
Vote Remainschluss!

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Glorious times, comrades!

Our benevolent leaders have granted the proles of the UK a chance to show their loyalty to the party leadership. Tomorrow they will be able to vote and pick any of these options:

  1. The good choice, approved by the mainstream media: to vote for Remainschluss in the Greater German Politically Korrekt ™ empire, and enjoy getting rid of their decadent culture through waves of mass migration and bureaucracy.
  2. The bad choice. A life of independent thinking without exalted party guidance, torn away from the nurturing breast of the mighty Bureaucracy, without the joys of being replaced by much cheaper muslim workers, and with the unbearable duty of making independent choices based on their own conscience.
The German Reich has provided the British provinces with voting ballots. Mrs Angela Merkel:

"Jaaah, vie had theez ballotz lef from anodzer election in dze past. Beter for nature than to reprint all of dze paper, no?"
Because the choice is so obvious, at first prime minister Cameron planned to remove the "vote leave" tick box ("nein"), but under pressure from Kim Jung Un from North Korea it was left in place.

The mainstream media are confident:
"With the amount of mind-control and sublimal messages we have used, any result below 99% for remain will be an embarrassment!"

Mr Cameron would like to pass this message to his subjects,some of whom still have not understood the events of the past few days:

  • when a devout muslim murders a bunch of innocents, this is not the fault of all muslims, and we must not base our policy on emotions
  • when a white lunatic murders innocent people, this is the fault of all white people, and we must base our policy on the emotions stirred up by the media

Onwards to final victory, comrades!
Yours, Minitrue

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Die Große Vorsitzende läßt wissen : Das ist nicht hilfreich.
Dse Great Chairwoman lets knoff : Dzis is not helpvull.
and adds :

migration.DE.2015.09.24.Merkel.Ich möchte.(600).jpg
[take that basilisk glance, Minitrue!]

"My wish is, that the EU passes
this moral and economic test.
The key to long-term prevention _[elimination, she meant]
of causes of refugee-flight
is more climate protection."

Sep. 24, 2015 (interview for Bavarian Broadcasting).
A few weeks after her single-handed, with no consultation whatsoever (and egregiously unlawful) "opening" of the German border ; the resulting tsunami of chaos was by then in full swing across South-Middle-North Europe, in a chain from Greece to Sweden.

... (and egregiously unlawful) "opening" of the German border ; the resulting tsunami of chaos ...
... (and gloriously heroic) lurch of Germany to Willkommenskultur ; the happy march to future ...