
U.S. Unfairly Deports Undocumented Workers / Customers

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The United States Border Patrol has been unfairly deporting undocumented workers customers, sometimes with as few as 37 criminal convictions, it was learned today.

The right left Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, at a joint press conference this morning, stated that it was unfair to deport ANY customers, let alone those with so few violations of American law - especially when White Hispanic murderer George Zimmerman continues to run free.

President Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama, in a televised appearance at the presser, waved what appeared to be a red baseball bat at members of the Border Patrol, telling them, "Let me be clear - you will deport no customers without my direct approval - these are future American citizens!"

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Red Square wrote:The customer is always right!

What???? I thought they were one of us??? Well, at least by 8 to 1....


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Comrade 1, I have to admit that it gets confusing to us progs when you start bringing stuff like that "math" thing in - hey, all we want is Free Stuff, right?

But you're absolutely right, and I'm sure that Dear Baseball Bat Leader is NOT going to allow this unfair deportation to continue! Especially since these 8 to 1 customers will be Democrat voting citizens within, oh, a couple of months.

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Obama Smug 2.png
It's encouraging to see so many millions of comrades clambering for a slice of our the people's pie. When Dear Leader issues their first "earned income tax re-distribution credits" the USSA will be that much closer to the equality of income outcome opportunity he so fervently seeks.