will not tolerate dissent. A conclusive Cyber Flushing™ will be accomplished by 2012, by then the Census record will be cooked and all votes will go to The Party™.

Thank you for pointing out this thoughtcriminal.

Your loyalty to The Party™ has been recognized.