
VIDEO: Bernie supporters switching to Trump en masse

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Attention DNC staffers compiling lists of traitors, spies, and turncoats to be purged in the coming show trials: below is a short video showing outspoken Bernie supporters at the DNC boarding the Trump Train en masse. Make sure you add screenshots with transcripts to their personnel files.

These unsuspecting millennials remind us of Trotsky supporters back in the Motherland, who used to be just as naively outspoken about the assent of Stalin. Very few of them lived to explain their reasons. Instead, the Party-controlled media explained to the compliant proletarian masses that all Trotsky supporters were fascists, spies, turncoats, traitors, saboteurs, capitalist running dogs and imperialist lackeys, warning against empathy towards these enemies of the people.

This was followed by purges, show trials, summary executions, deportations, and massive collective sentencing of suspected Trotskyites and their families to hard labor camps. The purges eventually spilled overseas, as Stalinists and Trotskyites in America exchanged public denunciations with so much energy that the piles of dirt they raked on each other prompted the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to switch from investigating the agents of Nazism to investigating the agents of communism.

Most of the tips and testimonies in the HUAC hearings came from the communists themselves, as the opposing factions tried to use the government power to crush one another. That the communists got the US government involved in their fight shouldn't surprise anyone since they see government as a solution to every problem. They had more success with that in the Motherland, with one-party rule and all-powerful government in the hands of Stalin's faction. But that was then; things are very different now. The U.S. government has more than quadrupled, the one-party rule is almost complete, and the Hillary faction has triumphed.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But then again, if these millennials were taught real history, they wouldn't be voting for Bernie. They would've known what's good for them and supported Hillary instead.
