
Young Teen Female Hacked And Tracked By Innocent Democrats

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Comrades, compadres and compatriots, and less than Comrades,

An offensive crime has been committed against a young female of our Amerika, Miss Teen America 2013. She was 'hacked' -- this is not an indictment or incitement of murder by asking... axing, but of individual who broken into her computer to compute and spy and her being.

There is suspicion among the police, FBI, CIA, EPA, IRS and other armed government agencies like the FDA and Department of Edubaction, that some of the prime suspects are our own comrades of the Democratic Party! Our loyal, armed government officials are naming names like: Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner. I think this is an injustice! Where is the proof, I ask?!

It is not of the character of our two beloved Democratics, to be spying, lying, peeping and creeping around young, innocent females, is it not?

I denounce this entire episode and demand retractions of the previously tracted, to clear the name of the innocent... not yet proved guilty.

clinton guilty.jpg

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The nose is definitely the same . . . and I am thinking Comrade Weiner might be related to his less than trophy wife, as well. Have you seen the beak on her, by chance?

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As you know, (or should know) beaks are essential instruments for "sticking" into non-progressive personal activities. As such, they are off limits to criticism. (unless deemed so by higher authorities with larger beaks)

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This young lion has NSA director written all over him. Get him to Washington stat!