

User avatar
Police are looking for a woman, five foot seven with blond hair in a braided pony tail. She is a suspect for the murder of twenty three people and counting as well as other oppressive acts. She was bailed out earlier from South Carolina, but did not return for her court order.

If seen, do not approach her and keep at least barn's length from her. Call up your local gulag immediately.

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Blah, I don't get why that movie is so popular, I grew up on the Russian "The Snow Queen" and that movie is honestly much closer to the original story then Frozen.

As a reminder to all Comrades everywhere, if you hear another Comrade singing "Do you want to build a snowman" or "Let it go", report them to a local Commissioner immediately.

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I just love how Cubists police one another. This is a good thing, especially in the case of Comrade Hammer and Loupe, who is most excellent in his posts.

Go, Hammer! Keep it up!

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The Republican War on Women is getting stronger with the increase of Climate Change. Just as the progressive scientists were saying all along.

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Captain Craptek wrote:
OMG! Isn't she lovely? (Sigh.)