
What is the 0bamanation?

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Image Satire is a beautiful tool, and a joy to employ. But sometimes it's best to be reminded of our state of affairs in affirmative, provable terms. Thus I was compelled to share the following, which I would ask all of my statist neighbors out there who support the destruction that is causing society to crumble about their heads as they chant “FORWARD!” to think about, if they dare.

No one who loves someone or something wants to fundamentally transform him or it. Would you want to fundamentally transform your children? Your spouse? Your parents? Your siblings? Would they be better off as plants or minerals? (Well, maybe.)

Here are some 0bamanation hallmarks:
Dragging people who are suspected of offending Muslims, yet claiming other reasons for the invasion, out of their homes by force in the dark of night and hauling them away to prison, à la (place name of your favorite despotic regime here)

Blaming citizens for deaths at the hands of terrorists whom he promoted and apologized to against us, putting those citizens' lives at risk with no protection

Funding and associating with people who offend and seek the destruction of Christianity and Judaism

Funding and associating with people who offend and seek the destruction of this Nation as founded

Encouraging those who hate us - both people inside our borders and other nations

Dismissing and subverting the US Constitution at every opportunity and advocating its “evolution” as a “living, breathing document” – meaning it has no meaning as a standard and the only standard is that which he believes in on any given day – or none at all

Illegally bypassing Congress to get his way

Not allowing the passage of any budget after the first during his term to allow his regime's illegal spending to increase unabated and unchallenged (discounting a few bleating whimpers that do not rise up to the meaning of the word), blowing through all “CR”s – since 0bama, debt is no concern

Threatening lawmakers, representatives, and businesses with blackmail, fines, or imprisonment if they speak out against or take action to expose his illegal and lawless actions

Insisting his surrogates in government and the media lie to cover up incompetence, damage, and illegalities his ill-advised policies inevitably produce and denying appropriate FoIA invocations, making “the most transparent administration” into the most secretive, mob-like regime in this Country's history

Empowering bureaucracies to regulate and strangle the life out of private enterprise with the express purpose of destroying it, then blaming private enterprise for failing to succeed under his leadership

Bankrupting the economy by printing megatons of worthless paper (“Stimulus” and “QE”s) on multiple occasions

Purposely destroying wealth and stealing from those who produce to fund a failed redistributionist scheme, then claiming the “rich” (whatever he deems “rich” to be today) are immoral and not “economic patriots”

Borrowing from those who mean us harm

Funding those who mean us – and all humanity - harm

Burning food as fuel, driving up food costs and producing corrosive damage in the vehicles that are required by law to use it

Regulating against food producers

Wasting resources

Making energy unaffordable by backing impractical technologies and regulating working technologies and industries out of existence, then blaming those technologies and industries for not being able to produce

Backing fake “science” and using its false claims to regulate and abolish established science and practical, proven, clean, safe energies, industries, and practices

Nationalizing industries that government cannot run – except into the ground

Destroying private initiative and incentive and replacing it with an all-consuming oppressive, fascistic government

Emasculating the military and ignoring the needs of its members

Destroying the moral fiber that underlies our Nation's founding

Opening up our borders to illegal aliens and calling them “unregistered voters”

Over-regulating into oblivion and, through 0bamacare, destroying the greatest healthcare system the world has ever produced, that is participated in voluntarily, and replacing it with a failed socialist model that bankrupts every country in which it's tried, in which those who don't participate are fined or incarcerated, and while everyone is enrolled, few are cared for, and fewer are cared for adequately

Destroying privately-held insurance companies by overregulation so they can't compete or conduct business over state lines, then saying the insurance companies are not working

Destroying banks by forcing them, through regulation under penalty of fines and government assumption, to make loans to people who can't repay them, then complaining banks don't work while it's the old CRA and continued overburdening regulations that led to the housing market crash and that straightjacket banks in red tape so they are unable to invest or lend

Making sure children are indoctrinated to believe false, failed ideologies and kept hungry in the public schools he claims to support, but are not good enough for his children, while still insisting there aren't enough “teachers” or money being pumped into those public schools

Apologizing for the greatness of the greatest Nation ever known to man; making the repugnant and patently false claim that this Nation became great, prosperous, and free on the backs of and by oppressing others, so now we must be brought “down to size” with our resources to be chopped up among the world according to his whims

Blaming others for his own failures

Stealing from those who produce; keeping most of it to empower his bureaucracies to squeeze the producers further; handing the remaining crumbs out to the takers and the people who suck up to him

Living like a king while insisting everyone else be his slave

Selling himself to the ignorant using condoms and Big Bird, while ignoring the destruction of our Nation and our perception by our world neighbors of him (and by extension our Nation) as a joke; saying we are no better than any other country and implementing policies that drag us down to third-world irrelevancy to make his assertions into reality

Seeking and enabling the stupid, the destructive, the lazy, and the ignorant as his base, and telling them they must remain so because he, the Liar-in Chief, says everyone who disagrees with him is a liar – he has learned this tactic from every third-world dictator

Championing hate, division, strife, racial tension, class envy, destruction, anarchy, and immorality while impugning and decrying freedom, personal property rights, science, industry, innovation, decency, morality, the military, strong family values, Christianity, and appreciation of our Nation

Accusing others of what he is guilty of: Lying, race-baiting, bigotry, anti-Semitism, gender warfare - actually hatred of women, thinking of them as mere baby-makers and votes without a thought for what's between their ears; children as “mistakes” to be aborted, old people as not worth care but only a “pain pill”, shooting first and aiming later; subverting the primary task of government: Protection of the Nation's citizenry

Working tirelessly (when not playing golf or appearing on sympathetic media circus venues or inciting the indoctrinated idiots on college campuses) to turn the greatest Nation in the world into a small, weak, joyless hell

These are just a few items off the top of my head; it does not scratch the surface of the vile, diabolical destruction that is being waged against you and those you love.

So, my “liberal” friend, let's sit down, relax, and hash this out. Just you and me. That's still legal, isn't it?

0bama sees himself as wildly successful – he is the champion of destruction. But he sees his mission as “incomplete” – there is so much left to destroy. We aren't all shoeless and starving, rooting up grubs and beets, just yet. Oh, and Commissarka Pinky, you didn't build that Golden Shovel of Justice – and you don't need it. So give it up and give him four more years to finish the job. Without the burden of worry of another election, and with the past as prelude, who would dare stop him?

0bama expresses his self-held belief that he is wiser and more knowledgeable and more virtuous than anyone else. Yet his speech and actions make it clear that he holds others in contempt. His disdain and lack of compassion and concern for others is matched by his hatred of this Country and the principals, liberties, and opportunities that allowed us to create the greatest Nation the world has ever known.

These observations are evident and undeniable. A person cannot be willing to learn about who has been granted charge of leading our Nation and not notice them. The question is, do you have the intellectual honesty to ask yourself “why”? Can you honestly believe that policies and regulations and edicts which when implemented everywhere else, at any point in the history of mankind, have failed and brought forth only the foul fruits of slavery, misery, and poverty can somehow work to create a man-made paradise when they're applied here, now, by this weak, ignorant man and his sycophantic “masterminds”? Do you have the passion for your family and your children to work for them, and not support someone whose goal is their destruction? Do you want a better life for yourself, your family, and your neighbors, or do you want to live in slavery and poverty, hating others, bound by ideology to despise the very society that made it possible for you to have that fine career, that grand house, that lovely automobile, that competent doctor who cares for your health, that family that causes you to beam with pride?

It's a shame – no, it's criminal, to us and to future generations - that we don't hold our federal government to account as we do our citizens and our corporations. If we did, most of its members would be incarcerated with no hope of parole. Why do we consider those who illegally lord it over us to be better than us? What makes them deserving of special dispensation? Why are we so afraid to invoke Constitutional remediation? You and I are guilty of negligence of the worst sort, because we participate in destruction by taking no action to stop it. Like watching a rape perpetrated before our eyes, nudging our neighbors, and saying, “Oh, that's terrible. Why doesn't someone do something about this?” We do not hold to account those who are elected to serve us. Have we forgotten that THAT is the purpose of government? To serve us. We, the People.

When I was a teenager I believed Democrats were kind and cared about me and others. That's what the newspapers and radio and TV and “everyone” said, so it must be true! As I grew intellectually and spiritually I saw that for the lie it is. Democrats throughout our history have been on the side of the slave owners, the malcontents, the takers, the abusers, the haters, the uninformed, the discontent, the maladjusted, the stupid. That alignment has not changed; only their language has. That's why most blacks voted Republican before failed president Johnson's so-called “Great Society” lie was propagated in the 1960s; a lie that, like the “New Deal” of a prior decade, has been used ever since to destroy families, impoverish people, and empower Democrats. Democrats are not for democracy. They are interested only in their own power, for controlling and taking from you all that they can seize. Now they talk of “bottom up, middle out”, “economic patriotism”, class envy, and all the other old Marxist tricks wrapped in banal but easily-mouthed words. They are statists who know no scruples, and no limits to how far they will sink to obtain what cannot satisfy and what they cannot hold onto. They do all in their power to hide their motives, to hide what's in their hearts, to remain in the darkness that covers them, to encourage ignorance, to spread the lie that history and thinking are bad – or at least useless. They seek an illusion, and they dream of destruction, for one does not build anything worthwhile or noble by crippling and ruling over others, by denying them rights and liberties, by stealing, by demeaning, by stifling. How could you, an intelligent, caring, concerned individual, possibly want to associate yourself with people who are so far removed from who you are? Why would you seek their approval?

Children in this Country were at one time required to read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence, and were tested on their knowledge. Now that this is no longer required, many people don't even have an inkling of just how heinously 0bama is abusing them and usurping power that is not his, power that is not granted to anyone in our founding documents, which are the basis of our Republic. If after reading this you can convince yourself that 0bama wants to advance us as a nation, which is quite different from his intention of moving us FORWARD! (a Communist Party slogan which in reality means backward to poverty and slavery), you should do yourself a service and educate yourself in the documents on which this Nation was founded, and the Book on which their wisdom is based. God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”, and it is just as true of us today as it was of His people Israel.

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Obamanation is mis spilling of Abomination.

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Comrade Commissar: yes.

And I hope that 10 years from now it will still be legal to write such things in this country. If this election goes the wrong way, it's not likely.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Comrade Commissar: yes.

And I hope that 10 years from now it will still be legal to write such things in this country. If this election goes the wrong way, it's not likely.

Ah, but we have free speech... thus, it will be legal to write these things, it just will not be legal to read them. Nuance.

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That's it! That's all you can think of that Dear Leader has accomplished? You should be shoveled then bolted for good measure.

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*Prog Off:
"When I was a teenager I believed Democrats were kind and cared about me and others. That's what the newspapers and radio and TV and “everyone” said, so it must be true! As I grew intellectually and spiritually I saw that for the lie it is."

That is the same bilge so many of us were (unknowingly) fed. "Democrats are for the poor: Republicans are for the rich". It wasn't until I was grown, that I realized that was correct: Democrats want to control wealth (redistribute) to keep the majority poor; Republicans believe in capitalism, free enterprise so everyone has an 'opportunity' to achieve wealth.

I am a Christian and therefore realize the greatest problem America faces is immorality. The Democrat Party is the Party which aggrandizes immorality and unethical behavior (look how they worship Clinton and the Kennedy's!).

We have voted in our demise in many different ways. American's future is dark but our Lord is still in Control. The gospel of Christ changes souls and lives. Were that goal more predominate (again), we would have real "hope" of changing our future.

I see Obama as a special kind of evil. One intent on destroying America as founded, hiding who he truly is and doing the work of the devil. But the Lord is still in control and that is the fact I can rest upon.

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+2 Fraulein & all of the above. And, just in case, lock & load with your kids so they know how it is done.

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I am with you Fraulein, I to am a Christian and a Born Again one to boot. I will be in a gulag on a west coast FEMA camp of the Central Coast Of Cali. Sincerely Moronica

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I would like to include your list of grievances at Submit the Facts. Would I be able to get your permission?

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:*Prog Off:
I am a Christian and therefore realize the greatest problem America faces is immorality. The Democrat Party is the Party which aggrandizes immorality and unethical behavior (look how they worship Clinton and the Kennedy's!).

We have voted in our demise in many different ways. American's future is dark but our Lord is still in Control. The gospel of Christ changes souls and lives. Were that goal more predominate (again), we would have real "hope" of changing our future.

I see Obama as a special kind of evil. One intent on destroying America as founded, hiding who he truly is and doing the work of the devil. But the Lord is still in control and that is the fact I can rest upon.
Image Comradette Fraulein, we Christians have a special privilege and duty, beyond voting. I know you are also praying for our "leaders"; let's pray that God assembles a mighty prayer army and that He brings Romney, Ryan, and to-be-newly-elected conservative Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators - and those who remain - who are not currently His to saving knowledge of His Son, as well as victory, over the abominable kakistocracy that lords it over us currently.

Since we can be fruit inspectors, one thing's evident: Were B. Hussein 0bama to be saved, he would renounce everything he's done to us and our nation, and he "would not rest" to right it, in or out of office. The Lord is indeed in control; that's our only hope regarding 0bama should he be re-elected.

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Centers for Disease Control wrote:CR,

I would like to include your list of grievances at Submit the Facts. Would I be able to get your permission?
Comrade CDC, I would be delighted. As long as the fact checkers check the facts to verify their factuality for frankness first.

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Do not tell me how to get to Sesame Street. Do not tell me on a rock. Do not tell me with or without socks. Do not feed me green eggs and ham. Do not peddle to children your rotten putrid beets.