
Towards Unfettered Freedom ― A Culture-Upheaval Manifesto

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Motto : à propos properly apportioning appropriativity.
[ basics in [1] , [2] ]
Comrades !
Nowadays, owing Repentance, Gratitude and Adulation towards the Vision, Zeal and Transformatory Revoolooshn imposed on the Planet by The Beloved Kansan-Honolulan-American and His administration, the free world can already be what it Feels like : either so-called man, or so-called woman. Admitted, with a continuous spectrum of Middle-Feels spanning the M-Feel & F-Feel endpoints.

But of course, everybody ― each high-falutin' intellectualchik, each KnuckleDragger, and even anyone of us here, progressively underdeveloped slave-kreativchiks of the Kube GULAG ― can see the artificial, stiffening, suffocating, narrow-minded binarity of all this !!!
You M, or You F, or ― meh ― You sumptin' in-between. That's all ! That's all the "choice" you got ! ~

Comrades !
We need to break out into a Totally Personalized, like, FreeFeel March of The Planetary Kollektiv !

You feel™ a world-class violinist ? Bingo, here you are one ! Nothing to do ― you sit home, operate keyboard, or watch TV from sofa, and don't even know a violin from a trumpet, yet ― Hail FreeFeel ! ― you Paganini-2 ! __( you even can trumpet it : go Twitter, #JeSuisPaganini2, done )

You feel™ a wing-endowed flying gorilla ? Cowabunga, here you share the skies with stupefied wrens, sparrows, and what's-their-names ! While comfortably sitting in your progressive home, munching away on pizza, and ― Hail FreeFeel ! ― oo oo aww aww bushhh !

You feel™ a transcontinental, like, U-boat Panzerfaust ? Why, Hail FreeFeel ! ― here you are one ! Ye Russkies, ye watch out now, me coming ! splash, splash, splash, fa-fooooohh ! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-bzzzzzzdd-ka'boooooommm !

This, Comrades ― FreeFeel and nothing less, will overcome the Penile Tethers put upon The Planet by Da Evil White Dead Patriarcho-Hegemonial Penis Carrier who knows only one position ― the missionary position ! Yes, We Shall Over-coo-oo-ooooome !

Auxiliary high-progress material here. Note: Each time that page is refreshed, an entirely new ― and guaranteed post-structurally epistemologizing ― view of the world reveals itself.

[1] Generalissimus Comrade Red Square, Kube Institute for Total Revoolooshn, HQ, Che is dead, long live Conchita: a new rebel icon, (Jul. 7, 2015).
[2] Comrade Minitrue, Kube Institute for Total Revoolooshn, Brussels Kubicle, Obama signs 'Anti Cultural Appropriation Act', (Apr. 22, 2016).



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This is completely understandable. Clear as mud.

Comrade Dummkopf, do we already have the confessing booth regulated by a robot to help our our other comrades?

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Hammer and Loupe wrote:... Clear as mud. ...
Ed. The Manifesto above was not written by KKK, a Kubist Kreativchik Komrade. It stems from a wild-eyed Progressivchik, who managed to slip his, uh, transmission into our GULAG. Whether he did it the hacker way, or by stealthily visiting The Kube and pointedly dropping his concoction - exactly the way a cutie of yore would drop her handkerchief, expecting it being picked up by a Clark Gable - that detail is known and will not be disclosed. Actually, it could even have been a Comrade Kubist, morphed (temporarily) into a fist-shaking CommOrgzer of the ProgTribe.

Anyway, and whatever the guys motifs - remember, it's a work of a fiery Progressivchik mind, gone to the outer limits of direct consequences as implied by ProgThink. Meaning, we of course hypothetically allege that said Progressivchik actually had, aside his crazed eyes and menacing fist, also a working brain, and one powerful enough to (a) recognize that ProgThink has consequences, and (b) mapping them out, and finally (c) courageous enough to palpate the outer limits in that terrain.

Does the above editorial help ?

Brotherly Comrade H+L ! How about : You take a new look via Loupe, and any, uh, problem you see, you Hammer it down, here - huh? Then, if any Self-Criticism Session™ is due, I will revoolooshionarily™ & heroically™ stand my Comrade, promised !


P.S. That idiotic incongruence between the "sciency" main part, and the deranged POTATOISM following it ― that's just a nano-reflection of the Absurdistani touch of AgitProp in the Glorious Soviet Orbit of yore.

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Captain Craptek wrote:... Flying ...
Every now and then, I send my (Kraut) friends, avid, uh, Bizyklisten I call them ( that label has in todays KrautSpeak a touch of XIX century ), a pic of some Bizyklistische craziness or shtick or simply some spectacular Bauchlandung (= say, wheels-up landing ). You bet, Comrade Craptek, your pic is soon before their Bizyklistically bulging eyes ! Extra beet !