
If I Reach the Age of Seventy Five

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If I reach the age of seventy five, if I am still alive
If my wife can survive, we may find
In that year we'll commit suicide

We are gonna tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
They're watching everything today

If I reach the age of seventy five
I ain't gonna need my teeth, won't need my eyes
Ashes in chimney flue
Gonna donate the rest of you

If I reach the age of seventy five
Your arms hangin' limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin' to do
Stop machine that's breathin' for you

If I reach the age of seventy five
They're gonna kill your husband, and kill your wife
They'll give your son, give your daughter too
Your ashes in a long glass tube

Life at year 75 ends
If you're still living, they're gonna make it all end
Doctor he'll look around himself and say
"Guess it's time for Death Panels play"

Life at year 75 ends
Results of Obama's mighty pen
He'll either say, "I'm pleased where healthcare's been"
Or tear it up, and write again

If I reach the age of seventy five
I'm kinda wonderin' if this man is gonna survive
They've taken everything that this man can give
We're burned to ashes again

Now's just seventy five years, Health care's shows our deepest fears
What we said it'd do, now is coming true
Sleep through eternal night, the fading of sunlight
So very far away, our freedoms are so yesterday

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The Maestro has spoken. You are a genius Comrade Groucho Marxist to have attempted and achieved rewriting this song.

I saved the nose of my little white mouse for you. It even has a sprinkling of Paprika on it. Don't ask me how I got the Paprika.


In the year AD 525
If Aws* can stay alive
If Khazraj* can survive
They may find

In the year AD 635
Ain't gonna be misled by untruth, tell no lie
Everything you think do or say
Is in the Surah that you heard today

In the year AD 745
You ain't gonna stray from Hadeeth, don't be Shi'ites
That whole thing was in vain
Stirred up by that nut, Hussein

In the year AD 855
Your jihad swept all before your eyes
Umayyads got nothin' to do
Abassids giving them the screw

In the year AD 965
Ain't gonna need no Arabs, won't need their knives
Outsource jihad and it's bloody work
To these newbies called the Seljuk Turks

In the year 11 and 10
If Pope's a-coming, he oughta say so by then
Maybe he'll get up at Clermont and say
Guess it's time for the First Crusade

In the year 12 and 10
Allah is gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say "I'm pleased what Islam has wrought"
Or give The Khan genocidal thoughts

In the year AD 1295
I'm kind of wonderin' if Islam's gonna survive
They took everything those Mongols could dish
And they weren't holding back nothin', yaa ma**

Now it's been 10 hundred years
Islam's caused a billion tears
For what some Prophet knew
Now Arab's time is through
But through their eternal spite
Their raging at twilight
Now again they slay
Try to impose yesterday

*(Aws, Khazraj -- two Arab tribes from Yemen who were forced to migrate to Medina, after the catastrophic failure of an earthen dam in early 6th century. They became Mohammed's followers and allies)

**(yaa ma -- actual Arabic lamentation)

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I love this place....

Guards... More Beet soup for everyone!!!!!

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Kelly Ivanovna/келя ивановна wrote:Callmelennie, terrific history lesson!!!!

Isn't he amazing

I got the title "In The Year 525" from BigFurhat, Groucho. We ran a thread about four years ago at iotw called "What's Hot on Jihadi Radio" Many of my Islam parodies are based on the titles that were in that thread. So I've had more help from my colleagues than most people realize.