
What to do with the Book of LIES! ?

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Comrades, HELP ‒ any tome entombment expert among us?

An ostensibly friendly Western democracy, approving of dawah, apparently ready for hijrah, hosts since years pockets of evangelists and disciples of Salafiyyah, cumulated around Masjids (also called here Moschee) and seemingly happy to live among Naṣara, despite the latter living in kufr and shirk.

Particularly anchored in North Rhine-Westphalia, known for numerous no-go areas, the fame of Cologne-2016, and decades-long rule of Soc/Green left, the Salafi certainly enjoy the mild climate of Rhine and Gesang der Lorelei.

Anxious to save the infidel souls, they proselytize in the streets an bestow, for free, The Book along with a demand ‒ LIES! (which the local kuffar, correctly, decipher as READ! ‒ yet probably still not realizing, that it's Allahu PBUHu who speaks to them).

Here the look-and-feel :

Image ~
Not that the progress of dawah was without friction.

The spiritus movens of the LIES! operation came to his target land as (says he) 18 year old, from (says he) Palestine to (appears) study Elektrotechnik, which he dropped, to (seems) start a shoppe, which failed, amassed debt (which he was forced to repay), lived since on Gubmint dole (which was cancelled in 2012, as he had obviously means ‒ house, nice Mercedes ‒ via Aladdin magic). Oh, and between non-study and non-shoppe, became ‒ 12 years after arrival ‒ a Deutscher Staatsbürger (say official papers).

Non-study, non-shoppe, non-Imam ‒ and yet Allahu PBUHu spoke to him, Aladdin injected coins found in oily desert, and Operation LIES! started (2011).

Now, those "who live here longer"* were, generally, not amused. LIES! stands popped up in all bigger cities (declared aim : a Koran in each household, = 25 million) ; also Salafi gatherings in public spaces, heavily attended by "those who live here middle-long (3rd, even 4th generation)", with serial public conversions ‒ La ilaha illallah, Muhammadun rasulullah... ‒ of blonde kuffar youths. In the meantime, LIES! popped up in Austria and Switzerland. And spread to France and Britain.

* not kiddin' ; that's the newest official Orwellism ‒ "those who live here longer" versus "those who live here as of late".

Yet now ‒ spurred by election-2017, knuckle-dragging opinion has it ‒ harsher winds blow.

All of a sudden (this summer), Syria/ISIS oriented activities ‒ jihad-agitation in Masjids, material help to Allahu-terrorism, silently shuffling man-power on detours to Orient ‒ are proven, some Salafis get detained. And just weeks ago, country-wide crackdowns on several Islamic organizations ‒ the LIES! operation (Die Wahre Religion, DWR) most prominently.

10 regions, 190 locations. DWR banned. And its warehouse with 22.000 LIES!-Korans seized.

aaaaand ‒ here comes the core.
Those 22.000 LIES!-Korans have to be disposed of.

Bbbut, HOW ??? Sharia, PBUH, says no recycling, no incineration, no this, no that. Uh, I would think, bin Laden algorithm? After all, there is the Baltic Sea, and vee haff Kriegsschiffe, you know.

Most recent state of affairs ‒ Muslimic scholars are involved, to show the kuffar al-nur, the light ‒ the LIES! should be transported to and burried in the oily desert. Because most important ‒ there shall be no al'iinsan, whether Musulman or kafir, to WALK over the burial place.
Not even Dr. Strangelove ‒ Mein Führer, I can WALK!

One of the scholars pointed out : The LIES! Korans have an Unterzeile, a small print line, that says : "This is a German translation, approximately reflecting the meaning of Koran" ‒ thusly, it's not "indeed" Koran (so, raw shredding would be halal, why not?).

See, see ‒ approximately.
I would bet, that some suras are, uh, simply skipped ‒ or doctored like, say, Bol'shaya Sovyetskaya Entsiklopyediya.

And from the Faculty of Formal Logic :
Huh, is it Sharia-permissible to translate Allahu PBUHu APPROXIMATELY ???
Or ‒ already on the cover ‒ the "Holy Quran" as "only" the "Noble Quran" ("Der edle Quran") ???

Questions upon questions... Comrade Dar al-Harb bin Taqiyyah, any answers?


... plus 3 minutes look-and-feel on YouTube.

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Krautland is leading the way to the glorious future of Islamomarxism! Now, next to the "Current Truth" there is also the "Current Lies".

Our socialist prophet, mustachio man, would be so proud! I will pick up some of these "books of lies" as I pass the smoking ruins of Germany on my way to the Ski slopes in the alps next month.

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What to do with the book of Lies!?

Comrade, might I suggest a good old fashioned 'bonfire'? A nice BIG one. Toast some marshmallows and hotdogs and have a sing-a-long.

This time it will be justified.

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So the German Muslims promote the Koran under the slogan "LIES!" which in German means "READ!"

Is this simply hilarious Islamo-linguistics or is this taqiyya backwards?

Reminds me of this backward taqiyya in New York, as photographed by correspondent, Red Squirrel:


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I'm also told that a group of jihadis in France named their publication "Battar", which sounds like the French word for "illegitimate son."


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... while, at the first glance, my ‒ visual, non-verbal ‒ half-conscious blitz was : huh, al-Pissoir, Marcel Duchamp's Fountain (of 1917) :


Strange, but on a second (and third) look at the pic, the "toilet" perspective only got stronger. Indeed, it took me a short while to discern the Shahada-flag in the place where usualy bodily fluids (and semi-fluids) start their journey towards the sewer.

(as they would say in Motherland language - nu, taqiyya naabarot! uh, taqiyya in reverse!)

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Yet another cultural misunderstanding:

These nice ladies are trying but can't seem to understand the concept of pointing the index finger towards Allah while saying Allahu Akbar. They always get their fingers wrong, no matter how many time they rehearse it.


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For the first time, the Salafi-Index in Germany breaks 10.000! (says BfV, think German FBI).

Vee Chermans challenge zhe West to top zhat accomplishment!

sneak peek:
Salafiyya Germany
look & feel.
BfV (Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution),
Kubic glimpse.