
What Second Amendment?

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Obama Tries To Pretend The Second Amendment Doesn't Exist

Dear Leader (PBUH) will not be pinned down by any document written by dead white slaveowners, and will go to any means to demonstrate his skills.

Recently, a dissident revolutionary "constitutionalist" <spit> asked His O'liness the following:

"Why do you and Hillary want to control and restrict gun manufacturers, gun owners, and the responsible use of guns and ammunition to the rest of us, the good guys, instead of holding the bad guys accountable for their actions? And Mr. President if I may, I'd like to use Chicago, your home town, a city that has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, a city that for decades, and still is, under Democratic control, a city that has an outrageous an even embarrassing murder rate, as my first example. Why can't we round up these thugs, these drugs dealers and gang members and hold them accountable for their actions, or allow the good people in Chicago access to firearms to protect themselves?"
The result? Without re-stating the words of the ONE, let us focus on the RESULTS -

"Obama not only artfully [highlight=#FFFF00]dodges the substance[/highlight] of the question but [highlight=#FFFF00]ignores the salient example[/highlight] the questioner gives about why gun control laws don't seem to work in places with the strictest measures"
If it's not there, it's not a problem.

All is well, move along, back to your beets. Nothing to see here.

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Dear Leader says, “ISIL sympathizers”—can be placed on a no-fly list: “But because of the National Rifle Association, I cannot prohibit those people from buying a gun.”

Gosh,... I wish I saw things as clearly and simply as Dear Leader.

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Comrade Biffinaditch wrote:
okie doke.jpg

If-If Okie
I've got a perfect puzzle for you.

If-If Okie
If you are wise you'll listen to me.

Why do you think you're a dictator king?
Your favorite thing's telepromptering.
When it breaks down you will lose your crown,
Something you nev-er, real-ly had.
Aren't you disgusting?

If-If Okie
If you swipe Race Card you will go far,
You will live in slave-built house too,
Like the If-If Barack Dokity-doo

One for Hillary:

Arf-Arf HA-HA
I've got a perfect puzzle for you.

Arf-Arf HA-HA
If you are wise you'll listen to me.

What do you get when you guzzle down cash?
Wiping emails, sitting on your own ass?
You said good bye to the FBI,
Don't you think that they'll come, right, back?
Orange won't look good on you.

Arf-Arf HA-HA
If you are corrupt you will go far
You will live in sadness too
Like the Arf-Arf Clinton Cackle-de-doo

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Comrade Stierlitz,

Nothing like a cheerful little ditty or two to motivate the voter base. Your choice of accompaniment was painfully excruciating delightful and I've put it on myself, come hell or high water, to return your kindness when the opportunity presents itself.

Comrade Biff