
Womyn On Top - A Wombat Factory Celebration

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Comrades, Kittens, Chics, Puppies and Cute Fluffy Things,

It's time for a celebration!



That's right comrades, with tender Loving™ guidance of femynsts man bashing browbeating shaming and screaming victimhood korrekt policies, The Wombat Factory has helped to create a glorious new unequal world of more equalness. We have finally backed the mouth-breathing neanderthals into an economic corner and The Glorious World of Next Tuesday™ is just around the corner, just listen to these Neo-Kulaks:

The Left is still busily trumpeting the fallacy-filled idea of there being a wage gap in favor of men. In fact, the DNC recently sent out an email once again attempting to promulgate this lie, on the 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage, no less. Hey, never waste a Crisis ™, real or imagined, and also never waste a chance to totally use women, right, Lefties? Have to keep those women in line! By in line, I, of course, mean completely shrouded in a veil of nanny state neediness and victim-hood.

As I said in my article about the 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage, the woe-is-us “wage gap” myth has been shattered, despite the Left's attempt to cover up pesky things like facts and figures and such. Math is hard...

Read More: Women Winning The Wage Gap War

Rejoice Comrades!
*Sponsored by Jiffi-Lobo™ & PeopleMath™

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Comrade Rooster:

I beam with pride that you are surrounded Crappy Nappy clones. Yes we should have Wombat history month, uhhhh yea..I was just informed that we are running out of history months, so I move we invent a new MONTH!!!! A in Honor of me we could call it "Redstar-ember"

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality® INC
The Kind and Lovable, Green Commissar
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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This is all very interesting but I don't see why we hard-working proles have to be subjected to so many images of Big Sis. OK, Ok, I give, Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!

I won't do that (whatever it was) anymore - just take the pictures away. I'll take the rat/face-cage... anything. (sob, sob, whaah )

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Please, comrade darski, don't cry... just pick up a fluffy cute thing from over there in bin 8 and soothe the horror of Woomba Loomba's away. Enjoy the Party!

Red Star wrote: I beam with pride that you are surrounded Crappy Nappy clones. Yes we should have Wombat history month, uhhhh yea..I was just informed that we are running out of history months, so I move we invent a new MONTH!!!! A in Honor of me we could call it "Redstar-ember"

Now this is a month I could definitely get behind! We must bring this up at the next Politburo meeting.

All Hail Comrade Red Star!

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Wombat History Month! I can hardly wait until I start seeing the public service spots commemorating all the contributions wombats have made to Amerikka on my telescreen (at least I THINK they're public service spots... maybe it's flashbacks from those damn mushrooms again.) I want to be one of the first to participate in "Take your small wombat to work day!"

But where will we get the extra days for the month of Redstar-ember? Of course, RE-DISTRIBUTE THEM FROM THE RICH, GREEDY, FAT CAT MONTHS!

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The capitalist calender is all fahoodled. Some months have 30 days, a few have 31 and then there's one with 28. Redistribute that extra day in some months to February so every month has 30 days and any days leftover should be given to the Party to redistribute as they see fit.

It's racist that Black History month has been short changed.

Equality for all months!

(Why do I have to be the one to think of this shit when the solution is so obvious?)

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Yes Comrades, we will have Wombat History.

Also Red Rooster Library, We could even Re-name days Instead of Monday we will have Opiate of the People day, Wednesday could be Comrade Whoopie day... what we have now is so bourgeois, I am sure thought up by Rethuglkkkans...

Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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Very good Good Comrade Red Star! Ahhhrrmmmm... it is clear now why you sit on the Politburos Equalness Committee (beside kicking in doors at midnight, of course).

Yet, comrades, what is important also to this New™ movement is what shall we do with the Manginas™? You see I have seen these Manginas™ with my own eyes, they are quite frightful, they look kinda like sparkly vampires eating a plastic Oscar Mayer hotdog!


Quite surreal, and indeed there is more I wish to tell you; The Capon Makers™ are busy, busy, busy in making... well... Capons!!!


Yet it all amounts to this...


What to do comrade, what to do?

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Red Rooster wrote: What to do comrade, what to do?

Bacon turtles?
