
Vote For Your Favorite Not So Covert Operative

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The Party has long approved of this list of outstanding operatives who have championed the true Party Dogma against the beliefs of their own reactionary party's wishes much to our delight. Without them, the Party's struggles would be magnified and much harder. With them, we gain power and strength through their undermining efforts against the kapitalist bourgoisie.

The Party knows this is a difficult decision and to favor one against all others goes against our belief in equality of the masses, yet The Party needs a hero, somebody to exemplify, somebody to show us the shining path to socialism, but most importantly, somebody to show us the proper technique in applying a sharp dirk from behind in the back of fools whom you call "friend" to their faces. This, Comrades, is a skill The Party admires the most.

Vote for RINO award recipients, view results at bottom of page.

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In case you couldn't guess who Laika voted for, he's the current leader and projected to win.....Snarlin' Arlen.

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Oh Laika, this was a very difficult choice. There are so many useful idiots to choose from. It is very good that we've been able to undermine the Right by running our own candidates as Republicans and this is a tough vote. After much thought I finally decided to vote for Arlen Specter. When he pulled Scottish Law out of his ass I couldn't help but admire him, and also his work as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee was truly inspired. He is a Democrat's Republican for all seasons! A very good mole. I would've voted for Hagel but I forgot he calls himself a Republican. I just think of him as a Democrat. Someone in the comments sized up Hagel: <i>Hagel -- the most vacuous politician since Caligula made his horse a senator.</i>

The People's Cube should put on a Beauty Pageant / Talent Show of our Congressional moles. It would be fun to watch them on stage trying to out-moonbat each other and win the big prize! They might even start physically fighting each other and stabbing each other in the back and poisoning each other right on stage. Talk about entertainment!

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Laika, my shouting hero, and Otis, I too voted for Specter. While head of Judiciary he actually paid attention to Senator Leaky Leahy, and the mole rat, being the nastiest bit of work this side of Our Many Titted Empress of course thought him weak and foolish for being nice.

Which he was. RINO and stupid. And the Scottish law was choice.

But let me nominate Governor Rick Perry of the People's Republic of Texas. This empty suit is a walking advertisement for hair gel, and once he was 30 minutes late for a speech because he didn't get the hair gel in in time and his head collapsed, and they had to turn a vacuum cleaner around to blow it up again.

His wife Anita has a tattoo--it's an arrow starting between her boobs pointing to her snatch.

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Specter all the way! He's one of us, a trusted, battle hardened comrade.

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I would like to nominate a dark horse...Sen McCain. His credentials as a former POW gives him credibility with much of the reactionary party, but his backing of The Gang of Seven was brilliant, and it's precedent will live on! This was then topped off with his dedication to the recent "southern American" peasant relocation program was to be admired even if it did fail to pass due to the reactionary racists in the US. There are other deeds he has done for the Party, but of course he has earned black marks for his occasional support of the war mongering Bush. Therefore I grant that he does not deserve to beat out Specter (a name strangely similar to the SPECTRE of early James Bond films), McCain does deserve at least an honorable mention.

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Commissar Pupovich, by all means let's give a nod to McCain. He has an arrogance which places him fully in our camp. Have you seen how he puffs up when someone dares suggest he's full of shit? What a man.

Nicky, I take it that Specter is the one you and Elena would most like to shoot as being a threat? Da?

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Have you seen how he puffs up when someone dares suggest he's full of shit?

Could he possibly be used as an emergency floatation device? This could be a new "People's Innovation".

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Commissar Pupovich, by all means let's give a nod to McCain. He has an arrogance which places him fully in our camp. Have you seen how he puffs up when someone dares suggest he's full of shit? What a man.

Somewhat surprising no one has mentioned Olympia Snow, but then again, I suppose that is to obvious eh? Sort of redundant.

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How did I forget Olympia Snow? I must be losing my mind. That luminary from Maine, and she entirely slipped my mind.

What was her name again?

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:How did I forget Olympia Snow? I must be losing my mind. That luminary from Maine, and she entirely slipped my mind.

What was her name again?

Doesn't it just shock you every time you read how the Snow Goddess voted the straight, demoncratic line? I know I always say "Who'd a thunk it?" LOL

Completely off subject Commissar... what is the Party Line on who to pull for in the coming capitalist NFL season? Personally, the Pup feels he is on solid progressive ground when he pulls for his very own New Orleans Saints. After all, Nawlin's represents the highest standard of socialist rule and as victim of the Bush hurricane and malfeasance.

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Er, got me. Being a Texan I tend to say the Cowboys but frankly although I do violate a lot of stereotypes for gay men--can't decorate, don't like Streisand or Cher, don't roll eyes--I don't care for sports. In fact a straight friend once made the crack that he thought he had so many gay friends because they didn't care for sports either. I'm frankly just too practical for it--the ball goes out the same door it comes in after a lot of action and hype. I've nothing against it; as long as there is no rioting it seems utterly harmless and people enjoy it, but I just don't get it. Sorry.

But then people would think me mad for having, and cherishing, three different pianists' recordings of the Mozart piano concerti. Ashkenazy tonight, or Uchida? That sort of Talmudic distinction.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Er, got me. Being a Texan I tend to say the Cowboys

Even if you do not care for sports, surly I must be on solid progressive grounds pulling for New Orleans?

BTW, I came from a doctor's appointment in Nawlin's yesterday. It is actually starting to be looking closer to a good socialist city of course.

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Fearless Leader,

Jimmy Carter- (not enough space to list)

Nancy Pelosi in a Burqa.

Barack Obama who will meet without precondition the leaders of the axis of evil, Castro and Chavez- but not Fox News.

David Brooks - what a simpering little apologist for the left and pussy for the right. Does Mark Shields have his heel on Brooks balls during their debates?

Bill O'Reilly- for equating left wing hate sites with Freerepublic

Google for ever banning The People's Cube.

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WyomingCowboy, welcome to the People's Republic of the Cube. All are equal here in our fearless dedication to the Common Good but some are more Equal than Others (pace George Orwell's <i>Animal Farm</i>) and I am the most equal of all, when Meow and I aren't rolling in the dirt, and our Many Titted Empress Hillary has passed out, drunk on virgins' blood.

Actually I have Googled "Commissar Theocritus" and found many references to the cube.

Ah. The image of Nansky Peloski in a burqa. Warms my heart. It would hide her ropy neck.

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All are equal here in our fearless dedication to the Common Good but some are more Equal than Others (pace George Orwell's Animal Farm) and I am the most equal of all

Please forgive me. Coming from the "equality state" (Wyoming) in the belly of the capitalist beast- home of "The Great Cowboy Dick" Cheney- we have turned upside down the meaning of equality. Comrad Orwell was right. However, we are quite intimate with Animal Farms, particularly sheep.

A suggestion for the upcoming great election in 08. Like our democrat brothers usually do let us propose another docu-drama to go with the election.

In conjuntion with Michael Moore productions, and DailyKOS but not the DLC:

The long awaited sequel to



A sensitive diminutive former KGB chief (Putin topless here) renews his forbidden romance with a Maoist turned slave labor industrialist (huh?) I mean HU!.
Watch them as they destroy the free world's economies!

Hopefully, I can meet the high standards for truth that you have set forward -fearless leader.

It's toe to toe nuclear combat with the Russkies boys- Slim Pickens

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WyomingCowboy wrote:Hopefully, I can meet the high standards for truth that you have set forward -fearless leader.

Hmmmm, you seem to be following in the paw prints of the Pup..... Well done! You will rise far! (Note to self - start investigation of Wyoming Cowboy. Have writers start developing plausible facsimile of incriminating writings for a back up plan.)

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Ah yes. I too have some incriminating writing in the clutches of Meow. Or had, I should say. I just wonder when he will wise up to just exactly what happened the last time he was here at Rancho del Rio Grande and had some Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters with Our Many Titted Empress while Bruno used his highly refined camera skills.

Er, pardon me. I just had a few of the said Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters with Nansky and you wouldn't think that that desiccated old crone could pack them away but she sure can, as long as she's not buying. Then she started telling blue stories and I must confess that even I blushed and it's been years since that happened. Since I am so fair that I am convinced my ancestors evolved under rocks, I take care not to blush for I turn so red I'm afraid of garlic butter, and when I turned red, Nansky chased me around the pool with her dugs flapping.

That caused Bruno to crawl under the bed again and all the time Nansky did nothing but laugh, which sounded like a crow impaled on a jackhammer.

Oh. Back to Meow. When the Chairman sobers up he'll find that he no longer has control of the incriminating writing that <b>I</b> did on joining the party.

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It would be unfortunate should the Chairman sober up and discover this. But what are the odds on that da? Those burgers sure sound delicious. I would love to hear Nansky's blue stories, it has been a long time since I blushed if you get my drift. Ah, I can almost imagine the sounds she must have made!