
You Want Change? I'll Give You Change!

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“We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.”

(Hillary Clinton, 1993)

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Oh the glory! It brought some unfamiliar liquid discharge to the eyes of this old Bolshevik!

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Viva la Revolućion!

Hillary will unite us in an army of Socialism marching to the future!

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Red Square wrote:Oh the glory! It brought some unfamiliar liquid discharge to the eyes of this old Bolshevik!

Same thing happened to me. Only it wasn't from the eyes.

P.S. Brilliant video!

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The reactionaries are mounting a terrible onslaught of propaganda against Hillary. Just one more good reason to rally by her side as we march arm in arm to the future!

Ugly right-wing propaganda movie website

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I thought it was only our side that was supposed to do character-assassination propaganda movies against the Dark Side. Now that the Dark Side made its own movie, we need to counteract. We need to make an uplifting, glorifying people's movie about Her People's Highness.

Can Michael Moore do a positive, uplifting people's film to undo the damage? Or is it like trying to get the toothpaste back into the tube, hamburger back into the cow, and feces back into Michael Moore?

Hillary, we got a problem. A big people's problem.

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Red Square wrote:I thought it was only our side that was supposed to do character-assassination propaganda movies against the Dark Side. Now that the Dark Side made its own movie, we need to counteract. We need to make an uplifting, glorifying people's movie about Her People's Highness.

Can Michael Moore do a positive, uplifting people's film to undo the damage? Or is it like trying to get the toothpaste back into the tube, hamburger back into the cow, and feces back into Michael Moore?

This is what happens when our useful idiots lose their usefulness. The writer's guild believed they were "more equal" and went on strike. A few have come back, but many still will not work. Now, without them, the VRWC is out showing the true face of defaming our Dear Empress, Hillary!!

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Comrade Otis wrote:The reactionaries are mounting a terrible onslaught of propaganda against Hillary.

There is hope those who wish to destroy Empress Hilary, will be silenced. Using something called “Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002."

Who is this man McCain–Feingold? He is hero of our cause; he needs to be honored for his great work.

Hilary the movie, now in courts

Long live socialist democracy, guaranteeing genuine people's power and social justice!

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Oh comrades, I am too emotional to even comment coherently after that video!

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It is okay Pup. We just received another shipment of 6volt batteries to help ease your pain. Please see the new (and very nice looking) female comrade procurement officer and puppy groomer down the hall on the left for your battery issue.

If she's good enough for Uncle Joe, she's good enough for me! But what do we do to get her challenger Osama... err I mean Obama (freudian slip) out of the way?

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That was very personal for me.

Shhhh....we all know that is petty and bourgoisie. The personal life has no place in society but sometimes I just can't help myself, especially when it helps me win, like in New Hampshire.

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Now that's an endorsement!

Let live for centuries the name and work of Hillary Rodham Clinton--the leader of the 2008 Revolution, the creator and leader of our Communist Party and the best socialist government money can buy!

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Has the bidding stopped already on the best socialist government money can buy?

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Comrade Otis wrote:Let live for centuries the name and work of Hillary Rodham Clinton--the leader of the 2008 Revolution, the creator and leader of our Communist Party and the best socialist government money can buy!

Excellent slogan comrade.

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Comrade Otis wrote:Now that's an endorsement!

Let live for centuries the name and work of Hillary Rodham Clinton--the leader of the 2008 Revolution, the creator and leader of our Communist Party and the best socialist government money can buy!

Er... but to be on the safe side, put that on a brass plaque, one that can be replaced should Lenin help us, she become a non-person. No need in chiseling it in stone yet.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:
Comrade Otis wrote:Now that's an endorsement!

Let live for centuries the name and work of Hillary Rodham Clinton--the leader of the 2008 Revolution, the creator and leader of our Communist Party and the best socialist government money can buy!

Er... but to be on the safe side, put that on a brass plaque, one that can be replaced should Lenin help us, she become a non-person. No need in chiseling it in stone yet.

Navigator humbly offers the suggestion of LiteBrite as an affordable solution to honoring the MTE.
Image your own!:

The MTE will Love Us All!

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What an excellent suggestion! Of course I presume you are using green friendly lights?

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Comrade Otis wrote:Now that's an endorsement!

Let live for centuries the name and work of Hillary Rodham Clinton--the leader of the 2008 Revolution, the creator and leader of our Communist Party and the best socialist government money can buy!
Great! I've been looking for an expert on the accomplishments of HRC.
Can you show me one?


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Navigator wrote:Great! I've been looking for an expert on the accomplishments of HRC.
Can you show me one?

What sort of non-progressive doubt are you daring to express comrade? Perhaps you would see the accomplishments of the Empress more clearly from the end of a shovel? I have a nice dull one that has your name on it.

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That is one accomplishment!
Have another?

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Navigator wrote:Thanks!
That is one accomplishment!
Have another?

Would you like some People's Fries with that order of Thought Crime™?

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Navigator, your smilies are offensive and insensitive to people suffering jaundice. Do you think they're happy and always winking about their affliction?

The smilies are also offensive and insensitive to people who simply aren't happy and don't know how to wink unless they have a dust mote in their eye. I happen to be one of those people, and I am thoroughly traumatized by the sight of those things. You will stop using them at once and make apologies in the following forums:

(a) In prayer with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
(b) On Larry King Live
(c) On The View, where you will be forced a la Alex in A Clockwork Orange to watch Joy Behar smiling and winking at you repeatedly until you are broken re-educated, and you don't ever dare to smile or wink again.

You will then be forced to resign from your position, and make financial restitution.

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The wink is a nerve condition I developed from a beating I sustained while protesting at the wildlands fires in California.
Sen Harry Reid said the war on the fires was lost and we should bring our fire fighters home.
And they didn't.
We protested and at last made some progress near the end of summer. It wasn't windy either.
We were beaten bloody and I developed the twitch that drives you so.

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Very well, Navigator, you don't have to tell us your life story. Just say it's because of Bush.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote: The smilies are also offensive and insensitive to people who simply aren't happy and don't know how to wink unless they have a dust mote in their eye. I happen to be one of those people, and I am thoroughly traumatized by the sight of those things.

Your trauma is an inspiration!
Your mentoring has helped me see the people's Truth.

It came to me in the night. Bush is the serpent in the Garden.