
Washington state ferry fleet to be upgraded

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Olympia, WA - The Washington state government is getting a clear signal that the state ferry system is in need of improvement. From high-traffic summers to ferry breakdowns, it needs to change to provide the needs of future population.

Washington state is proud of their growing LGBTQ population, and what better way to show them love than to make love boats?

The Washington State Ferry agreed to the plan and contributed their fleet. In August, each boat will be repainted and refurbished for the purpose of gay pride. The seats will be changed into love beds, the cafeteria will be turned into gay bars, bicycle parking will replace car parking on the bottom decks, and the front and back will be where the couples will kiss.

In Governor Inslee's words, "We must change our ways to accommodate the future population, and the LGBTQ is our future population. The legislative branch is not needed to carry out this plan, and I will only use my phone and pen to make this happen."

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Old Pacific Northwest joke:

Q. What's the difference between Seattle and San Francisco?

A. Seattle has ferry terminals.

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Woah, that ferry is getting bogged down a little. Maybe they need some dykes in that area?