
Wesley Clark calls for reestablishment of US Peoples' Gulag

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Former Democratic Presidential Candidate: Toss ‘Disloyal' Americans Into Camps [VIDEO]

Comrades, remember this candidate? Retired General Clark has run for President, and is an Honor Graduate of the FDR school of American ethnic cleansing.

As life imitates the People's Cube, General Clark has opined that people guilty of thoughtcrimes belong in a camp...

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Tovarisch Stakhanovets! Who can forget Weasely Clark?

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Meet the new camps same as the old camps.

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They will all be Fun Camps™, of course. And Dear Leader's new "Disparate Impacts" database will make an excellent resource for building lists of prospective campers.

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To help control the costs, these camps will be located in a foreign country.
To assist our union comrades, all the guards must be unionized!
None of these guards will be hearing impaired.

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I'm a little confused. Deer Leader keeps saying He wants to close down the Club Gitmo Summer Camp, because the water sports are an unfair activity for those born in a desert, and now the general wants to open a summer camp franchise business all over the USSA. Help me understand this, comrades.

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I have full faith and trust in the U.S. Government and John Kerry in particular to look after our well being. As long as Comrade Kerry is in charge of who is and who is not to be considered "loyal" to the party, well then, count me in.

kerry wanted 256.jpg

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Lurch to the left.

kerry wanted 256.jpg

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Oh, I just love Wesley! He's like, so cute. Oh, and, spiritual, too. I mean, just look into his eyes:

Wesley Team America.jpg

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Great Stalin's Ghost wrote:Welcome to Wesley's Holiday Camp.

Comrade GSG! Kudos for portraying, via video, as I always try to do, the folly of follyers!

Idiots on parade. Actually, it's not even a parade, but good enough for the idiots. Good one, Comrade!