
He's Clean and Articulate

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From the Campaign

Obama, I have hope in my life, not from Clinton's Arkansas
Repubs tried to end your running and so far you're going on
Obama I can hear you a talking
You're so good and full of hope
Hillary is going down to the shallows
And she don't have very long

(Howard Dean Yells)

This dude is hot, the word is out
They finally found one
Black Candidate enunciates
With adequate hygiene
Now get out and vote today
He'll lead the USA
Al Sharpton's mad

Obama, We've been years without glam following Gore and John Kerry
Clinton tried all her tricks and her slime and it's certain you'll be ahead
Obama I can hear you talking', We're certain that you're the one
Clinton is fallin' down to the shallows and she don't have very long

This dude is hot, the word is out
They finally found one
Black Candidate enunciates
With adequate hygiene
Now get out and vote today
He'll lead the USA
Bill Clinton's mad

[guitar solo]

Obama, I have hope in my life, not from Clinton's Arkansas
Hillary tried to end your running and so far you're going on

This dude is hot, the word is out
They finally found one
Black Candidate enunciates
With adequate hygiene
Now get out and vote today
He'll lead the USA
Ms. Clinton's mad
Ms. Clinton's mad